Welcome to the kitchen table of the Comedian Next Door! Today, we start with a parable... No, wait, we have to talk about pet food first.... Oh, and we need to pause and sort out some child drama.
Okay, NOW we're going to hear a parable about a church with a strange number of house fires. Everybody's house is burning to the ground around here! What is going on???
We need to look at the fruit that church people are producing. And then we need to have the courage to stop taking advice from broke people.
Instead of buying fireworks, why don't you teach your kids the basic tenents of Christianity? (Pssst, Christianity teaches more than just "love people.")If you'd like to reach out to the Comedian and his family, you can email [email protected] . Also, consider supporting the show by visiting johnbranyan.com and joining the Comedy Clique! We'll see you at the Fight Laugh Feast Conference in October, Neighbor! (Details at flfnetwork.com)