We can't promise this conversation will be better than LAST week's, but ...welcome to the table anyway!
Emmi is wearing a lot of hats, and The Peaches is going to her dance class soon. (Oops, sorry, we mean "rhymic movement.")
Let's talk about Legalism! First--we give a brief history of things that would get you reprimanded by Church People 40 years ago. (Cards, alcohol-consumption, and dancing!) The anti-dancing crowd will say it's important to "avoid the appearance of evil." And, to that, a ready reply should be: "True! So why don't you stop appearing to be such a Pharisee???" This is known as Good Rhetoric.
Later, The Peaches makes an excellent transition to discussing the NEW Legalism: Internet Karens who say all disciplinary spanking is abusive.
Nobody wants to be a Pharisee. So--Christians need to use this fact to their rhetorical advantage. In other words, we need to get better at framing the anti-spank Pharisees as judgmental jerks. If you're looking for an example of an actual social media exchange with a Pearl-Clutching Karen who doesn't love her kids enough to spank them, we've got you covered! Visit Kendra Tierney's blog, Catholic All Year, if you want great advice from an experience mom who spanks her kids with great results.
Email us at [email protected] -- and visit the website (johnbranyan.com) for information about going on vacation with us! Vacay with Comics, 2023. It's gonna be great.