cover of episode Your Third Eye

Your Third Eye

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The Coffee Buzz

Shownotes Transcript

I first heard about the third eye from Tool’s album Aenima. That album was where I first heard of the comedian Bill Hicks who spoke at length about the third eye. I thought it was a metaphor for perceiving the world as it is rather than glossed over facade that commercials and tv shows lead us to believe Turns out it's actually a physical thing and it’s also known as the pineal gland. It is a connecting link between the physical 3D word and the psychic dimension beyond it. Unfortunately most of us have calcified pineal glands because of pesticides, the standard American diet of processed fatty foods and fluoride. Join me this week as I talk about how to detoxify and activate your third eye.

How Fluoride makes us less intelligent:

Fluoride Action Committee:

The Fluoride Deception:

Coffee of the week Summer Moon Velvet Blaze:

Spotify Playlist this month:

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