Did you get the Presidential Alert text? Some people on the left were really upset by that. There’s even a lawsuit against the White House over it. If you’ve listened to this show you know I’m not a fan of the President, but I actually thought this was a good idea. Radio and traditional TV have been replaced by streaming services and podcasts so the most effective way of getting out a message these days is through our devices. So I didn’t really get the outrage until I read some Tweets by John Mcafee. The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!— John McAfee Audio used from Vice News full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCYLKCZf9QQ