cover of episode Understand Yourself & Others (includes live assessment w/ Dr. Linda Berens)

Understand Yourself & Others (includes live assessment w/ Dr. Linda Berens)

logo of podcast The Coaching Lab: Health, Wellness & Performance! (Brad Cooper, PhD)

The Coaching Lab: Health, Wellness & Performance! (Brad Cooper, PhD)

Shownotes Transcript

We hear a lot about becoming the “best version of ourselves.” But what version is that? How do we clarify our understanding of who we really are – at our core – and how we can most effectively open that best version up to the world, thus enhancing the positive impact we can have in our families, work settings, communities and world? 

Welcome to the latest episode of the Catalyst 360 Podcast – your trusted resource for the best in engaging, evidence-based health, wellness & performance insights. Today’s guest is Dr. Linda Berens – Dr. Berens and Dr. Cooper met 20 years ago when he attended an in-depth MBTI Certification program through her institute out in California. We was so impressed by her unique approach, we began integrating many of her insights into our trainings and eventually wrote a book together, which humorously brought out our very different interaction styles in the process 😊. She is the co-founder and lead architect for Interstrength who has been teaching professions since 1982 and is recognized internationally for her theoretical contributions to th field of psychological type and the development of user-friendly training materials used worldwide. We’ll be focusing today on her InterStrength CORE approach, which goes beyond “typology” and allows space for individuality, growth, realignment and understanding of patterns rather than boxing people into an “assessment label.” She’s even agreed to do a LIVE ASSESSMENT INTERVIEW W/ Dr. Cooper  as an example, which you’ll hear on the last half of the discussion. You can contact Dr. Berens and access all of her tools & resources at more information about the Catalyst Community, earning your NBHWC-approved health & wellness coach certification, the annual Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat & Symposium and much more, please see or reach out to us [email protected])Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST 5 here), a brief weekly bullet point list of 5 ideas, concepts or boosts Dr. Cooper has discovered to improve your personal and professional life!

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Looking for weekly tips, tricks and turbo boosts to enhance your life? Sign up for the CATALYST COMPASS here), a brief weekly compilation of ideas, evidence-based concepts and encouragement to improve your personal and professional life!

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