The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou


Total: 929

Aaron and Brian talk to Josh Ellithorpe (@zquestz), Software Architect for Apcera's Hybrid Clou

Aaron and Brian talk to Diogo Monica and Nathan McCauley (@diogomonica and @nathanmccauley; Security

Aaron and Brian talk to Chip Childers (@chipchilders, VP of Technology @CloudFoundryOrg) about the c

Aaron and talks to Brian ‘Redbeard’ Harrington  (@brianredbeard, Principal Architect, CoreOS) about

Aaron and Brian talk to Cornelia Davis (@cdavisafc; Cloud Foundry Platform Engineering at Pivotal) a

Aaron talks to Sheng Liang (@shengliang; Co-Founder/CEO of & Shannon Williams (@smw3

Aaron talks to Cole Crawford (CEO/Founder of, Founding executive director of Open Compute p

Aaron and Brian talk to Andy Weir (@andyweirauthor), author of The Egg and The Martian. We cover the

Aaron and Brian talk to Bernard Golden (@, VP of Strategy, ActiveState) about the latest from Active

Brian talks to The Pivotal Gang - James Watters (@wattersjames, VP of Cloud Platform), Andrew Clay S

Aaron and Brian talk to Richard Seroter (@rseroter, VP of Product CenturyLink) and Ed Saipetch (@eds

Aaron and Brian talk to Clint Kitson (@clintonskitson; Developer Advocate - EMC {code}) about how co

Aaron and Brian announce a new partnership of O'Reilly Media! To kick things off The Cloudcast

Aaron talks to John Sheehan (@johnsheehan; CEO of Runscope - @runscope) about the differences betwee

Aaron and Brian talk to Sam Ramji (@sramji; President of Cloud Foundry Foundation) about his first 3

Brian talks to Patrick Reilly (@preillyme; CEO @kismatic) about the basics of Kubernetes, deploying

Aaron talks to Karthik Rau (@krrau; Founder/CEO of @SignalFx) about the launch of their advanced mon

Brian talks to Alexis Richardson (Founder @WeaveWorks) and Khash Sajadi (CEO @Cloud66) about their g

Brian talks to TJ Randall (@TJRandall; VP System Engineering @XebiaLabs) about how customers work th

Aaron and Brian talk to Robyn Bergeron (@robynbergeron; Ops Advocate @Elasticsearch) about the vario