The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou


Total: 929

Aaron and Brian talk with Randy Kilmon (VP of Engineering at @black_duck_sw) about the open source v

Brian talks with Allan Leinwand (@leinwand, Chief Technology Officer @ServiceNow) about the key char

Brian talks with Dan Kohn (@dankohn1, Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation) a

Brian talks with Matt Colyer (@mcolyer; Product Manager at @github | Founder of Flagr and Easel) abo

Brian talks with Adrian Cockcroft (@adrianco, Technology Fellow at @BatteryVentures) about the recen

Aaron and Brian talk about the 2016 Mid-Year State of the Cloudcast (and Cloud), what they expect to

Brian talks with Kim Weins (@kimweins, VP of Marketing) and Tim MIller (@Miller_Tim, VP of Engineeri

Brian talks with Shlomi Ben Haim (@ShlomiBenHaim; CEO of @JFrog) about social software distribution

Brian talks with Stephen Fink (@sjfink, Distinguished Research Staff Member @IBM) about serverless c

Brian talks with Gina Minks (@gminks, PMM for @SpanningBackup) about the growth of SaaS applications

Aaron talks with Sinclair Schuller (@sschuller; CEO/Founder of @Apprenda) about news at Apprenda, th

We're giving away two OSCON passes! Aaron talks with Matt Brender (@mjbrender, Developer Advoca

Aaron and Brian talk with Tim Gerla (@tybstar, VP Product) and Dan Nurmi (@dannurmi, CTO) at @Anchor

Aaron and Brian talk to Kendrick “Kenny” Coleman (@kendrickcoleman; Developer Advocate @EMCcode) abo

Aaron and Brian talk to Mitchell Hashimoto (@mitchellh, Founder of @HashiCorp) about the lack of VC

Brian talks with Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja, Co-Host of The Geek-Whisperers) about the chaotic state of

Aaron and Brian talk with Donnie Flood (@floodfx) and Larry Ogrodnek (@ogrodnek) about their podcast

Aaron and Brian talk with Corey Sanders (@CoreySandersWA; Director of Program Management @Microsoft)

Aaron and Brian talk with Joe Emison (@JoeEmison; Founder and Chief Technology Officer @ BuildFax) a

Aaron and Brian talk with Keith Townsend (@CTOAdvisor) about emerging technology trends, how Enterpr