The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou


Total: 929

Brian talks with Amy Lewis (@commsninja) about the World Cup, women in tech events, and brainstormin

Brian talks with Kendrick “Kenny” Coleman (@kendrickcoleman) about DockerCon 2018 - the announcement

Aaron and Brian talk with Michael Liebow (@mliebow, Global Managing Director, @AccentureCloud) about

Aaron and Brian talk with Peder Ulander (@ulander, VP Marketing, Networking and Security @VMware) ab

Aaron and Brian talk with Michael Garski (Director of Software Engineering @FenderDigital) about bui

Aaron and Brian talk with Chao Han, (VP & Head of R&D at @Lucidworks) about critical Data Sc

Brian talks with Christine Yen (@cyen, Co-Founder at @honeycombio) about the concept of Observabilit

Brian talks with Dominic Preuss (@deesix, Director Product Management @GoogleCloud) about the breadt

Aaron and Brian talk with Simon Crosby (@simoncrosby, CTO) and Simon Aspinall (@saspinall, CMO) at n

Aaron and Tyler Britten talk with Liz Rice (@lizrice, Technology Evangelist @AquaSecTeam) about what

Brian talks with Steve Abraham (Principal Solutions Architect @ Amazon Web Services) building and mi

Aaron talks with Rahul Ravulur (@ravulur, Co-Founder & CEO of @AppOrbit) about how companies are

Brian talks with Srinivas Krishnamurti (@skrishna09; Founder/CEO of Zugata) about the evolution of w

Aaron talks with Jesse Proudman (@jesseproudman; Founder of @StrixLeviathan) about entrepreneurship,

Brian talks with Josh Stella (@joshstella, CEO of @FugueHQ) about what DevSecOps means, how companie

Brian talks with Steve Ridder (@saridder, CEO @teralytic) and Dan Casson (VP Engineering, @teralytic

Brian talks with Amy Lewis (@commsninja, Director Influence Marketing @VMware, Co-Host @Siftspod pod

Brian talks with Andy Richman (Product Manager @ParkMyCloud) about which groups are responsible for

Brian talks with Derek Collison (@derekcollison, Founder and CEO at Synadia Communications) about th

Aaron and Brian talk with Lenny Pruss (@lennypruss, Partner at Amplify Partners) about the evolution