The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Clou


Total: 931

Steve Buchanan (@buchatech, Principal PM @Azure,  Author @Pluralsight) talks about his journey in Ku

Reviewing KubeConEU 2023


KubeConEU 2023 in Amsterdam had over 10,000 attendees. What were the highlights and new trends happe

Fax to the Future


Shawn Freligh (SVP/GM, Content Lifecycle Automation @UplandSoftware) talks about cloud delivery, AI

How much of an impact has Digital Transformation really had on major markets? How often do unicorns

Rob Szumski (@robszumski, Founder/CEO @Edgebitio) talks about the evolution of software supply chain

AI is either having its 15 minutes of fame, or completely reshaping every aspect of technology (and

Jamin Ball (@jaminball, Partner @ Altimeter Capital, author Clouded Judgement) talks about SaaS busi

Free is great, until it isn’t. Now that the unicorn buffet of VC funding has less cheap money, expec

Open Telemetry


Gordon Radlein (@maascamp, Engineering Director at @Datadoghq) talks about the evolution of Open Tel

The managers vs. workers leverage pendulum is swinging back again. Will management continue investin

Gleb Budman (@GlebBudman, CEO/Co-Founder of @Backblaze) talks about the evolution of cloud storage,

March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb. Let’s explore 3 storylines that might have lon

Martina Iglesias Fernández (@martina_if, CTO)  & David Tuite (@dtuite, CEO of @Roadiehq) talk ab

This past week, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was closed by banking regulators. Let’s understand the bas

James Governor (@monkchips, Co-Founder @Redmonk) talks about Developer experience in 2023. Topics in

It’s now been 3 years since the world was disrupted by COVID-19. How has the tech industry been impa

Zachary Smith (@zsmithnyc, Head of Edge Infrastructure @Equinix) talks about Edge Computing, the evo

The economics of the Internet are changing as the foundational ad-driven model is being disrupted. H

Michael Isbitski (@michaelisbitski, Director Cybersecurity Strategy @sysdig) talks about about Sysdi

Public cloud usage. Cloud-native application development. Developer relations. In a down economy, ev