Matt Biilmann (@biilmann, CEO/Co-Founder @Netlify) talks about the evolution of websites, the architecture of the Jamstack, the evolution of mobile + CDNs, and interacting with 3rd-party APIs.
**CLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK **-**PodCTL Podcast is Back (Enterprise Kubernetes) **-**SHOW NOTES:**
**Topic 1 **- Welcome to the show. You’ve been trying to make websites easier for quite a while. Tell us a little bit about your background and what motivates you about Netlify.
**Topic 2 **- Let’s start by talking about how the web is consumed these days; what’s broken, and how are you trying to make it better?
**Topic 3 **- What is Jamstack? How much is language, how much is frameworks, how much is architecture, and how much is a different way to think about Websites/Content/CMS?
**Topic 4 **- So we have this website content distributed out to the CDN, how to 3rd-party APIs interact with the system (e.g. Stripe, Agolia, Twilio, AWS Lambda, etc.)?
**Topic 5 **- CDN’s just used to serve content, and now they are running code at the edge. How do those interactions work?
**Topic 6 **- You recently wrote that we might be hitting an inflection point for Websites/CMS’. Is that just a natural evolution of the distributed internet, or has anything in 2020 accelerated that?