Aaron talks with Marc Holmes (@marcholmes, VP Marketing @Chef) about the exploding usage of containers, how application management is changing, how Chef is rethinking the tools they provide to SysAdmins, Ops and Developers, and how Chef Habitat is evolving in Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry environments.Show Links:
- Chef Habitat)
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Show Notes
- Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. You’ve been at Chef for a couple years now, and previously at Docker (and several other emerging tech companies). Can you give us some perspective on where you see the market today in this time of rapid transitions?
- Topic 2 - We both come from a technical background and found ourselves customer facing and eventually on the business and marketing side. How has that transition been and what motivated you to make the change?
- Topic 3 - About a year ago, Chef introduced Habitat, which was a fairly large “re-think” from the previous Chef platforms, which was more focused on SysAdmin / Ops teams. Give you give the audience an overview on Habitat, for anyone that’s not familiar with the basic concepts?
- Topic 4 - Sometimes people will say that the existing Config Management tools are no longer needed now that we have containers, since they describe everything within their tools / files. How might you respond to those types of arguments?
- Topic 5 - A few weeks ago Chef introduced Habitat Builder. How does this differ from Habitat?
- Topic 6 - We see that Habitat is now supporting integration with platforms like Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. How are you seeing the uptake of those platforms in the market, or what’s driving their adoption?
- Topic 7 - As you’re engaging with more companies that are building Cloud Native applications, what are some of the things they do that make them successful with these new apps, new operational models, new types of IT cultures?
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