Aaron talks to Cole Crawford (CEO/Founder of Vapor.io, Founding executive director of Open Compute project and Co-founder of OpenStack) about momentum for Open Compute, rethinking how Data Center racks are designed, and the Vapor.io stack - OpenMist OS, Open DCRE and CORE.
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Topic 1 - Tell us about your background. It’s very extensive in both open source (software) and open hardware.
Topic 2 - The company is described as “the first hyper converged and truly data defined data center solution”. Please translate that for us :)
Topic 3 - For a small company, you have some large (conceptual) offerings - common hardware, rack-level provisioning, and this unique new rack model. Just how ambitious are you guys? (hardware with API’s!)
Topic 4 - OpenMist OS (just launched). Let’s talk about each of the core pieces - Open DCRE (Data Center Runtime Environment). Is this an open BMC (Board Management Controller)?
Topic 5 - Vapor CORE - This seems like RAID (Storage) meets BGP / HSRP (Networking) and compute scheduling (vCenter) all mashed together, with APIs to higher-level services (eg. Mesosphere or Docker)
Topic 6 - Vapor Chamber - at first glance, this seems like The Big Green Egg (grill) for data center equipment. Fair analogy?
Music Credit: Nine Inch Nails (nin.com))