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Will Democrats Stop Being So Liberal?

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The Charlie Kirk Show

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Charlie Kirk
Josh Hammer
Matt Towery
Josh Hammer:2024年大选共和党获胜,与其大规模选民动员工作有关,尽管这并非其理想的竞选模式;奥巴马时代的政治联盟已经瓦解,民主党需要深刻反思其政策和意识形态与民意脱节的问题;特朗普竞选团队的策略成功突显了民主党在跨性别议题上的立场与主流民意脱节。 Charlie Kirk:Turning Point USA 在大选中发挥了关键作用,尽管面临来自共和党内部的质疑;亚利桑那州的选情分析,预测凯丽·莱克可能赢得选举;2024年大选的成功,并不意味着2026年中期选举会轻松获胜,需要继续努力;共和党应该在2026年中期选举中采取积极的策略,例如支持格伦·杨金和布莱恩·肯普竞选参议员。 Matt Towery:特朗普竞选团队成功地动员了低投票率选民,这在选举中起到了关键作用;民主党在2024年大选中失败,部分原因在于未能有效动员非裔美国男性选民;民主党在竞选策略上犯错,试图依靠名人和公众人物的知名度来赢得选民,这最终失败了;共和党需要吸引内华达州的工薪阶层选民,同时尊重他们的核心价值观,才能赢得该州;民调机构的失误,部分原因在于其数据收集方法存在问题,未能有效捕捉到“害羞的特朗普支持者”;特朗普的竞选团队运作出色,并且得到了选民的支持,特别是年轻选民的支持。 Andrew:根据纽约时报的统计,共和党可能赢得超过223个众议院席位;拥有众议院多数席位和一位受欢迎的总统,将使共和党更容易在立法方面取得进展;共和党应该优先处理预算问题,并可能在边境安全问题上与部分温和派民主党人达成共识;共和党需要关注2026年和2028年的参议院选举,特别是在佐治亚州和北卡罗来纳州;佐治亚州的选举结果令人担忧,共和党需要制定策略来应对该州日益增长的民主党势力;如果目前的趋势持续下去,一些传统上属于民主党的州,例如新泽西州,在未来可能会成为共和党的竞争目标;共和党在2026年参议院选举中面临挑战,需要关注关键州的选情,并争取更多非裔美国选民的支持。 Sam Rodriguez:拉丁裔选民支持特朗普,是因为他们反对民主党的社会政策,例如堕胎、批判性种族理论、性别认同等;民主党需要与拉丁裔选民进行坦诚对话,否则将失去这一重要的选民群体;拉丁裔保守派将成为未来保守运动的重要力量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Hispanic voters shift significantly towards Trump in the 2024 election?

Hispanic voters, particularly men, shifted towards Trump due to concerns about issues like DEI, CRT, wokeism, cancel culture, open borders, fentanyl, and the transgender agenda in schools. They voted against policies that they felt threatened their family values and the well-being of their children.

What role did the Trump campaign's messaging on transgender issues play in the election?

The Trump campaign's messaging on transgender issues, particularly in an ad featuring Kamala Harris, resonated with voters who were concerned about the impact of such policies on children and society. This ad, despite not being based on consultant data, contributed to a shift in voter sentiment against the Democrats.

How did the Trump campaign's approach to early and mail-in voting impact the election outcome?

The Trump campaign's willingness to engage in early and mail-in voting, despite not being their preferred method, allowed them to mobilize a significant number of voters. This strategy was crucial in overcoming the challenges posed by the voting system and contributed to Trump's victory.

What were the key factors that led to Trump's strong performance in traditionally Democratic areas?

Trump's strong performance in traditionally Democratic areas was driven by his appeal to working-class values, economic policies that benefited the Hispanic community, and a focus on issues like immigration and border security. Additionally, the Democrats' progressive policies on social issues were seen as out of touch with mainstream sentiments.

How did the polling industry's predictions compare to the actual election results?

The polling industry, particularly firms like FiveThirtyEight, significantly underestimated Trump's support. This was partly due to their reliance on traditional polling methods that failed to capture the 'shy Trump voter.' In contrast, firms like Insider Advantage and Trafalgar Group, which used more anonymous and accurate methods, provided more reliable predictions.

What were the strategic errors made by the Democratic Party in the 2024 election?

The Democratic Party's strategic errors included relying too heavily on celebrity endorsements and failing to address core issues like the economy and border security. They also made the mistake of not allowing Kamala Harris to engage with tough questions, which made her appear unprepared and out of touch with voters.

What are the implications of the 2024 election results for the future of the Democratic Party?

The 2024 election results suggest that the Democratic Party needs to reassess its policies and messaging, particularly on issues that resonate with working-class and Hispanic voters. If they fail to do so, they risk further alienating these key demographics and losing more ground in future elections.

How did the Republican Party's approach to Hispanic voters differ from the Democrats' approach?

The Republican Party focused on issues that directly impacted Hispanic families, such as economic opportunities, border security, and the protection of traditional family values. In contrast, the Democrats' progressive agenda on social issues was seen as threatening to these core values, leading to a significant shift in Hispanic voter support towards the Republicans.

The discussion focuses on the factors that contributed to Trump's significant victory, including his campaign strategies and the shift in voter demographics.
  • Trump's campaign targeted low propensity voters and effectively utilized early voting and mail-in voting.
  • The Hispanic vote saw a significant shift towards Trump, particularly in key battleground states.
  • The death of the 2008 Obama intersectional coalition was noted as a pivotal shift in the electorate.

Shownotes Transcript


Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to Okay, we now have a great guest, Josh Hammer. Josh Hammer.

Josh is a great man and really astute. And Josh, welcome to the program. Josh, I want your analysis of what happened here in the 2024 election. What made it different from elections past? What did we do right? What did the Democrats do wrong?

Well, Charlie, first of all, huge kudos to you and to Turning Point and the whole operation over there. I mean, I think it's a very legitimate question as to whether or not we could have gotten the Trump van ticket across the finish line were it not for this massive get-out-the-vote effort, this massive willingness to get involved in the early vote, the mail-in voting. I mean, look, you know, we didn't choose to –

to wage elections on this particular terrain. In my estimation, I would prefer call it a law, constitutional amendment, whatever you have to do, make it one election day, no early voting. If you live overseas, act the military, whatever. But in general, not my preferred paradigm. The point is, in the aftermath of all the chaos from 2020, we had to

play by their rules, whether we wanted to or not. So huge credit to you guys. And basically everyone else out there as well, the RNC, everyone involved. I mean, this is a tremendous willingness to not play the ideal hand, but to play the hand that we were dealt. And we have all seen the results this week. So-

Look, Charlie, I'm not shocked. I'm not shocked that Donald Trump dominated as much. In fact, my public prediction was actually that he would win all seven of the major battleground swing states. I am a little surprised at the extent to which the dominance extended.

I mean, there's so many data points to possibly look at here. I mean, Star County, Texas, the most Hispanic county in America, 97% Hispanic county, largely Mexican. Donald Trump winning that county by 16 points. Are you kidding me? You know, major urban corridors. Queens County, New York. I mean, like Queens. I mean, like the

The New York Mets LaGuardia Airport, Queen shifting 20 to 22 points towards Trump from 2020. Donald Trump outright winning Miami-Dade County right here in Florida, where I live, a 70% Hispanic county, the most populous county in Florida. I mean, winning the national popular vote, the first time a Republican has done that since George W. Bush, 2004, and likely going to end up winning so by an even larger margin than Bush did in 2004. I mean, this is historic stuff. 46% of the national Hispanic vote there. Basically, every element of...

of this multi-ethnic working class coalition that conservative talkers and pundits and thinkers have talked about for years. It basically all came together. I mean, this was the culmination of the political realignment, basically. And I think you have seen the death, the long overdue death

of the 2008 Barack Obama intersectional coalition. We have witnessed this week the death of Obamaism. Now, it was a long time coming. You saw a lot of these seeds back in 2020, possibly even a little bit before then. But all the pieces are finally coming together. And I think for the Democrats, Charlie, the Democrats really, really, if they're going to be intellectually honest, which they typically aren't,

They need to really spend some serious time looking in the mirror and just pausing and engaging in some very sober introspection as to how their policies and their political ideology got so utterly divorced from the common sense, mainstream sentiments of the American people. I mean, I saw some polling internally that apparently that transgender ad that the Trump campaign ran where he had Kamala Harris.

It was apparently a 2.7 percentage point shift from one ad. I mean, that's incredible. And that right there just encapsulates how out of touch they are. Well, let me take a couple things on that ad. Number one, this is why I think Susie Wiles should be chief of staff. And I've said this now publicly. Susie Wiles went with her gut here. And some of the consultants, this is a true story, Blake. These super smart, hocus pocus consultants said, I don't know, running on the trans thing, just focus on economy. And Susie and the team said, this is bigger.

They said, number one, we're trying to frame her as she is a radical liberal. The trans thing for people in the middle of the Midwest, it's not popular, but it involved illegal immigrants. So it's narrative immigration and that immigrants get special treatment to such the extent that

That your taxpayer dollars chop off their private parts. Blake. It perfectly ropes in so many things. Can we get the ad please, Ryan? I talked to someone who they, first of all, they were making fun of Trump's debate performance because they were in a lib circle that made fun of him saying that, you know, illegal immigrants in prison, all of that. And then I pointed out.

you know this is real, right? And I produced a link to it. And he's like, okay, well, it's not that big of a deal. How often is this happening? But it's not how often it happens. It's like if you learned that Kamala ate babies or something in private. It's not that it was a lot of babies. One is enough. And so to do something that demented, import someone illegally into America so you can do novel medical practices on them while they're in prison.

It's so demented. It's so deranged. We talked about this before the election. One of our biggest problems was the left was so insane that voters would not believe it. And it looks like this got through. Oh, they're really nuts, aren't they? Yeah, and then what they did, the Trump campaign is so smart, they doubled up with the ad.

With Charlemagne, the God's reaction. Yeah. So they did the ad and then they, uh, Charlemagne, you know, whatever the guy from a breakfast club. And then they doubled up with his reaction showing that not only is this crazy, but like regular everyday people think it's out of control. It's nuts. And Josh, doesn't that go to show that this Trump campaign, there was zero this. I want to be clear. There was zero consultant data that showed this was a good idea, except a gut instinct of,

from Trump's inner circle. Pretty cool. Yeah, very cool. I mean, it's kind of just common sense though, isn't it? I mean, the transgender issue is an issue that polling has been 75, 25, maybe 70, 30, depending on the poll, the way you want to phrase it. I mean, the notion that US taxpayer dollars should go to anyone.

to basically try to cut off your genitalia, chemical castration for inmates, for minors. It is a ludicrous, it is a ludicrous proposition. But, you know, people internally of the Kamala Harris campaign, I think this is the key point. People internally, they heard the warning flags. Apparently Bill Clinton told the Kamala Harris campaign, said, you guys have to answer for this. And the Kamala Harris people were like, what are you talking about? This makes no difference because they live in a bubble, because they live in an echo chamber of all echo chambers.

I mean, they're listening to all the blue checked lefties, Vox, Jezebel, all these all these stupid left wing sites and these consultancies, Act Blue. I mean, they just talk among themselves and they literally still think that you are just a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, whatever, for not indulging the fantasy, as Blake just said, of like a double or triple intersectional unicorn fart issue of bringing in a bunch of illegals and then taxpayers subsidizing, chopping off their healthy parents.

It's just a mess. It is a total mess. So common sense, visceral good instincts there. You know, look, it's just a remarkable success story, Charlie. And obviously a lot of other issues are relevant in this election as well. That's not the only one there. But that adds to me. It encapsulates everything. All right. Let's play cut to 97. This is this. They spent, I think, 60 million dollars on this ad.

So smart. Play cut to 97.

So that was the second one. That was the sequel, Blake. Yeah, I really love the they them thing. I think that's an underrated part of it.

It's not just that that evokes the transgender issues. It's so smart. It also evokes – like if you're a white-collar worker, you've had to sit through people putting their pronouns at the bottom of emails asking you for that stuff. I totally agree. You think of the language policing. If you're a college student, you've run into that language policing everywhere. Yeah.

And so it's bringing in so many things. It's bringing in, you're scared for your kids. It's bringing in, you're scared about the border. It's bringing in, the left are these obnoxious, moralizing scolds. And it all comes together in one 30-second ad. Josh, plug your stuff, please, really quick. 20 seconds. Yeah, Charlie, always great to join you. So I'm on xjosh__hammer. Instagram is joshbhammer. I host America on Trial with Josh Hammer and also the Josh Hammer Show. Charlie, once again, congratulations to you in Turning Point for your huge role in this. It was a tremendous success.

Just a great, great week for these United States. Well, look, you know who deserves the congratulations? The country does. We just played a small role. We did our job despite a lot of people trying to take us out, a lot of Republican operatives cheering us for our demise. And we kept our head down while everyone else was too busy on Twitter. We were putting ballots in boxes.

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No, Donald Trump is like gaining steam in Arizona right now. It's incredible. We were just talking about this before we get it on is I think without our efforts, it would have looked a lot more like Pennsylvania or Wisconsin for Trump. We would have. I don't even know. A point. Maybe. Maybe within a point. Maybe. And with ours, with the data that we're coming back, I'm so excited to see the final data, Charlie, because I think we're going to be like at 210.

of our universe. That's unbelievable. And it's really unbelievable. So in Arizona, everybody, national update, we still have 30% of all of our votes outstanding because put 298 up. There's still 584,000 votes left in Maricopa, 174,000, 175,000 votes left in Pima, 27,000 votes left in Cochise, 62,000 votes left in Yabapai,

20,000 votes left in Mojave. What is going on here? Tyler? I'm really, let's throw it up. Oh, you got about a screen. Yeah. So Maricopa County has an estimated five 84. There's some suggestions that it's up. It's closer to 700,000. It doesn't make sense. Not really. Right. Um,

So just for everybody's awareness here, Apache is the bad place. So you're basically losing 75% of those. And that's where Navajo Nation. That's Navajo Nation. And we have a historic amount of hilariously Navajo Nations in Apache County, not Navajo County.

Yeah, exactly. Well, Navajo Nation goes through Navajo County. But it's largely in Apache. That's right. So they call that Nav Apache. The combination of the two is Navajo Apache. But you have the Apache tribe that's there. That's why it's called Apache. So the Apache tribe is like in the dead center of Navajo Nation. And they're a really unique tribe because they're protected, surrounded by the Navajo tribe.

You've got Gila, which is deep red, 5,500 votes, the vast majority, 75% of those are going to go to Trump and Kerry. You have Graham County, also that's similar to Gila. That's the home of Eastern Arizona College. It's a historically rural Mormon outpost. What's the name of it? What is it? Graham County. Eastern Arizona College. I'm going to visit there at some point. Yeah, it's highly, it's like one of the most conservative colleges in Arizona. We actually had a really good rally there. And it was publicly funded, right?

It is publicly funded. It's basically like a community college for Graham County. It's the Graham County Community College. That's awesome. I'm highly Mormon. It's basically like a tiny little Brigham Young University. Tons of people go there. I will go visit there one time. Wilcox area, that's there. That whole part of the state I've never been in. You know that, right? Well, it's hard to get to because there's mountains that are right there outside of Pinal. So you have to go down and around to get to it. So either you have to intentionally get to Graham. They have Mount Graham, right?

I think that's in Graham County, yeah. Okay. Right down the border. And then you have Pima County, which is going to be really bad for us. But right now, the last drops have broken 50-50, which is really good for us. So that's a bad county. If Kerry can maintain getting 50-50 there. And then the rest of the state is basically...

It's basically red now. And Coconino is going to be not good either. So Coconino, Apache and Pima and Pima are your are your red alert places where we got to see what comes in. Not very many votes left in Coconino or Apache. Maricopa County is look, if you can break Maricopa County basically in half 50 50, if you can keep Pima County to 50 50, the rest of the state's going to get you to. Well, she'll do better than 50 50 with what's remaining in Maricopa. You think so? So.

So if she does, Charlie, you've got a Senator Lake. Well, hold on. Let's do the math here. I want to do you keep going. I'm going to I'm going to fact check you. You keep going. Yeah. I mean, here I said. So this is my prediction. If we go through all the counties real quick, we'll start. We'll start in Mojave and work our way down to the bottom right. Mojave, we're going to win 75 percent of those of those votes left. Coconino, we're going to lose 70 percent of those votes.

Navajo, we're going to win 60% of those votes. Apache, we're going to lose 75% of those votes. Yavapai, we're going to win 70% of those votes. Gila County, we're going to win 65% of those votes. Graham County. How many total votes are outstanding right now? The total is about a million, a little over a million. Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, okay, I'm just doing the math. I'm looking at that college you mentioned, by the way, and in 2020, at least it went for Trump, 78%. How cool is that? It is a great.

Great call. Thatcher. It's a very Thatcher and Wilcox are little Mormon outposts. Um, you have Pinal County, which is great. We still have 23,000 ballots left at 24,000 ballots left in Pinal. Those are going to go 70% for Carrie, uh, Yuma. You're going to have at least 60% go for Carrie. Uh,

uh, Santa Cruz and Pima, which is basically the Pima Santa Cruz, uh, conjunction here. That's going to be a real big question mark. So what happens in Pima? What happens in Maricopa and how that offsets one another is going to be, uh, so, so there's two, so it's really interesting. There's 217,000 good ballots, real ballots left. There's 199,000, um, Pima, uh,

Apache Coconino ballots. Do you think the rules will outperform the bad counties? Yeah, right now they are. Yeah, right now they are by about 10 points. Okay. So you think the rules will you'll be getting that 10 points out of those remaining if we net five points and Maricopa breaks even and

You have a Senator Lake. Yeah, well, if you net 10% of it, that's not totally right. It's close. I'll show you the math. It's very close. All right, I've been a little bit of a skeptic here for Tyler on the Kerry Lake comeback tour, and I just did the numbers, and it's going to be way closer. Okay, I have my math. Blake, I want you to fact check it. You have the outstanding ballots uncounted?

You have that, Matt? Yeah, we're looking at the outstanding ballots. You don't have to do this live on air. While I talk to Matt, you do this. Here's the assumption. Maricopa breaks even, even though she's winning it slightly. So let's just go worst-case scenario. Mm-hmm.

Coconino, Pima and Apache perform as they currently are. OK. OK. And that the rules will perform 70 percent for carry, which is actually lower than how they're performing. OK. We'll run those. That's a fair. That's a fair number. And she is fifty three thousand votes down. So do all of that and tell me what the number is. Well, we have to set this up because I'm leaving and I'm going to come back. But I got to get to our guests. The setup was that I said that all she has to do is break America. You said there's no way.

And this is the point of this formula. Because usually the rules are in quicker. The point of this formula is that it's true. All right. So we have Matt Towery. Is that right, Andrew? Okay. Hey, Matt, welcome to the program. We shared a Fox News screen last night, and thank you for those kind words. Matt, credit to you. Your polling has become the gold standard. You saw this race correctly. Congratulations, and welcome to the program. Yeah.

Well, thank you, Charlie. I'm on the fly today. I hope you can hear me well. I really wanted to join you. It's a pleasure. And by the way, I just want to again say what I told Laura's listeners last and viewers last night, and that is you did a fantastic job. And everyone knows that you

you know, a lot of folks say they're going to get turnout going and they're going to do this and that, but you delivered. And that was a big part of that victory. So congratulations. That means a lot, Matt. And a lot of people doubted us, but we worked hard. Thank you, Matt. From a polling standpoint, what, what are the top line takeaways and someone who does this professionally, what surprised you the most this election? Well,

Well, it really wasn't a surprise. It was an execution. You know, the Trump campaign said they were going to go after low propensity voters. In other words, people who are registered, but or may not be registered, but who don't vote, but could vote and would vote for Trump. And with your help and other groups, they did it. And I guess the second thing that was not a surprise to me because our polling showed it, but the African-American males,

I think more than the exit polls show, they show about 24% for Trump. I think it's probably even higher. And that kept these cities like Atlanta and Philadelphia and so many others from supplying a victory for Harris because she just was underperforming and the turnout was light as well. The African-American community just was not excited by her. I could go on and on. I think that in

In general, you were kind to talk about my polling. I mean, you know, we have great pollsters like my friend Robert Cahaley at Trafalgar, Emerson, Fox News does some good work. But as you know, the polling snobs like Nate Silver and FiveThirtyEight always treat the other pollsters as if they're the gold standard, even though we usually have the lowest error rate.

So I was just thankful. Listen, I was thankful the whole the way the race went. And I was thankful that we we got it right for the most part. Well, it's just incredible. And so what what would you say for a Democrat?

trying to learn from this election, what was one of their operating assumptions that they got most wrong, that was their biggest miss? Where they tried to build a theory of the case, what were one of their assumptions that was incorrect? Well, I think it was more strategic than anything else. They felt like if you built...

a campaign based on celebrity and people who are popular to the general public, that you could somehow transfer their popularity and turn it into votes and turnout. And it was a miserable failure. They had Barack Obama chide African American men

for considering voting for Trump, that backfired on them. They used every name they could to attend their rallies. They even ditched a rally to go do Saturday Night Live. None of that worked. It was all a complete backfire. And so there's Donald Trump staying with the people, getting people fired up, talking about the real issues. And I'll say one other thing. The other mistake they made

If they treat it in law school, I remember there's this case of the man with the eggshell skull. And the question is, if the doctor operates on it, the skull is going to shatter, but if he doesn't, the person's going to die. I was famous in my torts class in law school. Well, they treated her like she was a candidate with the eggshell skull. They would not put her out.

They wouldn't let anyone ask tough questions. And as a result, she came across to the public as being not not serious and not capable of leading on issues like Donald Trump. But I think those strategic errors are probably part of the reason why she lost. So as the Trump campaign looks backwards and they see the states where they performed the best.

For example, Nevada. How can Republicans turn Nevada into a red state? What are the lessons we learn from turning Nevada, Donald Trump winning it, which is, I believe, the first time Donald Trump has ever won Nevada. First time. The first time a Republican since 04. Yep. I think Bush won it. Right. Am I correct, Matt? I think I think he might have won it in 2004.

but I'm not sure. Don't owe me to that. I've got a lot of numbers floating in my head. And like you, Charlie, I've not had a whole lot of sleep. So let's assume that he didn't. Yeah, I just looked at it. He did not win Nevada in 2016. So that's okay. But I believe it was the first time since 2004. Let me just fact check that. Yeah, Bush won Nevada in 2004. So first time in 20 years. Don't worry, I'm on no sleep too. What can we learn from the Nevada victory today?

And extrapolate that to turn Nevada into a red state. Well, the first thing was, of course, Trump performed much better with the Hispanic community than in the past. And that was showing up in our cross stats. That was critical. And I think part of that was that the Democrats blatantly tried to to go the other way when it came to just in general democracy.

their religious beliefs and their family core values. And I think that was a big part of this shift. The other part had to do with the working person. You know, when Trump said that, I thought it was brilliant. We're not going to tax tips. Yeah. Everyone, of course she did the me too thing. What, what three, three weeks later, so me too. I won't, I won't tax them either, but that was done. That was copyrighted in essence, when he said it in the minds of the voters. And I think that the combination is that,

that we need to appeal to their core values, stop all this wackiness that's going on that they just see as crazy. But we also have to appeal to the working values of people in states like Nevada. And he did it. That union there has tremendous strength.

And in fact, when they vote, the union sort of tracks the guys and gals who work at the casinos because that's a lot of the vote. They're strong on them. So I've been told, in my opinion, I'll put it that way, that they weren't effective because these people had decided –

That they knew that Trump was going to look after them and she wasn't. So I think appealing to working people and appealing to their values without making overly – it's not about one religion or another. It's more about the values of the family and the values of hard work.

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And so Donald Trump sweeps all seven battleground states and in just historic and amazing fashion. We saw gains with younger voters, with black voters, as you mentioned, Hispanic voters, young families, almost every single county across the country.

despite a couple, have gone far to the right. And now we are looking at Arizona. Arizona, which of course we're headquartered, is the best performing of all the swing states, and it's only growing. Donald Trump is on pace to win Arizona by almost seven to eight points, where we are headquartered and put a lot of work into it.

it. The margins are remarkable here. And the Democrats, you have to wonder if they really saw it coming. I want to talk about just really quick, Matt, about a couple minutes remaining, the polling industry. How did the polling industry get it so wrong? It seems as if they're more ideological than analytical.

Well, there's another secret, Charlie, and I mentioned this on Laura's show last night. Firms like Insider Advantage, my firm, Trafalgar, we have a way of interviewing people where it's more anonymous. You don't have someone on the other end of the phone who is imposing their dialect or where they're from or their attitude that causes you not to want to tell people.

someone how you're thinking. And so the way we do it, and they have a different way at Trafalgar, but it works as well. We gather this information and we're able to get the shy Trump voter, which is definitely an issue now to respond to us. Now, let me just say this.

All pollsters is a hard job. And I said last night on Laura's show, I play golf, not great, but 45 foot putt being made by a professional, the odds are about 4% he's going to make it. And we got to stay within that 4% margin of error or we get beaten up. So imagine getting up every day and having to make 45 foot putts and be within four inches. So it's a hard deal. But I think one of the things is these quote gold standard pollsters are

are using old methods, and all they get are primarily Democrats. They have to really weight up the Republicans, and the Republicans they get are not necessarily the ones who are voting, and they certainly won't tell them how they're going to vote. So they've got an inherent problem. It's not – it's in their weighting, but it's more in the way they collect their data in the first place. Yeah, it's just the polling industry is remarkably well-funded, and I mean in the sense where people give it a lot of money and a lot of trust, and it's just –

It's really something else. In closing, Matt, final reflections here on this historic presidential cycle. Well, my reflection is that this is one of the best-run campaigns on the part of the Trump side that I have ever seen. I've been doing this since 1980. I know I sound like an old man now, working with Newt Gingrich and Mack Mattingly, my former boss in the U.S. Senate.

when they got elected in 80 and that historic landslide for Reagan against Carter. I think it was much like that Reagan election. You're seeing senators brought into the table who weren't going to win. He had a coattail effect for once that was substantial. I just think, Charlie, it all came together. I mean, with groups like yours,

And that was so critical, getting these young people to vote. And we see it in the exit polls. What a fantastic job you guys did. It just all came together. Sometimes in politics, it all comes together, and sometimes nothing comes together. So relish the moment, man. This was a great win.

Very good. Matt, thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks, Charlie. Nice to talk to you. Blake, have you crunched some of the numbers? I've crunched the numbers. But I don't – I agree. I think I said 70-30 on the rules, not 75-25. But even that – so it's like Pinal. We have a lot out of Pinal. Pinal is 56-42 right now. Correct, but it is getting better. I don't know the full shape of that. If it's getting better, that's great. But 75-25, 70-30 is more. So how much would your model say if we win the rules by 70-30?

70-30, then it'd be really close, and that's assuming the Pinal ratio holds. And as we say, Apache all down and Maricopa 50-50. What if we win Maricopa 51-49? That gives us a lot of give.

All right, I can actually call some of these races because I know it better than New York Times does. The California stuff is so wacky. You think you're winning, right, Blake? And all of a sudden, like over two weeks. There's a really funny one is that they'll have us. If you go to New York Times, it'll say 209 Republicans. But one of them that's funny is they haven't called Washington District 4 because it's super duper close. It is a race between two Republicans. Oh, so they haven't called the winner. Got it. OK, so let me just you guys. So right now, New York Times is at 209. So watch this. OK, this can be great.

So Washington is 210. Yep. Okay. Eli Crane will win. So that's 211. Begich will win in Alaska. That is 212. Schweikert will win. That's my guy. He's doing well. That's 213. Bacon will win. That is 215. Siskamani will win. That is 216. And Marionette Miller-Meeks will win. That's 217. And then we need one of the Californias to break.

We've currently got, let me look at some of these. Scott Bout's super close. Young Kim is up by 17. She would have to lose the mail-in votes. I can say confidently that we're going to pick up two or three from Orange County because they're incumbents as well. So we're going to keep the House, but it will probably be a three or four seat majority. Yeah, you would need to lose the mail-in vote in District 40 by about...

35-40 to drop that young Kim race. But they're also... Where's Kent? Is Kent in that Washington 4? Kent is Washington's third district. He's down 4 with 82% in. No, but why was Cliff so bullish that that was going to go our way?

You know, I think, I don't want to say, I can't remember the specific reasons he gave. Right. I mean, he's like, oh, it's going to get, I think a lot of our guys are trained, you know, to like hope springs eternal, be aggressive. We always think there's stuff. Let me take a look at that race here. Cause I'm looking there. I can click on that one too. Yeah. The votes remaining are in Clark County, which is blue.

But, yeah, I mean, they say that there's a ton of votes outstanding. I don't see that. Because they have it even also just by, like, the counties or districts. And if you look at where the vote is in in that one, it's 76% in is the lowest amount, and it's the area around Vancouver, which is the bluest part. Whereas if you look at the parts that are red on the map, those are 90%, 95% in. I think it'll be pretty tough to pick up that district out.

I'm not the pro. I'm not the campaign pro. I'm just going off what the New York Times website has. So, again, that goes to 210 with Washington, to 11 with Eli Crane, to 12 with Begich, to 13 with Schweikert, to 14 with Bacon, to 15 with Siskamani, to 16 with Marionette Miller-Meeks.

And then you need two of the Californians to break. If you just want to run through the list, I'm looking here. So we're at 209, 210 if you count that Washington one that is already there. It's very weird. And then if you just look at the ones we're in the lead right now, you'd be 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

21 and then you also have bacon's district there you're gonna lose some of these cows we're gonna lose we're gonna lose some of them uh some of them are really close it's insanely close in maine too i don't know if there's any prospect for that improving he's called he's declared victory um unfortunately yeah that's too bad oregon district five however maryland maryland six is within 384 votes that is amazing that's a really good one he's a good candidate too um

So that one could flip. I think we're going to end up around like 221 seats. Which is about the same as last time. That's a three-seat majority. Yeah. Man, I want to take back Alaska. It's such nonsense that we lost that one. No, no, we're winning it back. That's baggage. Yep. Up four right now. Yeah, but again, they've got to fly in votes from the rules. Yeah.

Okay. I mean, look, by the way, we have low hopes for the House as it is, right? Yeah, they were giving us 80% odds of losing it going in. So that's the Trump coattails. We have to figure out a long-term plan, Blake, of how we can win back old House margins. I think it's a fundraising problem. It's a candidate recruitment problem, right? It's just a lot of... It's a lot of the problem. It's very clear there's a lot of people who just go in and they're like, I'm only voting for Trump, and then they fill it out and put it in the box. I know.

You have to be like, guys, Trump will be a better president when you give him a governing margin. Yes, we that that's what you live by the low prop. You die by the low prop. Right. But Dave McCormick, to his credit, was able to get those across the finish line. It's a goofy race. Bob Casey says that.

He says that there's a path from the victory. What path is he talking about? It looks like they're out of votes. So I'd be super curious what Bob Casey is talking about. Maybe a provisional fight. But right now, Dave McCormick is up 31,000 votes in Pennsylvania. And I think every single county has fully reported in Pennsylvania. So that would be a pickup. That would get us to 53 Senate seats. And let's see what Magic Kerry Lake...

can do in Arizona because Sam Brown's not looking too great. Sam Brown, just too much mail vote arrives late. All right. Email us freedom at We also withstood a Democrat funded nonsensical campaign in Nebraska. Deb Fisher ended up winning by eight points, which is really, really good. Really happy about that. And of course, Tim Sheehy, eight point win. Eight point win against Jon Tester. Turns out the polling was right.

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Andrew, today's been tough to get guests. You know what I've noticed, Andrew, is that in the right-wing ecosystem, the laws of nature have hit humanity today, where all of a sudden everyone's sleeping in and catching up. It's like you could do two all-nighters, maybe two and a half, and then all of a sudden it just...

You're done. Right, Andrew? Well, I want to be clear. We could get guests if we wanted to. I know. I'm just saying there's just a lot of, can we wait an hour? Charlie, you're pretty particular about the people that we have on. We have a high-quality product to produce here. Yeah, exactly. It's not a farmer's market here.

Exactly. So it's – so that's one thing I will say. But yeah, two, our flow – if you look at our inbox, everybody is just loving the flow of the show lately in this election season. So there's been a little bit less of a priority put on it. But I will tell you, Charlie, I think –

You were talking about the House race, and I was telling you that New York Times tracking right now has us up and or winning already declared at 223 House seats.

which would be definitely enough to govern, I would say, especially with President Trump leading. Yeah. And and fifty three, fifty four in the Senate. Well, I mean, this is a very important thing. So let me just why would a five seat majority be easier when you have a incumbent president? He's these people will not mess around. It's Speaker Johnson didn't have the ability to tell not what to do. An incumbent president who's on a second term, who's

insanely popular in the country, won the popular vote and in your party, he'll pick up the phone and say, listen, you're going to vote for this bill. You know, it's like done. Okay. Does that make sense? It's not, it's even just things are so much better than they were in 2016. We've had at this point, eight years where the Republican party has been remade. We've gotten rid of some old lawmakers who were behind the times. You have new people in office who, uh,

It's not even if they have to 100% agree with Trump. They at least understand why Trump has been successful and what his appeal is. We know it's not a fluke. We know it's not, oh, he only won because of Jill Stein voters. No, he won the popular vote outright. He's gotten way more popular in blue states. And it's just so much more natural to cobble together a coalition to get the things we want done. It's not going to be, oh, let's just pass a tax cut and then do nothing else.

Yeah. And so what should so there's two tracks here. There's legislative priorities and then a lot of stuff Trump can fix without Congress, by the way, remain in Mexico border. Right. I mean, a lot of it. But what should the legislative priority be? Realistically, I mean, we got to get a budget done. We have to do we have to get budgeting done the right way. What do you think? Really? Because the problem was last time is we've got some corporate tax cuts. Great.

I mean, I genuinely think that a lot of border stuff, actually, the time, if you're going to do it, it's going to be early. You're going to have Democrats looking at each other and going, we let the border get so bad that we shed like 20 points among Hispanics. The entire like just point and scream racism didn't work. So you wonder, like, are they really going to filibuster hard to say, oh, we can't build a wall on the border now that we can't deport any illegals?

I think you might see a lot more tentative openness to that maybe among betterment types in the coalition who say, hey, we'll have a lot better shot of winning if we're not seen as putting foreigners above American citizens.

And so I think a lot of stuff we can do on our own, but you do need congressional action for the most long-term successful stuff. I think we can get action on that. I agree. And by the way, the thing I'm most excited about is McCormick is going to hang on. I can say that confidently. It's going to be a knife fight. Would you agree, Blake? It's 30,000 provisional ballots. It doesn't matter. We don't know how many provisional ballots there are, but I think he's going to win.

53 Senate seats is very good, and if we can get a Kerry Lake... Now, mind you, if we could have gotten a little extra juice in Wisconsin, and we... We spent so much money on this Maryland Fools errand to lose by 7. Okay? It's just ridiculous. Michigan, Rogers ended up losing by... Wow. 30,000 votes. Wisconsin... 30,000 votes. It's almost, like, strangely...

Sam Brown down 13,000 votes now in Nevada. I don't think he can overcome that. Do you, Andrew? I just don't know. He's he's toast. However, I will say, though, that, you know, Adam Laxalt should be a U.S. senator from Nevada. That didn't happen. Nevada is going to be target for chase in 2026 and 2028. Nevada is so organically, I think, a state that we could win. I totally agree. I totally agree. Now, the Senate maps for us next time. This is why we're so excited.

you know, focused on this are not great. The states in particular that we have a Georgia, whether it's not when we actually saw as bad as I thought it was. Have you looked at the Senate maps? Oh, yeah, it's 2026. Yeah, we have to hold on to North Carolina. We will.

We were going to probably lose Susan Collins in Maine. If she retires. Right. If she doesn't retire, she's been able to defy gravity multiple times. Georgia, we have a chance to flip there, but that's going to be tough. By the way, Andrew, can we comment that with all the money we spent and the organizing in Trump, we still only won Georgia by two points?

Yeah, I mean, to me, that's an area of concern, to be honest. I totally agree. You had this big red wave, and yet we saw the areas surrounding Atlanta. And I think Blake's point is probably well made, that as Atlanta gets more crowded, you're seeing more spillover into surrounding suburban counties. So it's getting bluer and bluer as the Atlanta metro increases in size, which is a big thing.

It's just going to make Atlanta, it's going to make Georgia harder and harder to win. So, you know, we're talking with Josh McCoon, GOP chair in Georgia. We're going to, we've got some plans on how to counter this. There is going to be an issue, though, with Atlanta just continuing to explode in size. What can we do to sort of

shore up shore up Georgia because I think Georgia is a state we just can't afford to lose that in North Carolina we have to do some important work in the next couple years to make sure that we can we can win those states not just in 2026 and 2028 but well into the future because we we have to look look at that now an interesting standpoint here is you know Charlie I

We talk about this election being a big transformation of the electorate, and I think there's some interesting clues here from New York.

Right. I mean, New York state had a big red shift. So, I mean, if current trends hold, you could see some nutty things looking into the future where some of these states like New Jersey come into play. I mean, we only lost New Jersey by four points. New Jersey's got some super Hispanic heavy districts. And if those Hispanics keep coming our way.

post-Trump. So this is the big question for the, you know, as we're sort of crystal ball way, way down. We have Sam Rodriguez coming on in the second half of this hour to talk about what's going on with Hispanics. But if this trend with Hispanics holds in a post-Trump world,

You could see the whole map just get bonkers in a way we didn't expect. Why is this map so bad for us in 2026? I kind of took people at face value because they say 51 seats needed for majority. That's not right. It's 50 because we control the White House for four years. Yeah, I mean, it's way more of our guys are up. So there's not a lot of pick up chances. Yeah, North Carolina, I would say you'd have to watch about North Carolina. You'd have to watch Texas. If Tom Tillis runs for re-election, he will win. Iowa, they'll go after that one. In a bad year, all of those are vulnerable. Well, Chuck Grassley's...

He's not running again. So what? He's the iron horse, man. But hold on. As we saw, Iowa is now a Republican plus 16 presidential state. Yes. I'm trying to see, though. Georgia's a potential flip for us.

Maine, we could lose if she retires. So is Michigan. The thing about Georgia that's interesting to me is it was so close there and in North Carolina because we speculated, will we get a big shift of black voters towards Trump? And that didn't actually materialize. It was like one or two points, but it wasn't a significant revision like we saw with Hispanics. If Trump can...

We continue to push that and like then we need that shift to make Georgia into a oh, this is now a plus eight state for us again. We don't need to sweat it as much. If we can pull that off, it's great. If we can't, it continues to be a problem.

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here.

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Go to slash charlie or call 972-PATRIOT for your free month of service today. That is slash charlie, slash charlie. Okay, everybody, let's play some tape, but I just want to say really quick, let's put 300 up on screen. Not that I want to get too ahead of ourselves, but I'm connecting 2024 to 2026 because I'm going to be honest, I'm not going to work as hard in 2026 as I did in 2024. It's just not humanly possible. By the way, not that I...

It's going to be fine. It's just a midterm. You can't do it every time, right? It's just you got to ramp up. You can't spend 50% of your life going full steam. And by the way, it's like, okay, I'm going to go to Susan, help Susan Collins. I mean, okay, I might do an event or something, right? But the Democrats are going to be the opposite. They're going to go crazy in the midterms, right? Well, we're going to still kind of be recovering. And that's the way it works, right? It goes in cycles. It goes up. It goes down. So, Andrew, I think you're going to love this. I think we try to play offense. We run Brian Kemp and Glenn Youngkin in Virginia and Georgia.

I love that. Play offense. I love that. Glenn Young could totally be a U.S. Senator, and he's very popular, and that would be a pickup in Virginia because he's termed out. You've got to remember, he's going to be termed out. So if people are wondering about the governors, that's the way Virginia works. Yeah, it's one term. One term and done. Good old Thomas Jefferson rules. Susan Collins, we'll see. Let's just pretend we lose Maine and we lose Iowa in like a goofy thing. Okay, then we're down to 51. Cool. Cool.

Now, if you hold on to Maine and Iowa and you win Georgia-Virginia, you could get to 55. I mean, we're talking about – it's actually a pretty good map for us given what we just did, given we flipped Moreno and we flipped Casey and they're waiting to call that. And if we flip Lake, we'll be in a much better spot. Well, and see, that's why Kerry Lake takes on significant – even more importance. Obviously, we already have the majority, but that's one less –

number that we have to gain to retain power in the Senate in 2026. But Charlie, I'm telling you, there's going to be some weird map

Math happening in 2026, if these current trends hold, which they in 2026, I think it's more predictable that they will. But look at this. You had the these are percent percent increase in Trump voters in select New York counties from 2020 to 2024. Kings up twelve point five seven percent. Queens, twenty one point five nine percent. Queens, Nassau, fourteen point two four percent increase. Suffolk, ten point seven five. Manhattan,

10.83% for Trump. The Bronx, up 21, almost 22% in the Bronx. I mean, Westchester, up 10%. So all I'm getting to, he loses New Jersey by four

Maybe it's a pipe dream, a fool's errand. I'm just saying, in 2026, I wonder if you ran a really strong candidate, you might be able to surprise somebody in a state like New Jersey. We almost won that governor's race. Remember, that governor's race was super close back. By the way, their governor races are in off-election years. You've got to remember that. To your point, Charlie, we ran a no-namer in New Jersey, and he almost beat the incumbent. Yep, Phil Murphy.

Yeah. Email us freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com and subscribe to our podcast. Boy, the amount of emails we're getting is just is awesome. People are just so excited. Guys, we won. We won the presidency. That really is. You know, they say there's three co-equal branches of government and there is, of course, technically. But there's so much unrealized executive power and they're going to cut this up. Oh, Charlie wants Trump to be a dictator. No, it's like actually the bureaucracy is there and there's.

a lot of crap to clean up and we have borders to secure and we have to allow drilling to occur. And don't you agree, Blake, that there's unrealized federal power? There's a lot of unrealized federal power. And like the truth is, is, you know, what's even more authoritarian than anything Trump could do? Letting unelected bureaucrats do whatever they feel is best. You guys didn't get elected to crap.

So, no, Trump is allowed to make appointments to fulfill the agenda he promised. That is not a dictatorship. That's less dictatorial than any prime minister in Canada or in Britain or in Europe. It's just total nonsense crap that they're feeding you.

Email us as always, freedom at By the way, you know, I haven't seen a lot of, and I'm sure it's coming. I haven't seen a lot of the stories of like what went wrong in the final days of the Harris campaign, right? There's some funny stuff. There's stuff like Obama was trying to coach her speech to like talk less about Trump. Talk more about your personal story, Kamala, like.

We're getting a little bit of that. One of my favorite is the Politico article. 10 Democrat thinkers on what the party needs right now. How about this one? The Democrat party should act more democratically.

Ooh, like hold a primary? A vision that meets Americans from across the political spectrum. Here's the one. Populism must ignite to rebuild the Democrat Party. I want the really nasty articles about that three-week period where they were forcing Biden out. I know. I want nasty tell-all memoirs on that one. Your opponent has a national rage machine. Demographics are not destiny. These are actually pretty good. Speak to working class pain. Oh, you mean like listen to your voters?

Praise God, we won, everybody. We won. Man, it's still not set in.

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Charlie, thank you for having me. And by the way, congrats, man. Congrats. We saw more young people support the conservative cause than ever before. Much to your leadership. No joke. I am extremely proud of you. And to God be the glory. But congrats. Well, thank you. To God be the glory is right. So let me ask you, Hispanic men in particular supported President Trump, a constituency the Democrat Party always took for granted. What happened to this election cycle? Fifty four percent.

54% of Latinos, 45% of all Latinos, biggest numbers, largest numbers in American history. And by the way, Charlie, I just received a press release regarding statements made by Legacy Media. Officially, Latinos are now part of the racist misogynist list.

We, I'm not kidding. They just deemed us. We are Latinos voted for Trump because we are racist and we are misogynist. We are machista. How about that? We're on the list, man. We were on the list. Congrats. We're there, man. We made it. Of course, we're not racist and misogynist. Let me tell you why we did. We supported president Trump and the conservative cause because it wasn't about, we voted against Kamala Harris. To be honest, it could have been Joe Biden. It could have been Gavin Newsom. It could have been Josh Shapiro. How about that?

We voted against what? DEI, CRT, wokeism, cancel culture, open borders, fentanyl, Bud Light, biological men and women sports. We voted against looting and rioting in San Francisco, California and across America without any legal ramifications.

We voted against drag queen reading hour to our kids. That's what we voted against. It wasn't against Kamala Harris. We voted against a Democratic Party, listen carefully, that is no longer liberal. It is socialist.

It's no longer left the center. It is extreme cuckoo for Cocoa Puff. And that's why Latinos, 45 percent supported Trump. Fifty four percent of Latino men voted for President Trump. It really is remarkable. Let's play here. Cut to 26. This is the media basically calling you a racist to 26. I just say really quickly to Democrats need to be mature and they need to be honest.

And they need to say, yes, there is. There's misogyny. But it's not just misogyny from white men. It's misogyny from Hispanic men. Right. It's misogyny from black men. Things we've all been talking about who do not want a woman leading them.

might be race issues with Hispanics. They don't want a black woman as president of the United States. You know, the Democratic Party, I've always found, when you're sitting around talking, they love to just sort of balkanize everybody into these separate groups and say, oh, white people don't like women and black people. No, it is time for the Democrats to say, okay, and you and I have talked about this before,

A lot of Hispanic voters have problems with black candidates. Right. And with other Hispanics. You've got some that don't like each other. And some of the most misogynist things I've heard going on this Get Out the Vote tour came from black men. I mean, misogynist things. So you're absolutely right. It's not simplistic. And we've got to have real honest conversations about it. Real honest conversations.

Pastor, your reaction. Joe Scarborough and Al Sharpton calling Latinos racist. Isn't that racist in itself? It is absolutely absurd. Let me just give you this, Charlie.

Not only is that naive, it's cognitively naive. They're lacking the bandwidth. They're back in analog in a 5G world. Intellectually speaking, they just articulate the argument of a chestnut roasting on an open fire. It's Christmas season coming up, so that's applicable. Let me give it to you straight. The reason why Latinos voted for President Trump, we were conveying one message. Let me give it to you in one sentence. Get your hands off our children.

That was it. We are a community of familia. We're very family oriented. We adore our kids. All these agendas coming from the left are coming after our children. If they don't kill our children in the womb of abortion, they kill our children in the classroom with social constructs and ideologies that are counterintuitive to the word and the will of God, even to our American constitution, to the Bill of Rights.

So with that being said, hey, Joe, that's racist. Al, what you stated was racist. And the reason we voted for Trump was conveying a message. Get your hands off our children. Keep on with the name calling all you want. The more you name call, the more the Latino community will emerge as one of the strongest pillars in the conservative movement for generations to come. Get your hands off our kids, man.

Andrew, you have some thoughts here. Yeah. Hey, Pastor Sam. How you doing? Good. How are you? It's been a while, my friend. You know, so they want to—Pastor, they want to give it all to this—

The fact that it was the economy, right? They look at New Jersey, that it wasn't necessarily a values issue. What's your take on that? I mean, you know, where is the Hispanic community, you know, the Catholic Hispanics, the evangelical Hispanics? Where are those numbers at like that? And are evangelicals still growing as a proportion? Evangelicals?

Yeah, the evangelical community, even recent surveys came out in the past few months on that. There's a book called Latino Land by Maria Arana. There's a PBS special that came out. And the Latino evangelical community is the fastest growing religious demographic in America. It's not just growing, it's blowing up.

And as you know, many of the mainstream Protestant denominations, but many of the evangelicals, the Baptist, Assemblies of God, Church of God, Foursquare and all that, their major growth comes from Latinos.

So it is growing. This community is blowing up and there's no end in sight. Inevitably, there will be a tipping point with migratory trends changing and so forth. And that's going to happen somewhere mid-century, all things being equal. But right now it is growing. That growth comes with family values. It's still a very conservative community. It is. It's one of the most pro-life communities. Some studies came out, you know, contradicting that right before the election by leftist institutions. Coincidentally enough, maybe the Des Moines Register

I'm sorry, I'm a part-time comedian. I had to bring that. The Moines Register, boy, were they off. But that leftist sort of machinery out there is producing data that doesn't line up with the outcome. And the outcome is Latinos. Let me ask you one question. Find me one Latino you have ever met that believes in late-term abortion. In late-term abortion, you'll never find it. So yes, conservative community emerging,

blowing up, I believe, will be a foundational pillar for the conservative movement in the 21st century. Matter of fact, I am certain of that. Well, there was a great tweet. Actually, Charlie flagged it for me. It was like somebody on X said, try calling me Latinx again, huh? They worded it a little more flowery than that, Pastor, so I won't bring it to you. But I think it's emblematic of what you're talking about.

Andrew being one of my favorite people on the planet, by the way. And so no joke, Andrew is. But the X part, how stupid is that from a branding standpoint? You want to cross out a community.

It's just, again, from a branding perspective, who thinks of this? That's the pushback. I do believe that there is an opportunity now for the Republican Party, more importantly, the conservative movement, to affirm this engagement for generations to come. And it's going to deal around the issue of immigration.

So there's a way of doing it in a way. And President Trump already did it. He already did. If you heard him carefully, he said this, which, by the way, it boggled the mind. This is what he said in his acceptance speech. Did you all hear it? He said, we want immigrants to come here. What in the world? How can the left? He said, we want immigrants to come here, but they have to come here legally and they have to love America, etc., etc.,

There's a way of doing this where it's a win-win. We stop all illegal immigration, cut off the cartels, and do it in a way that respects the image of God in every single human being. But I'm telling you, we're about to see this Latino emergence in the forefront of a conservative Judeo-Christian value-based movement that will be transformative for America for generations to come. It's remarkable to see. And the Democrat Party took the Latino-Hispanic

community for granted. And it is continuing that this trend will only continue. And understand, it's less about race and more about class. Hispanics are in the working class. And the Democrat Party is not the party of the working class. Do you realize that during Trump's first term, I want your audience to do their Google or chat GPT due diligence, please. Make sure of this. Go fact check this.

During Trump's first term, Latinos blew up as it pertains to homeownership. The unemployment rate was the lowest ever for Latinos, but homeownership, in a matter of fact, we exceeded for a great season there, even, I hate to say these terms, Caucasian white, the homeownership. We were, that's college graduation rates blew up.

So the Latino community is not just no longer low middle. It is middle, high middle, going upper if you're using these old archaic terms of measuring class. It's an incredible time during the first term. Latinos remember that. We were doing better in every metric without exception during Donald Trump's first term.

So now here comes Donald Trump 2.0. So yeah, the economy was critical, but I believe there were some implicit issues, some silent issues like biological men and women's sports, like the transgender ideology infiltrating elementary schools, like the idea that a six-year-old who is confused about their gender can actually receive government intervention and take that child away from our homes. Latinos are saying, get your hands off our kids.

So I do believe the future is bright with Latino conservatives and so forth. But I do believe we also have an opportunity to help frame the narrative against this notion from the Democrats where, hey, I think this is actually the best season for the Democratic Party. It really is. It's the quintessential wake up call if they get it. Joe Scarborough and Al Sharpton aside, if they wake up and go like we're blowing it with the largest minority group in America.

Let's repent. Mia culpa. What do we do to reach you guys? And to have a frank conversation, it could strengthen that party. If not, that party is going to go into the abyss of the political sphere out there for the next few years.

Okay, Sam Rodriguez, thank you so much. And please plug your stuff for our audience very quick., brand new book, Fresh Oil, Holy Fire, new wine. Pick it up on Amazon today. You guys are amazing. Again, congratulations. Let's go change the world. God bless, man. Thank you. Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here. A large retail store just canceled a huge order leaving my pillow with a ton of extra pillows.

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Kirk. Alright, Blake, navigate us through Mr. Kimmel here. It's too good to be true. It's great. So we haven't... We've been enjoying the victory, but we haven't actually taken a lot of time to fully enjoy their misery. The agony, the suffering. We haven't done that at all. It's a little bit slower than... I think it's going to pick up, though. It'll pick up. It's going to pick up. There's been a lot of this, so we want to have some of these good ones, so...

And there was a bit of a delay, too. In 2016, Stephen Colbert did that live stream with Mark Halpern on the show where they come in and they thought he was going to have him walk. It was so great.

um but what's the number here so jimmy kimmel of course was a very aggravating lib he's one of the biggest figures in the turning of late night tv into this endless crap show uh he started to basically cry last night in his first program post-election uh let's play 290.

Let's be honest. It was a terrible night last night. It was a terrible night for women, for children, for the hundreds of thousands of hardworking immigrants who make this country go. For health care, for climate, for science, for journalism, for justice, for free speech. It was a terrible night for poor people, for the middle class, for seniors who rely on Social Security, for our allies in Ukraine.

for NATO, for the truth, and democracy, and decency. And it was a terrible night for everyone who voted against him. And guess what? It was a bad night for everyone who voted for him, too. You just don't realize it yet.

I like that his voice started to crack when he got to NATO. For NATO. I know, but it's just, I mean, this is, he's supposed to be a comedian, right? Allegedly he was, but. No. By like democracy, who won the popular vote exactly? It's so symbolic too that one of the biggest trends in this campaign is this was like the

like the dude bro election of like ordinary dudes saying, wait, the Democrats are awful now. He used to do the man show. He used to do like a dude bro show and was a liberal. And the fact that it was a misogynist. Yeah, it was like, let's be clear. Yeah, he did like actually gross things. Yeah, he did like women, gross stuff, whatever. That used to be a thing you could have on the left. You could be a dude bro leftist and you can't anymore. And.

And they turned off so many people with all that scolding, with all that, you know, they just became so unpleasant that they can't have the coalition they used to have that won elections. We have another funny one we should play here. Let's play 205. Quick question. So does anybody know how to find or hire a hitman or woman? Because we don't want to be sexist.

So, but I think we could pull this off collectively. If you want to chip in DM. I mean, the secret time, by the way, our, our, our threats are going like crazy right now. We're getting tons of stuff. They want me dead. They want, I mean, we, we need like 24 hour security. It's out of control. I mean, these people are deranged. It's gross, but it's a bad, it's a badge of honor to be blamed for what we managed to pull. I mean, yeah. But will the FBI come after her? I mean, why did TikTok even allow her to post it? We're not allowed to even say trans on TikTok without, by the way, we're going to fit. We're going to fix that. Um,

We got a lot of stuff to fix, by the way. There's so many things. I feel like... I really hope we can use this to create a big vibe shift. It'd be so amazing if we could have Jeff Bezos come out and say, yeah, we're just going to not censor things on Amazon anymore. This was a vote for free speech. YouTube come out and say, we're just going to be hands-off. Just be hands-off. We're not even saying you need to be a right-wing propagandosphere. Just...

don't have the suffocating nanny state like censorship machine. It would be good for America. It'd be good for the right. It'd be good for the left. Everyone would feel better if they didn't have to worry about someone coming in and banning them for something. Just let people talk. Do we have more kind of videos like this? All right, let's play. By the way, this is my favorite. Just let's put 303 up on stage on screen here. Democrats call for a party reckoning. Just look at this. How delicious is this here?

Democrats call for a party reckoning. Let's play cut 304. And finally, we talk a lot about these different demographics and these assumptions of where they're going to go. Latinos in Texas, a district that's 97% Latino, went 75 percentage points for Donald Trump. Why? Misogyny. No, it's on the border. It's a border crisis is on their doorstep. So they were begging people to care about it for years. We need to take some lessons. That's what that was. The lessons are not misogyny. Knock, knock. Who's there? Oh, my God.

gosh it's whooping we have just a few seconds left let's play 231 i'm sorry why why

We don't hate you, actually. We'll be playing that one, like the chick screaming at inauguration. We want you to live in a decent country, actually. We will make your country great again, even if it's against your will. I know. They need to have some humility. By the way, some people say, oh, Charlie, you shouldn't show these clips. Honestly, these people wanted us dead the last four years. I'm going to enjoy it for a couple days. It's only been two days, by the way. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.

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