cover of episode The Left's "My Body, My Choice" Lie

The Left's "My Body, My Choice" Lie

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The Charlie Kirk Show

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Charlie Kirk
Del Bigtree
Sam Brown
Del Bigtree: 民主党声称捍卫身体自主权,却强制给儿童注射未经充分测试的疫苗,这是严重的虚伪。他们还压制异见,对批评疫苗政策的人进行审查。这与他们标榜的自由和个人选择价值观相悖。民主党已经背离了其传统的自由和个人选择价值观,他们不相信自由和个人主权。左派不相信言论自由和思想多样性,他们不允许任何异见。团结运动的核心是恢复美国的自由原则,反对政府审查和强制接种疫苗。团结运动的目标是清除政府腐败,把国家交还给人民。肯尼迪的支持者应该投票给特朗普,因为特朗普和肯尼迪都致力于打击政府腐败。特朗普的运动是一个团结的运动,超越了种族和性别的界限。 Charlie Kirk: 对Del Bigtree观点的补充和佐证,并就相关话题进行讨论,例如:团结运动的意义,以及民主党内对疫苗政策和言论自由的不同观点。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Del Bigtree leave the Kennedy campaign?

To focus on uniting Kennedy voters with Trump supporters and to address government corruption.

What was Del Bigtree's background before his involvement in politics?

He was a producer on CBS's The Doctors and won an Emmy Award.

What sparked Del Bigtree's interest in medical freedom and vaccine safety?

An investigation into vaccines led by a CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson.

What significant legal victories has Del Bigtree achieved regarding vaccination exemptions?

Won back religious exemptions for vaccination in Mississippi and for college students in California.

Why did Del Bigtree support Donald Trump after working with Bobby Kennedy?

Both faced similar lawfare and censorship, leading to a shared mission against government corruption.

What does Del Bigtree see as the core principle of the unity movement between Trump and Kennedy supporters?

Restoration of fundamental American principles like freedom, free speech, and individual sovereignty.

What is Sam Brown's background and how did it shape his political views?

He served in the military, was severely wounded in Afghanistan, and found God, leading to a focus on service and family values.

What are the key issues in Sam Brown's campaign for the U.S. Senate in Nevada?

Economic opportunity, border security, and ending corruption in government.

What is the current sentiment on the ground in Nevada regarding the upcoming election?

Republicans are leading in early voting, showing historic turnout and enthusiasm.

How does Sam Brown view the working-class realignment in Nevada?

Nevadans are hardworking and want economic opportunities, aligning with Trump's message.

Del Bigtree discusses his journey from the Democratic Party to supporting Donald Trump, highlighting the party's shift on issues like medical freedom and censorship.
  • Del Bigtree's background in film and television
  • His work on the documentary Vaxxed and its impact on the medical freedom movement
  • His role in the RFK campaign and subsequent disillusionment with the Democratic Party
  • The hypocrisy of the 'my body, my choice' mantra in the context of forced vaccinations

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, everybody. Here on the Charlie Kirk Show, Del Bigtree and Sam Brown join the program. Email me as always, freedom at Go vote, go vote, go vote right now. And email us as always, freedom at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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Really excited for our guest this hour. He's a great American, someone who's been speaking at our events, and we're working together on a lot of stuff. He loves liberty. He's been a fighter and a

effective organizer for liberty and has really been behind the bobby kennedy movement it is dell big tree ceo of the maha alliance super pack former communications director for the kennedy kennedy campaign and really is becoming one of the more effective voices on the trail and he loves this country and god bless him dell welcome to the program dell why don't you take a moment to introduce yourself to our audience this being the first time you're up

Charlie, first of all, it's just an honor to be here. I've been watching you for years. You have inspired millions of people and getting to work with you as we are right now on these events is

for the Trump campaign getting out there, you know, turning point. You're just doing God's work at this moment. So it's a privilege to be here. For those people that don't know me, my background's really in film and television. I was a producer on this CBS talk show, The Doctors, for...

Many years I won an Emmy Award there. Then I stumbled into an investigation on vaccines and specifically a whistleblower inside the CDC named Dr. William Thompson. I made a documentary about that called Vaxxed, which kind of blew up around the world. A lot of people sort of credit that film with igniting this medical freedom movement worldwide.

And that cast me into the middle of that conversation. I started a nonprofit because I want to do more investigations into pharmaceutical products, pesticides, herbicides, all the things that are getting passed through our regulatory agencies, but seem to be killing us. And I want to know how they're being called safe and,

why we are having more toxic poisons in our food, in our air, in our water here in America than in Europe and other countries. We're supposed to be the greatest nation in the world, yet we are being treated like we live in a third world by our own government. And so that's really where my investigation comes in. And then, of course, in that work over the years, over the last decade, I have brought lawsuits against government agencies. I've won against the CDC, the NIH, FDA, Health and Human Services,

We won back the religious exemption for vaccination when they would force vaccinate you in Mississippi. Now you can opt out due to religious exemption that was taken away in the 1970s. We fought and won that back. We just won back the religious exemption for all college students at UC schools in California.

We're going after the lower schools. If everyone knows SB 277 took away your right to make that choice, we are working to put that choice back in people's hands. And because of all that work, I've worked with Bobby Kennedy. We brought lawsuits together. Our two nonprofits, my nonprofit, Informed Consent Action Network, his Children's Health Defense. So when he ran for president,

He gave me a call and said, Del, you know, we've worked so hard to get to this point. I'd love it if you would be my director of communications. And so that's what I did for the last 18 months and just left a month ago to really now that he's dropped out of the most, you know, successful independent business.

presidential run since Ross Perot. He's polling at 20 to 25% at the high point. We did that with a media blackout. No one would interview him. CNN wouldn't touch him. MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, you know, no one would actually interview him. So they blacked him out and then they kept him off the debate stage. And at that point, it just started being clear that we weren't going to get a fair shake. And so,

You know, in that moment, you know, and I know I'm sort of just you probably have a question here, but let me just finish up by saying, you know, all of our lives changed in that moment that that bullet just missed Donald Trump's head. And that rocked Bobby Kennedy. I was there. He immediately said I need to call President Trump. He wanted to talk to me, got him on the phone. And really, if you have to imagine Bobby Kennedy, this is something very personal to him. He lost his uncle, his

John F. Kennedy, when he was 10 years old, he lost his own father, Robert Kennedy Sr., when he was running for president. And so he really wanted to talk to President Trump and say, first of all, how are you doing? But even more importantly, how is your family? I grew up as a child having been through that trauma. And it's really important, you know, I know how difficult this can be for your family. And that started this incredible conversation with

about how maybe since our enemies seem to be the same, the Democratic Party robbed Robert Kennedy Jr. of a real run of the ability to be a part of a primary, started censoring us. And then ultimately, we're suing Robert Kennedy to get him off the ballot after he was eligible to be on the ballot in 50 states. So same lawfare against Bobby, same lawfare against Trump.

Bobby couldn't get Secret Service protection until the assassination attempt on Trump. So these guys really are these dynamic, disruptive figures when it comes to the corruption of this government right now. We know this is a critical moment. And the fact that these two guys are coming together just tells you something much bigger than all of us, Charlie, is happening. I just feel like

You know, I wish everyone could feel just how dynamic it is to see these guys standing in Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk all coming together because they're all as concerned as you and I are about the future of this great nation. So, Del, for people that think they are Democrats...

And like Bobby, what he has to say, can you crisply make the argument as to why Donald Trump and Bobby involving in Donald Trump is the reason why traditional Democrats should vote for them? Yes. Well, I mean, I will tell you right now, I haven't had enough time to get rid of my own Democrat card. I am still a registered Democrat. It won't last.

Much longer. So I was on this trail with Bobby. I was already disenfranchised because of the work that I was doing. Look at the pharmaceutical industry, the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, both of our government, but also of the Democratic Party. They just couldn't mask people fast enough. They couldn't get us all turning each other in this pro pharma agenda to force vaccinate people.

You know, you weren't able to go to work. Joe Biden, you know, did something we never believed was possible, which was to threaten us and say, I'm going to take away your jobs if you don't vaccinate. They shut down our churches and kept bars open. I mean, all of these things really fly in the face of what I think it used to be.

what it used to be to be a traditional liberal or Democrat, which was I grew up, my parents were hippies from the 1960s. I grew up with stories about the Chicago 7 and marching in Chicago. And, you know, my parents were there and they told me how they fought for free speech, how they fought to have a free education, how they were anti-war and they made their voices heard.

That was the Democratic Party I grew up in. I was, you know, as a they were like, you know, macrobiotic. We ate these crazy vegetarian diets of which I now realize I'm not a strict, almost strictly a meat eater because of the health implications. But you get it right. Natural food, organic foods, vitamins. I almost never went to doctors.

That was the Democratic Party. Certainly that was the home of those people that believed in more of a natural connection to the earth. And now all of that is being taken away from us. And I remember, Charlie, years ago when I was a kid going to a chiropractor, we had this really great healers. I lived in Boulder, Colorado growing up, which is like the liberal epicenter almost of the world. I call it the crystal world.

cathedral of the Democratic Party. And, you know, one of the guys that would treat us, he was a homeopath. He was a chiropractor. You know, he had all of these talents. He could do acupuncture. And he would say to me, you know, when I was at 10 years old, he's like, you got to watch out for the Democrats, Del. They're going to come for my tinctures. They're going to come for my vitamins. They're going to come for our way of life. And we're all like,

"You live in Boatwood, what are you talking about? "Our party is the one that protects all of that." Well, once I got in the middle of all this work of his last couple of years, I called that chiropractor and I said, "How did you see this coming?" He said, "It was always coming, Del. "They never believed in this. "They didn't believe in freedom. "They didn't believe in sovereignty. "They didn't believe you had the right to choose.

So getting back to being a Democrat, your body, your choice, my body, my choice is their anthem. And yet they will forcibly inject children with untested products like COVID vaccines. They'll forcibly inject you so that you can't go to a job. So the hypocrisy is incredible. And then freedom of speech. To me, the biggest conversation is what I spoke about last night in the few minutes I did at the Trump rally, which is the First Amendment is the most important amendment we have.

Charlie, you and I may not, we're probably not going to agree on everything, but we know that we can communicate. We can talk. We can get out in public. We can talk to an audience. We can get on news shows. We can speak and have debates. The fact that we can even have a disagreement is something we agree on. We want to be able to have disagreement. There is no disagreement allowed on the American left.

I think disagreements are fun and exciting and strengthen my argument and hopefully challenge yours. And we find out if there's any commonality and it makes us have to defend our position. And then through that, maybe we can get closer to the best public policy decision. That is what a free society is all about. The left doesn't believe in that. The left hasn't believed in that. The left doesn't believe in that.

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So Del, this unity ticket is really amazing. And I love the fact that, okay, you and I have disagreements. So what? But we agree on the macro stuff, free speech, individual sovereignty, that we shouldn't be putting jabs in people's arms without consent, informed consent. We believe in separation of powers. Can you talk about how this unity movement is about actually agreement and a restoration of fundamental American principles?

Absolutely. I mean, when it comes down to it, you know, the main principle of America is freedom. We should all agree with freedom. You've got the Democratic Party now promising you censorship, saying they're going to end misinformation. You and I, you know, personally have been through being censored for talking about the dangers of the vaccines, the fact that they weren't properly tested.

What are we going to do if we can't talk about dangerous products that our government is pushing onto us? If that's misinformation, we've been proven to be right. The social distancing, you know, Tony Fauci ended up saying, yeah, we just made it up. We're living in a world where the government's making things up. And then as soon as you call them out, they're calling misinformation. And one party wants to take that away from you. That's bringing us all together. Then think about war. How many of us want to,

we don't we you know we want to put an end to these forever wars that's taking all of our funding from this country as our cities are you know dropping into decay you know or we have migrant situations of them pouring into our schools kicking our kids out of schools in new york to house migrants and meanwhile we can't take care of anyone in north carolina you want to talk about unity we all love each other here we want diversity but we all come in you know together why are our funds

going to other countries to bomb other countries instead of building this nation back. That is this unity. So that's why you see Elon Musk, great innovator, Tulsi Gabbard, you know, a great military mind that wants out of war. Bobby Kennedy, anti-war, you know, pro-environment, wants to, you know, clean up our regulatory agencies.

All of these great thoughts. We're all in agreement on that. We've got to get rid of the corruption in our government and hand this country back to the people. That's what the promise is with Donald Trump, this incredible unity team right now, back in the hands of the people. So we want to restore the country back to our founding promise. It is a restoration movement at its core.

And so, Del, let's talk about now to the election. You're traveling the country. Talk about the great work that the Maha Alliance is doing. And what are some of the objectives that you want to accomplish if Donald Trump is to win? Well, we have a very specific objective with Maha Alliance. Just go to to hear all about it. But I left the Kennedy campaign because once he joined forces with President Trump,

You know, he's still limited in how much money he can raise because of the rules around being an independent candidate. But I left to say, let me just advertise to all the Kennedy voters and explain to them why they should be voting for Donald Trump. I'm trying to show them Donald Trump through Bobby Kennedy's eyes. Why did this, you know, brand name Kennedy, you know, could have been the king of the Democratic Party. Why did they kick him out? Why didn't they want him? Because he was going to end corruption and they are corruptors.

They're corrupting our government. And so with these two guys coming together, the Kennedy voters are about 62% of them in polling right now are moving to Donald Trump. I want that to be 80 or 90. Nobody that ever said that they loved anything that Kennedy believed in should be voting for Kamala Harris. She is the antithesis of everything that is free, that is right, that is true, and that is America. Bobby Kennedy is representing that. Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, the same thing.

Any Democrat should be asking themselves, why are the greatest minds of the Democrat Party all going to Donald Trump? So I have a personal question here, Del, in about a minute and a half. Having spent time around a lot of MAGA people and conservatives and previously having your Democrat card, what has your impression been hanging around these scary right wingers? And contrast that with kind of some of the folks that are in the Democrat Party.

I mean, it was really funny. We were, you know, yesterday was with my wife at the brilliant event we were all at just down in Georgia last night. And my wife was just standing going, look how many women there are. I mean, she's like every, you know, all these beautiful women. I heard that like no women like Donald Trump. She's like, look at how happy.

everybody is. They're like singing and laughing and dancing. And when you grow up a Democrat, you're under this impression that just Republicans are miserable, angry people. But now all you see is hatred and, and fear and, you know, calling Trump, you know, Hitler as your vice president, standing in front of your own, you know, seal from the government, like bringing up rhetoric like that, dividing our nation, making us think that, you know, we're hated because we're black or we're gay or that these things matter. And when you,

When I was at that room yesterday, it said it all. Black, white, yellow, red, gay. It doesn't matter. Everybody is having a blast. Everyone is believing in making America great again. Back in those days when we all would go to football games and pound chess and we never asked each other, you Republican or Democrat or you gay or you straight. We were in it together. It's Team America right now. And that is what I'm feeling inside of this movement.

By the way, seeing Donald Trump live, man, the guy is one of the greatest performers I've ever seen. It was such a treat last night. I can't wait to see him again here in Las Vegas. It's going to be really awesome. Del Bigtree, you're a great American. There's something really profound happening right now, and it is a realignment that will last a generation. Thank you, Del.

We are here right now in beautiful Las Vegas, and Donald Trump is doing very well in Nevada. And increasingly, it looks as if we have an opportunity to win the U.S. Senate race here. An American hero who is running against Jackie Rose and Sam Brown is ascending in all the tracking polls and has Democrats very, very nervous. It is Sam Brown. The website is Sam, welcome to the program. Take a moment, Sam, to please introduce yourself to our audience.

Thanks, Charlie. I appreciate you having me on. And for those who aren't familiar with me and for those who can see me online, you know, this is a, this is a face that is the consequence of war. And it looks much better now than it used to thanks to more, more plastic surgery than a Kardashian. But look, I,

I started out as a military service guy. I went to West Point from 2002 to 2006, served in Afghanistan in 2008, and was blown up by a Taliban roadside bomb in September of 08. Spent three years recovering from

But look, I don't tell folks that because I'm looking for pity or sorrow. The real miracle of me being wounded and surviving is that that's where I found God. I met Jesus there in the desert of Kandahar. And my entire life has gone from a place of me living for myself to me living for something bigger than myself.

In fact, I have a personal motto that says the life I live is not my own because I gave up the will to live as I was burning there in Kandahar. And it was when my soldiers got to me after that moment where I gave up that will to live and screamed out, sir, I've got you, that I realized I would be saved and saved for a reason. And so that's

You know, that was 16 years ago. A lot has happened. I met my wife in the healing process. She worked in the hospital. She also served in the Army. And Amy and I have been married for 15 years. We've got three beautiful and healthy children. Our oldest son is 13. Our daughter is 11. Our youngest son is 9.

But after I was medically retired from the military, I began a life as someone just pursuing the American dream like so many others. I'm 41 years old. We all want to have home ownership.

Many of us want to have families, own a business, just be productive members of society. And I was able to enjoy much of that, starting a business that provided pharmaceutical services to the VA for veterans when the VA hospital wasn't able to. And just a few years ago,

I sold that business to focus on serving our country again in probably the most significant way I possibly could as a candidate here for U.S. Senate in Nevada. That is a great introduction. Thank you, Sam. Now introduce us to the stakes of your race. Who are you running against? What has she done? And introduce our national audience to what's going on on the ground in Nevada.

Yeah, so Jackie Rosen is a first-term incumbent senator. She was first elected to the House in 2016 as part of Harry Reid's up-and-coming, you know,

She's was right after she got elected to the House. She now she was going to run for the Senate and ultimately defeated Dean Heller in 2018. So she's coming up on the end of her first six years in the Senate and has really just been a.

As you would expect, a rubber stamp for Chuck Schumer, for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. In fact, as many of us are suffering with the economic hardship of this administration, it's important to note that Jackie Rosen was part of the Democrat votes that set up all of the Bidenomic tie-breaking votes for Kamala Harris.

And she, furthermore, has served on the Homeland Security Committee. This is a committee that should have been providing

You know, oversight, pushback against this Biden-Harris administration as their policies on the border have just wreaked so much harm on our country. But she has done nothing on the border. She has been complicit in the Biden-Harris policies. She is she, in fact, has only visited the border twice in six years. And one of those just recently is a campaign stop.

Um, but, uh, at the end of the day, she is, she is really not led on anything. Um, unless it is helping yourself. This is someone who, who claims to, uh, want to eliminate members of Congress being able to buy and trade individual stocks, but is a frequent violator of the stock act. And actually for six years failed to disclose that she controlled a $15 million family trust. Uh,

in which she owns hundreds of thousands of dollars of big pharmaceutical stocks. She's out here telling folks that she's here to lower cost of medication, but she's literally profiting off of it. And as we talk about the failure on the border, her own neighborhood has more security than the border with gates, fences, and security. Our country deserves that. Nevada deserves that. This is a senator who has just been out to enrich herself.

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Kirk. So what is the vibe on the ground in Nevada? Nevada, actually, we are winning early voting. It's remarkable. Let me just read some of this right now. The Secretary of State is reporting today's ballots. And the author of this blog from a top Nevada blogger, John Ralston, says that he lives in an upside down world right now. In past cycles, he'll be reporting how Democrats were slowly building a firewall in Clark County, which, of course, is where

right outside my window right now. This is Clark County right here. We are in Clark County. They've successfully done this in every presidential cycle since 2008. Thank you, Harry Reid and the Reid machine. But the opposite is happening. Thanks to a rural tsunami, the Republicans have moved to a substantial ballot lead, 18,500 ballots or almost five points. The rural firewall, the Republican advantage in smaller counties is 21,000 ballots. The Clark firewall is at 5,000 or just 2.5 points.

In a place where Democrats have nearly have a 7% registration advantage. Washoe, which we were just at up in Northern Nevada, a swing urban county, Republicans have a four-point lead just above their registration advantage. Sam, what's going on here? Charlie, folks are voting like their life depends on it. Republicans are turning out literally in a historic way. This hasn't happened in 20 years.

And so for us to be leading by nearly 18,000 or more votes at this point, again, it's historic, hasn't happened in 20 years. It shows that people are voting, again, like their life depends on it. Some other good news from what we're seeing in some of our internal polls is that not only is President Trump leading with Hispanic voters, but I'm leading with Hispanic voters by double digits.

We're also seeing independence here breaking for both President Trump and for me over Kamala Harris and Jackie Rosen, respectively. Nevada Senate race has been a sleeper race. Frankly, nationally, it hasn't gotten very much attention.

But what we are seeing in terms of Nevadans coming out to vote, swamping the vote, participating in early vote, mailing in ballots. In fact, I harvested ballots and dropped them off yesterday. It was safe and secure. We are seeing so much enthusiasm that the Democrats are afraid that this is going to be their last stand. And

we'll see the Harry Reid machine begin to crumble. But look, I'm inviting your audience. If you want to participate, Chuck Schumer just announced last night, he's going to spend another $4.5 million unplanned in this last 12 days. I need, I need folks from all across the country to support us. Join in whether it's 10 bucks, 20 bucks, $50, go to and let's let's finish this fight together.

Talk about the working class realignment and how Nevada is becoming a red state because the muscular class that Donald Trump has brought into the Republican Party. Yeah, look, I mean, people want an opportunity. You know, Nevadans are not afraid to work, work their tail off.

In fact, 80% of Nevadans weren't born here. So, you know, Nevada has been a state that has just attracted hustlers, folks that want to take a bet on themselves. And this administration and the economic policies of it have just really hurt folks. Housing has become very unattainable, unaffordable for many. Now, again, people aren't afraid to work.

They just want to know that when they work hard, they've got a fair shot. And President Trump offers that. So we're seeing union households realigning with President Trump, this new version of the Republican Party. Some of our polling, we're seeing union households

We're kind of toggling back and forth between whether or not they're breaking for Rosen or for me. But the fact that we're competing with that segment is just phenomenal. I think this is just the edge of the new Republican Party. Again, with Hispanic voters, we're seeing double-digit leads right now. This is just phenomenal news. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we have an opportunity to break over 50% of Hispanic household voters in our favor. Asian American Pacific Islanders.

Another segment of voters that work hard, entrepreneurial spirit, good conservative family values have typically voted Democrat. But in this cycle, I've made a very strong appeal to our Asian-American Pacific Islander communities, whether it's our Filipinos, the Vietnamese, our Chinese-Americans, you know, Korean community, Pacific Islanders.

This is a community that is looking for someone to be a champion for them, not to just give a handout, but to ensure that they have an opportunity to realize that American dream. Sam, repeat the website one more time and the stakes of your race here for the balance of the Senate. Yeah, it's That's all spelled out, If you want to get involved, donate to the campaign. And for those who just need some encouragement in life,

And we talked briefly about my bio. I just recently published a book. It's called A Live Day. You can get it on Amazon. It's just about my story. It's not really political, but it's about finding hope and purpose after you've lost everything. And people can get that on Amazon. Again, that's called A Live Day by Captain Sam Brown.

Sam, thank you so much. We'll see you tonight. Thank you. Thanks, Charlie. I want to play more pieces of tape here from the Kamala Harris interview on CNN. Let's play Cut 100.

Kamala Harris participated in a one-person debate last night, and she lost. She was asked direct questions, and she provided very circular answers. My colleagues Van Jones and David Axelrod and others noted that she provided word-salad answers. Anderson asked her specifically direct questions, and she didn't provide an answer to them. Anderson asked the best question all night. Why didn't you do this four years ago? Why haven't you been doing this?

Ten minute answer didn't answer the question. So what she did last night, I don't think helped her cause at all. I think people are looking for, you know, how are you going to you heard the one woman? How are you going to make my life better? That wasn't provided. Donald Trump bad is not going to get you to the White House. I hate to break it to her. Donald Trump bad is her entire message. It's not enough to win. Let's play cut 99. This is Scott Jennings reacting. Play cut 99. She doesn't have to be flawless.

But she has to give you something. I mean, she's like a true double threat. You know, she's terrible on her feet when she gets unexpected questions. And simultaneously, she can't even answer the expected questions. It's nothing, nothing, nothing. You'd think she'd be prepared to do this by now. You know, what's the mistake you've made? Nothing. What's a weakness you have? Nothing. What's the first law you want to pass? Nothing. What's a policy difference between you and Joe Biden?

nothing. Over and over and over. Empty, empty, empty. If she were an animal, she'd be a duck-billed platitude. It's a total world. This should not be a close election. It's going to be, but it should not be. She cannot capably

Answer any questions. Here is Harold Ford Jr., Democrat on Fox, PlayCut 104. What I can't understand is at a moment in which you're supposed to be laser-focused serious with 12 days left in a campaign, and you get asked a question from an audience member that says, what's the first thing you would want to do?

What's the first piece of legislation you'd want to pass? If you can't come right away, but we want to pass a border security bill, we want a new tax bill that empowers first-time homeowners and small business owners, and we want to review and overhaul regulatory processes to make sure we're not limiting or inhibiting growth in America. It begs the question in some ways, what is your campaign doing with you? What are you guys talking about? What are you taking a day off to prepare for if you can't say those things?

I have some thoughts that I will not say until after the election, if we win, of how Kamala could have messaged herself to victory. But I'm not going to say that because we're 11 days out. But my goodness, she missed some huge opportunities, huge opportunities, completely misread the room. But I'm not going to do that right now. Yeah, it's better for us. Let's play another piece of tape here of Kamala Harris being asked very simple questions about politics.

Abortion, Playa 88. Let me ask you, you've talked about codifying Roe v. Wade. That would rather require 60 votes in the Senate, a majority of the House. That's a big leap. We don't have that yet. If that's not possible to codify it in the House, what do you do?

I think we need to take a look at the filibuster, to be honest with you. That is so radical, it's hard to even put in words. And finally, Anderson Cooper says, anybody above $400,000, will they have their taxes raised? Play cut 81. So you're saying, well, what you're saying is anyone under $400,000 won't have taxes raised. Are you saying that anyone above $400,000 will have a tax raise? I'm saying that there is going to be

a parity around what the richest people pay in terms of their taxes right now anderson you know the document it is well documented that some of the richest people in our country have gotten away with the zero tax rate but if you're earning five hundred six hundred seven hundred thousand dollars under your plan there's a good chance your taxes go it this we can't have this conversation without knowing what that it's very complicated situation right if you're talking you got

You got to go chase every ballot. We can't allow this person to become president of the United States. We cannot allow her to win. Chase ballots. Get your friends to do the same. And as always, go vote. Go vote. Go vote. Go vote now. And surge, baby, surge. Find one new voter. Go find the voter that wasn't going to vote and get them to vote. Be the change. Thanks so much for listening, everyone. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.

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