cover of episode Latin America's Criminals Are Headed To America...And Biden Is Giving Them A Vote

Latin America's Criminals Are Headed To America...And Biden Is Giving Them A Vote

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The Charlie Kirk Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Charlie Kirk
Hans von Spakovsky
Mike Davis
Mike Davis: 司法部长梅里克·加兰德藐视国会,拒绝接受调查,这在法律上站不住脚。他认为,特朗普总统回归后应对其进行刑事调查,并详细阐述了加兰德的所作所为以及其行为的法律漏洞。他还讨论了特朗普总统应该选择一位勇敢无畏、不受左右左右、遵循法律的司法部长,并推荐了Mark Paoletta和Jeff Clark等人选,分析了他们的优势和劣势,以及对拜登政府滥用司法权力,对特朗普及其盟友进行政治迫害,却对拜登家族成员和激进组织成员网开一面的批评。 Charlie Kirk: 他谴责拜登政府的开放边境政策导致犯罪增加,并以Rachel Morin的悲剧为例,详细描述了非法移民犯罪的严重性和对美国女性安全构成的威胁。他还批评了美国媒体对非法移民犯罪事件的报道避重就轻,并呼吁人们关注这一问题。此外,他还讨论了拜登政府计划对非法移民进行大规模赦免,以及这将如何影响即将到来的选举。 Hans von Spakovsky: 他指出拜登政府对非法入境者采取了行政赦免,允许他们进入美国境内,这违反了法律。他分析了拜登总统无权对非法移民进行大规模赦免,并批评了拜登总统蔑视法治,认为自己拥有独裁权力。他还讨论了美国缺乏有效的机制来阻止非法移民投票,并指出加利福尼亚州是允许非法移民投票最严重的州。他建议司法部应该与国土安全部合作,调查非法移民投票的问题。

Deep Dive

The chapter discusses the tragic murder of Rachel Morin by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, highlighting the lack of background checks and security measures at the U.S. border under Biden's administration.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, today I'm with Charlie Kirk, so Mike Davis joins us and he has a really good recommendation for who should become Attorney General. The open border is resulting in increased crime and then we also play some tape of our haters. We talked to some haters in Detroit, Michigan. Email us as always freedom at and subscribe to our podcast and get involved with Turning Point USA at That is

We have a new book out, Right Wing Revolution. Get your copy now, How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. That's, So check it out right now at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to

Joining us now is Mike Davis. Mike Davis is from the Article 3 Project. Mike, welcome to the program. Mike, walk us through the technical side of the contempt of Congress, Merrick Garland. So is it true that Merrick Garland makes the decision of whether or not he gets investigated for what he did wrong? How is this possible, Mike Davis?

Well, he can make that decision right now, but he won't be making that decision after January 20th, 2025, when President Trump is back in office and his acting Attorney General actually follows the law here and opens a criminal probe on Attorney General Merrick Garland, who was held in contempt of Congress. Remember what happened here, you had Merrick Garland

who sent top Trump White House trade advisor Peter Navarro to prison for contempt of Congress after President Trump asserted constitutional executive privilege going back 250 years to George Washington. So presidents can get candid advice from their advisors without fear they'll be pulled before courts or Congress to reveal that advice. You had Merrick Garland,

prosecuting Steve Bannon, one of President Trump's top outside presidential advisors and executive privilege, according to the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department, applies to outside presidential advisors. He's heading to prison for contempt of Congress after assertion of constitutional executive privilege by President Trump. But then you have Merrick Garland here. Merrick Garland's

released the transcript of special counsel Robert Herr's recording with President Biden. So I don't know how you can claim executive privilege when you release the transcript. You have waived executive privilege, yet Merrick Garland is trying to claim that the audio recording of this conversation between special counsel Robert Herr and President Biden

Biden is somehow covered by executive privilege, even though they released the transcript. It is legally frivolous, what Garland is asserting here. And then he ran to the Office of Legal Counsel, apparently, and got a memo from his subordinates saying,

Saying, hey, our boss, Merrick Garland, can't get charged with contempt of Congress because of executive privilege. This is a frivolous legal argument. I can't believe that the Office of Legal Counsel, which is supposed to be the general counsel for the executive branch, binding on the executive branch.

went along with this frivolous legal argument. And again, when President Trump's back in office, his acting attorney general on day one should open a criminal probe because remember what Merrick Garland says, nobody is above the law and that includes Attorney General Merrick Garland. - I completely agree. I wanna take a detour here for a second and we'll get back on course of what we are talking about here, Mike, but it's very interesting.

I think that Donald Trump's vice presidential selection will be one of the most important VP selections in modern American history for obvious reasons. But I think who he selects for attorney general will be equally, if not more important than

people have floated for you for attorney general, which I know you'd be terrific. Let's say that doesn't work out for whatever reason. Can you give us a some names or at the very least be some criteria for what Donald Trump should be looking for an attorney general? I believe his second term, God willing, we get one by the grace of God will be made or broken more based on who he chooses for AG than even for VP Mike Davis.

So I can't get confirmed as Attorney General. I was the Chief Counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee. I always tell people I'm too charming to get confirmed. There's no way in hell the Senate would ever confirm me to anything, especially as Attorney General. I want to be Trump's viceroy because I don't want to be accountable to courts in Congress. But in all seriousness,

seriousness. For the Attorney General, you need someone who is bold, who is fearless, who's not going to be cowed by the left, who's not going to be cowed by the right. You need someone who's going to look at the Constitution, look at federal statutes, and follow the law and let the chips fall where they may. There are people out there who would be fantastic

a fantastic attorney general for President Trump. I personally like Mark Paoletta a lot. He is the former counsel in the vice president's office. He would be terrific. That's a name. I like it. That's a good one. I'm writing it down. He'd be so good. And he's close to Justice Clarence Thomas. He helped Justice Clarence Thomas get confirmed. He's a very good man. He doesn't need the job. He doesn't need the money. He has a fantastic career.

He would be the perfect pick for President Trump for Attorney General because he's shown over the years in his defense of Justice Clarence Thomas against the left-wing attacks that Mark Palletta fears no one. He's not going to cow to anyone. He's worked on the Hill. He's worked in the executive branch. He's worked in the Office of Management and Budget.

as the general counsel, which is a crucial job. So he thoroughly understands the executive branch, the Supreme Court, the lower courts, Congress. He would be the perfect pick. Other names, just, I'm sorry to put you on the spot here, Mike, but this is so important. We have to start really building this out because I do not want to see another Bill Barr. I don't want to see another Rod Rosenstein. And it also has to be somebody, and he gets a really bad rap,

understandably, and he deserves it for some reasons. But Jeff Sessions was an objectively great attorney general, except for the fact that he recused himself and he blew up the entire administration. Otherwise, he was great on crime. He was great on gangs, all this other stuff. But he was not the right person because he couldn't handle the heat. Who else, Mike Davis, should we be looking at for attorney general?

You need people who are bold and fearless. I love Jeff Clark as well. Jeff Clark should be a great candidate for attorney general. I don't know if they're January 6th.

investigations have made it where it'd be hard to confirm him. I still think he can get confirmed if President Trump wins by two or three points and picks up several Senate seats. So someone like Jeff Clark, who has been a Senate confirmed top official in the Justice Department, he's led several litigating divisions in the Justice Department. He's a brilliant attorney, he's fearless. If he can't be the Attorney General, he'd be a great White House counsel.

Here's my biggest issue is I don't want politicians who are worried about their next jobs, right? And that's why people like Mark Pialetta and Jeff Clark would be great because they don't need to worry about their next jobs. People like that who can just go in there and do their jobs on day one, do the cleaning house at the FBI and main justice that desperately needs to be done.

open critical investigations, civil rights investigations against these Hamas supporters who are terrorizing Jewish Americans, particularly Jewish college students all across America. We can't have two systems of justice in America where Joe Biden and Merrick Garland have politicized and weaponized the Justice Department to go after Trump.

His family, his top aides, his allies, while this Justice Department, this Biden Justice Department gives amnesty to Joe Biden and James Biden and Hunter Biden, every scumbag Biden who's taken over $20 million from Russia, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

biggest trouble spots in the world. It seems like every Biden family member is on the payroll except for the six year old granddaughter who they don't wanna claim. The Biden Justice Department gives amnesty to BLM and Antifa and trans terrorist and abortion industry activists and Hamas supporters. This is unacceptable. We're throwing little old lady Christians in prison under the Federal Face Act for praying and

at abortion clinics, but we're not going to put trans terrorists who are terrorizing pro-life pregnancy centers and Catholic churches. We're not going to put abortion industry activists who are doing the same in prison. This is unsustainable, this politicized and weaponized justice system. These are republic ending tactics by Joe Biden and Merrick Garland in the Biden Justice Department. And the only way this ends is to deliver real justice for real crimes starting on January 20th, 2025.

Mike Davis, Article 3 Project, excellent work. Thank you so much. Thank you, Charlie. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. What an unbelievable start to 2024. We had last month saving babies with pre-born by providing ultrasounds. And we're doing again this year what we did last year. We're going to stand for life because remaining silent in the face of the most radically pro-death administration is not an option.

As Sir Edmund Burke said, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, and we're not going to do nothing. Your gift to pre-born will give a girl the truth about what's happening in her body so that she can make the right choice. $280 can save 10 babies. $28 a month can save a baby a month all year long. And a $15,000 gift will provide a complete ultrasound machine that will save thousands of babies for years and years to come. And will also save moms from a lifetime of pain and regret.

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In February of 2023, as Bukele was locking down on crime in El Salvador, thousands of people started to leave El Salvador and they came to America. In February of 2023, an individual by the name of Martinez Hernandez came into the country, into America. Joe Biden did not do any background check on this person. Joe Biden did not care where this person was from. Joe Biden just said, come on in. Welcome to America. Bienvenidos. That is the

American regime fled El Salvador. Martinez Hernandez then went on to attack in Los Angeles in March of 2023, a family. Brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles in March of 2023. Nothing happened there because we don't deport anybody in this country. No one decided to go after him or find him. So he just disappeared. We have no track and we don't know who these people are. So he just vanished.

About 10 months ago, a young lady by the name of Rachel Morin decided to go for a hike in Maryland. Rachel Morin decided to go for a run or a jog or a hike, put up Cut 52. This was Rachel Morin. And she went for a hike. And Martinez Hernandez, after he brutally attacked people in Los Angeles, after he broke into our country, raped and murdered Rachel Morin, a mother. And I think a mother of five is what they're saying. So Rachel Morin

He's now dead, similar to Lake and Riley. The Biden administration hasn't commented on this. Of course, they're responsible. Joe Biden is directly responsible for the death of this young lady, Rachel Morin, very similar to the Lake and Riley case. And I say this, I don't say this lightly. If you are a young lady in this country, I would not feel safe jogging on trails. By the way, this just happened in Scottsdale. Last year, young lady jogging on a trail, boom, murdered.

This is the country that they've created. Rachel Morin just wanted to go on a hike when she was raped and murdered by an illegal alien from El Salvador. Victor Antonio Martinez has already committed, this is the key, he'd already committed a murder in El Salvador. And instead of being locked up by Bukele, now the safest country in the Western Hemisphere, he fled to Joe Biden's lawless America. The 37-year-old mother leaves behind five devastated children.

So when you come to the southern border, Joe Biden doesn't do any background checks. He doesn't do any DNA checks. He doesn't care who it is. Just come on in. So Victor Antonio Martinez says, OK, I'll come on in. Going brutally attacks a nine year old in L.A. and then goes and rapes a mother of five. And in reality, that that makes this a homicide of not just killing the mom. There are many victims in this. Those kids are still alive, but now they're raised on a mother.

all because of Joe Biden's open border. These sorts of crimes are happening daily. Joe Biden literally couldn't care less. In fact, he wants this to happen. This is by design. It is harder to board an airplane for American citizens than it is to come into the southern border. This is Maryland County Sheriff who blames Joe Biden for the murder committed by an illegal immigrant. And if you want to know how evil the American media is, just type in Rachel Moore into your search engine.

Almost none of the stories mention that this guy's an illegal. Almost none of them. Baltimore Banner, Rachel Morin, Victor Martinez Hernandez arrested. DNA evidence connects Rachel Morin to El Salvadorian. No one mentions the fact that if we would have at least been doing background checks, El Salvador had a red alert on this guy. Red alert.

There was a red alert tag and border patrol does not even do a background check. And this guy goes to LA, he goes to Maryland, commits crimes, and they ended up arresting him in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you are a young woman in this country and you vote Democrat because you wanna be able to murder your baby or whatever, you might get murdered while you're going for a jog. Play cut 53. And I want to now direct these comments to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

and to every member in both chambers of Congress. We are 1,800 miles away here in Hartford County. We are 1,800 miles away from the southern border, and the American citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. This is the second time in just two years that an innocent Hartford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally. Oh, this is happening in every corner, every county, every state is a border state. No background checks, no DNA swabs.

And they're here to murder your daughters, to go after your wife and your kids. That is Joe Biden's America. All right. I need to tell you guys about Strong Cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you, it is more clear than ever that Strong Cell works. It works to combat fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, skin issues, and constant sickness. I've been taking it personally for over a year now, and it's changed my life. I take it in the morning with breakfast, and it helps me with natural energy so I don't have that afternoon crash.

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Joining us now is Hans von Spakowski. I hope I said that okay. Hans, welcome to the program, former FEC member and election law reform initiative from Heritage. Hans, I want to talk about here Joe Biden's mass amnesty. In the previous segment, we covered the tragic story of Rachel Morin, a mother of five in Maryland who was brutally murdered by an El Salvadorian who came into the country with no background check, no idea who he was. What is Joe Biden's plan to give citizenship or

amnesty to illegals here in this country? Well, look, they've already been giving an administrative amnesty to aliens. Aliens who cross the border illegally are just let go and said, well, maybe you should appear in six months or a year for an immigration hearing. But in the meantime,

They can disappear into the interior of the country. And he's not supposed to do that. He's not allowed to do that under the law, and he's doing it anyway. And that's why, as you know, in the last four years, we've had the estimate is between 8 and 9 million people

aliens have come across the border illegally. That's more than in the entire, I think, decade prior to that. - I wanna play here cut 20. This is NBC News reporting. Biden is hatching a mass amnesty scheme for hundreds of thousands of illegals. So the people that are raping the women, raping innocents across the country, they're murdering, they're coming in the country. Joe Biden wants to make them American citizens. Play cut 20.

And new this morning, multiple sources familiar with the White House's plans tell NBC News that President Biden is set to take executive action as early as Tuesday to protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation. So help me understand this, 53% of Latinos want all illegal immigrants deported. So these are criminals in the country. So how is Joe Biden able to do this?

Well, he doesn't have the authority to do that. If you'll recall, that's something that Barack Obama tried to do with his programs and the court said, "You can't do it." So this is just another example of the president defying the law the same way he's doing it with student loans. The Supreme Court said, "You don't have the authority to simply write those off and forgive them." And yet he's been doing it anyway.

I mean, his contempt for the rule of law and his belief that he could just issue an executive order, for example, suddenly making individual citizens, the law doesn't allow him to do that. And if there's anything close to him thinking that he's got dictatorial powers, I mean, that's it right there.

So this is remarkable to me. And I don't want to ask you to comment on the politics unless you're comfortable doing it. What is Joe Biden thinking? This can't be popular with the American people. This is really radical stuff. Well, it is really radical. But you need to understand that all of the individuals who came into the White House with him,

I've been dealing with them for the last 20 years in Washington on the far left, and all of his closest advisors, the folks who are at the Department of Homeland Security, all of them are open borders individuals. They think that our immigration laws are racist. They have no intention of abiding by them. And I think they came into office thinking that

We need to, if we only have four years, hopefully we'll have eight, we need to sweep aside our immigration laws and bring in as many immigrants

aliens as possible across the border in the United States so that it's impossible for us to ever remove them from the country. And that will help us both politically, eventually with votes, and will help us change the American culture, which those folks in the White House hate.

So Hans, help me understand how many illegals are going to vote in this upcoming election? The New York Post has an article, how non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across America and how Republicans are trying to stop it. Is this their big October surprise? Are there going to be millions of foreigners voting in our elections this fall? Well, look, we don't know the numbers. What I can tell you is, is that we have nothing in place really to stop that.

When you register to vote, election officials aren't doing any kind of check. They're not verifying the information. They're not making sure that you're actually a U.S. citizen. They just take the name and address that comes in on a registration form, and suddenly you're a registered voter. How big are the numbers? We don't know. But look, just a couple of years ago, the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania was forced to resign after it was revealed that

that the Pennsylvania DMV had been registering literally thousands of aliens for many years. Ever since then, Pennsylvania state government has fought to prevent having to disclose how many aliens were registered and how many of them voted. But the estimates are a minimum of 10,000 and it could be a lot more. And that's not a rumor. That's something that really happened. Those are facts.

I mean, so they're trying to break the law, it seems. So do we have any indication? What states are the worst offenders right now for illegals that very well might be voting in our elections? California is clearly the worst. They've got probably one of the worst voter registration systems in the country. Not only do they do absolutely nothing to verify citizenship, people are registering to vote,

They really are encouraging it. You know, they switched to an automatic voter registration system. So when you go in to get a driver's license and illegals in California can get driver's licenses, the state DMV automatically registers you to vote. They don't ask you if you want to register. They simply automatically register you. So California is probably going to be one of the worst places in the country for this.

So, I mean, I know people that have left California and they still get ballots. And even though they tell the California government, I don't live here anymore, they still send out ballots. So help me understand about the swing states, Arizona, even Texas. I mean, every state seems to be a border state right now. Of the battleground states, how many illegals potentially could be in the system in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania? Yeah.

- Well, the way to look at it is not just illegals, but aliens in general. Look, there was a study done about a decade ago looking at survey data from across the country from individuals who had registered and voted in the election. And the authors of that study, several professors, estimated that depending on whether it's a presidential race or a congressional race,

You could have anywhere from about 2% of the aliens who are in the country voting in a congressional race. And they estimated, for example, in the '08 Obama race, that over 6% of the aliens in the country had actually voted in that election. 6%, as you well know, could make the difference in a presidential race.

Oh, yeah. I mean, and it seems like there's no I mean, obviously, from the federal government, there's no concern because they want the illegals to vote in this regard. And so what do you have to say to the people that say that this is an imaginary problem? It isn't happening. What let's say Trump were to win by the grace of God. What can the federal government do to investigate this and permanently end this?

Well, one of the easiest things that could happen is for the Justice Department, which these days just ignores that problem.

to start looking at and coordinating with the Department of Homeland Security to get their records on aliens, particularly those who have themselves reported that they were registered in voting. That's something that they know about, DHS does when people apply for naturalization citizenship. But the other thing that DHS could start doing is finally

cooperating with state election officials to use their databases to find aliens who are registered to vote and have voted in elections. That would be a massive project, but it's one that ought to be undertaken by a new Justice Department, hopefully a new Department of Homeland Security. Hans, excellent work. Thank you so much. We love Heritage and we appreciate your commentary. Thank you. Thanks for having me.

This immigration issue is unbelievable. And I mean, if you have women in your life, wives, daughters, understand the El Salvador murder rate is the lowest in the Western hemisphere. Venezuela's crime rate is down significantly. Now, El Salvador, they went and they just rounded up tens of thousands of people. That's the way you should do it, by the way, to start mass arresting of criminals and put them in jail for the rest of their life. El Salvador is super safe. You can walk at night in El Salvador. By the way,

Do you feel safe walking the streets of LA at night? Do you feel safe walking the streets of Chicago at night? The answer is no. Do we really live in a free country? You can walk the streets of Budapest at night. You can walk the streets of Abu Dhabi at night, not the streets of New York, not the streets of LA, definitely not the streets of San Francisco, streets of Seattle and Portland. Where do you think they're sending all these people? They've opened up the prisons.

of Venezuela. They've opened up the jails of El Salvador and they send them to our country. And then they start raping women, murdering people, arson, home break-ins. Here in Arizona, every single day, there's a new break-in from a Central and South American gang squad. No one really does anything about it. They just do it with total impunity. And that's what we're dealing with here. We are dealing with savage animals. The El Salvadorian MS-13, you look at this story here of Rachel Morin,

And that is exactly what Joe Biden and his team want. They want blood in the streets. They want disarray. They want discord. They have no concern about the well-being of this country. And you are seeing the downfall of the entire civilization there. And it starts on the southern border. And we talk about it in the book, Right-Wing Revolution, How to Beat the Woke and Save the West.

You guys can get your tickets. Your tickets, geez, I keep saying that. You can get your copy, That is Maggie said, just ordered a couple books. Thanks for letting us know that we can order books without giving a share in the proceeds to Amazon. That's right. So the, you could bypass Amazon and actually save money, by the way. And you can even get a signed copy too. You can purchase a signed copy at

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Okay, everybody, let me tell you what we're going to do. We're going to put together a little graphic. If you register 25 voters, I will send you a signed copy of my new book, Right Wing Revolution. If you register 100 voters, I will put you on the show to tell your story. If you register 250 voters, we will fly you out to Phoenix and you guys will have dinner with the top 250. This is all before mid-September. So let's put together a nice graphic there. It is the voter registration game.

Low propensity voter registration. Find patriots, register them to vote. Find patriots, register them to vote. Get them on the early voting list. And this should convict you. That really is the new word, right? Conviction.

Right-wing revolution, how to beat the woke and save the West, We have to harvest the low propensity voters. It is more important than ever. It is the harvest for all of them. That is, So this is how CNN covered our amazing event in Detroit, Michigan. This is how CNN covered it. They call us a far right group.

play cut to. And I mentioned how Trump is. He's trying to court black voters this weekend, but he's also trying to rile up folks on his right flank. There's a far right group called Turning Point USA, the Turning Point Action. He's going to this conference to speak to them this weekend, along with some others. And

Democrats are going to try to take advantage of the fact of the person who is running this group, Charlie Kirk, and the things that he has said in the past. Though I do wonder if the associate, Trump has all sorts of associations with lots of people with views that are objectionable to a lot of people. I think it's Trump himself, what he will say there and what comes out of his mouth that is much more detrimental to women, to his standing with women and perhaps other groups. And if you're a woman who's not

offended by things that Trump has said and done, then you're not going to be offended by Charlie Kirk. Yeah. Yeah. National review. Really great. CNN continues with mean tweets of our coverage of the people's convention play cut 14. Democrats are going to try to take advantage of the fact that the person who is running this group, uh, Charlie Kirk, the things that he has said in the past, including this young ladies present a great opportunity. Um, they, they are, uh,

Not not conservative. They've been sold a lie through culture, through media, through even some of their parents that you basically have to go pursue this corporate trajectory and that men are always the problem and suppress your biological impulses. A lot of them are on birth control, too. And birth control like really screws up female brains.

You know, he also has suggested that women over 30 are less desirable. I take real objection to that. Bless his heart. OK, your options run thinner if you are a young lady trying to find a husband in your 30s than your 20s. It's a biological reality. I didn't make the rules. The dating pool shrinks.

I guess I'm far right for wanting to promote the nuclear family. MSNBC or NBC, I guess MSNBC also covered our event. This is Dash Up Burns. We'll be watching this together for the first time. Let's play Cut 56.

Yeah, Jose, so Charlie Kirk and Turning Point are looking to play a big role in this election cycle. The foundational mission of the organization was to bring in young voters into the conservative movement. This cycle, they're also launching a ballot chasing initiative in partnership with the Trump campaign in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin, where they're trying to turn out low propensity voters, trying to get them to vote politically.

by mail, early voting and voting in person. But Charlie Kirk, the founder of the organization, is a sort of a right wing provocateur of sorts who's known for making headlines about some controversial statements. I asked him about just what you mentioned, Jose. Take a listen.

The former president here in Detroit, before he's coming to speak here, he's meeting with some black pastors. He's really been trying to reach out to the black community, bring them into the fold. You've said some stuff on your podcast. You've advocated against DEI in that context. You've questioned whether you could trust black

That's correct. You advocated for maybe. What did I exactly say, though? We can play the clip back. Yes, you should. And I said it's in the context of the EI. According to United Airlines hiring practices, they will lower standards and increase racial. Sure, sure. I'm not debating what you said. But in the context of that, you've also questioned whether MLK should have a federal holiday. Correct, yes. How do you convince black voters of the Republican Party? I mean, we.

We just held the largest minority outreach event in the conservative movement, our Black Liberation Organization, and we were really warmly received. I think black voters aren't falling for the nonsense of white liberal siren songs of racism. They want their country back. And we'll see what happens. I think my favorite part is I didn't fight her. I was like, yep, yep, correct. Yes. What's the point?

Learn how to fight. Learn how to win at Right Wing Revolution. That is That was the first time, by the way, I saw the NBC clip. By the way, this is part of our book. When the Left Tries to Shame You. You see, that was an attempt at a humiliation trial. That was an attempt at a Soviet tactic. Again, she's a nice enough person, Dash. I have nothing against her personally. She's got to pay her bills and all that. I have nothing against her. It's That is

Right Wing Revolution. Get your copies right now. How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. Right Wing Revolution. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to