cover of episode How Many Terrorists Are Currently in America?

How Many Terrorists Are Currently in America?

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The Charlie Kirk Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alejandro Mayorkas
Charlie Kirk
Ilya Shapiro
Charlie Kirk: 拜登政府的开放边境政策导致数百名潜在恐怖分子通过与ISIS相关的网络进入美国。这可能导致2024年大选期间发生恐怖袭击,目标可能是医院、学校或电网等关键基础设施。政府对边境安全的忽视以及对恐怖主义威胁的低估令人担忧。共和党对边境问题的重视程度不够,也应承担部分责任。超过50名可能与ISIS相关的网络有联系的移民在美国境内活动,他们的下落不明,这构成了严重的潜在威胁。政府试图将责任推卸给边境巡逻队,但多年来,人们一直警告说,恐怖分子嫌疑人出现在边境上。美国政府为潜在恐怖分子提供便利,让他们可以前往美国任何城市。边境过境人数下降40%的说法是虚假的,拜登政府贿赂墨西哥政府人为降低数字。 Alejandro Mayorkas: 没有证据表明来自中亚的非法移民与ISIS有联系并计划伤害美国。美国人民的安全和保障是政府的最高优先事项。

Deep Dive

Charlie Kirk discusses a disturbing report that hundreds of potential terrorists have entered America via an ISIS-linked network, highlighting the dangers of Biden's open border policies.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, it's the other Charlie Kirk show. How many terrorists are currently in America? We ask the question, a disappointing decision from the U.S. Supreme Court. Has Biden given up on Florida and a Hamas riot in Los Angeles? Email us as always, freedom at

Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk Show. That is Charlie Kirk Show. And as always, you can become a member at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to

Wild News Week here as we prepare for the presidential debate tomorrow. We are going to have an entire show dedicated to that tomorrow. Also a pre-show and post-show for the live stream there. You can tune in to all of our channels to watch us live. We're going to have a whole panel discussion. We're going to have our thought crime crew together. Okay, so this should be the number one news story in the country. And this clip is going to be the number one news story in the country.

is a perfect example of exactly what has been happening on the southern border. Why this is now hitting the news is very interesting to me. It's hitting the news probably because the government is trying to play catch up

for what very well might be an imminent terror attack against the homeland. Now, I don't like fear mongering. I do not like making people have to be in a place of hysteria unnecessarily. We have been warning about this and we have been met with mockery after mockery after mockery after mockery from the media. Charlie Kirk says that terrorists are coming across the border and lacks evidence. These people are liars.

Could the October surprise be the activation of sleeper cells in this country? Could it be a mass casualty event where they go after hospitals, elementary schools, go after the grid? I hate even thinking like this, let alone talking like this. But breaking today, this should be the number one news story on the planet. Federal government acknowledges 400 illegals smuggled into the United States were done so by an ISIS-affiliated network.

Where 50 of them are, we do not know. The federal government is saying that there are now 50 potential 9-11 hijacker types in the interior of the United States. Remember, it only took 19 terrorists for 9-11. There are thousands of others, but in this one particular group, there are 50. Now, we have been saying repeatedly, you have to understand what is happening on the southern border. Border Patrol, paid for by our taxpayer dollars,

They are not allowed to repel entry of bad hombres that want to come into the country. They are a paper processing agency. Joe Biden has turned the Southern Border Patrol into a paperwork processing agency, an concierge service, a one-stop shop to be able to get a nonstop flight to the city in America of your choosing. We are allowing...

The worst of society to come into America. And now the federal government is saying we might get a mass terror attack later this year. And amazingly, I do not see people very concerned about this. Now, Republicans are, of course, somewhat to blame because they have not taken the border as seriously as they should. They refuse to secure the southern border. This is from NBC News. They're laying this out in great detail that the next mass terror event, the terrorist himself is likely here.

From Tajikistan, from Georgia. You see the terror attacks happening in Russia? They might be planning them here next. U.S. Border Patrol terrorist watch list hits rise. In 2023, there were 70 on the terror watch list that came across the southern border. But we don't know about the gotaways. What makes this group so maddening is that they surrendered themselves to Border Patrol. They ran a background check and nothing was done.

Found available, and now they're in the interior, and now the federal government says, oh no, it's an election year. We might have allowed the new 9-11 hijackers into the country. Meanwhile, Venezuela is emptying prisons. Our young ladies in this country are being kidnapped and raped and murdered. This is NBC News.

Listen carefully. Play cut 45. Tonight, NBC News has learned more than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. Many illegally crossed the border and were released into the U.S. by Border Patrol because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time. Now their whereabouts are unknown as immigration agents look to arrest them. U.S. officials tell us...

saying they're among a group of over 400 migrants DHS identified in the U.S. from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Russia as subjects of concern because they were brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network, something the FBI director warned about earlier this year. Some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties.

that we're very concerned about. And recently, the DHS inspector general sharply criticizing vetting at the U.S. southern border, saying DHS is at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the United States.

threats to the United States national security that are residing in the United States. Let's be clear. Biden leaked this to NBC News because they are terrified that there actually might be a terror attack that could hurt them politically. That is the question. If there is a sleeper cell terror attack, who does it help? Who benefits? Depends at what scale.

They could target polling stations, by the way, on Election Day. Are they waiting for a sleeper cell activation on Election Day? I hate even speaking like this. But our leaders are woefully unprepared and they are playing patty cake while we are being invaded by the worst on the planet. Here is the traitor to America. And in a second Trump term, this guy needs to be thoroughly criminally investigated.

and hopefully charged for high crimes against the United States of America. Alejandro Mayorkas lying and now contradicting the NBC News report, saying there's no evidence.

that illegal aliens from Central Asia and potential ISIS connections are plotting to harm the U.S. Your own government calls you a liar, Mayorkas. Play cut 50. Well, if I may correct you in a number of regards. Number one, with respect to the people from Central Asia, we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States. That is inaccurate. It's very important to note that the safety and security of the American people are important.

our highest priority. Highest priority. This is the king of treason in the Biden regime. Donald Trump in the debate tomorrow should say, hey, Joe Biden, where are the 50 terrorists? Do you know where they are? What a great message for Donald Trump to bring to the debate tomorrow. Say your own government says that there are 50 potential terrorists, potential terrorists got to be clear.

waltzing around America right now, and they don't know who they are because they let them into the country. And I love the NBC News report. The NBC News report says, well, there was no evidence that they could have been terrorists. They're from Tajikistan. They are from Georgia. Why did you let them into the country in the first place? Because they say the magic word asylum to understand

To get into America, you have to just be able to say one word. And the NGOs, the Catholic charities and the non-government organizations do this. They give these potential would-be terrorists a little piece of paper. Asylum and abracadabra. The doors open. That is the magic word and you're allowed into America. Why would the government say an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network? The government is playing PR catch-up right now.

Because if there is an imminent activation of a sleeper cell in America, the Biden administration wants to say, well, we tried to warn you and this slipped through the cracks and this is Border Patrol's fault. That's what they're going to say. They're going to blame the rank and file of Border Patrol. We have been warning about this for years, about the people on the terror watch list that show up on the border. Fellow illegals, by the way. Ryan, can you get that clip of that one guy who says, well, I'm a good dude, but these other guys crossing the border, they're bad people.

And our government now acts as Travelocity. It acts as Priceline Negotiator. It acts as for the next Osama bin Laden. Hello, sir. Abdul Jabbar Muhammad. What country would you like to go to? I'm sure you mean well. Want to go to New York? Want to go to L.A.? Want to go to Denver?

And we pay for them. They get a cell phone, they get benefits, and they get a trip to anywhere in the United States. If you can't afford travel this summer, don't worry. The potential would-be terrorists from Tajikistan, they get to go to the city of their choosing, and you get to pay for it. America is facing real danger. The kind of danger only real Americans are ready for. What makes a real American a defender of truth? A freedom fighter.

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Again, over 2,000 calories a day. You are nine meals away from anarchy. And so make sure that you guys can feed your family in a time of need at That is Did you have to pay a cartel? Yes. How much? Around $10,000. $10,000? Yes. In fact, the American people is right, completely true. Who come into this country, they don't know. Okay, I'm good, but how if they're not good? How that killer psychopath else...

No guarantee of that. Why? Like, no security check. No background check. No security check, no background check. You're worrying about who's crossing the border? Yes, yes. Of course, maybe because I'm like, people are not looking normal. This is a guy who's, he's an illegal worried about the country he's invading. Maybe I should have invaded a different country. Maybe I should have broke into a different place. It's not the place that I thought it was.

These are really bad hombres. No background check, no DNA check. Only in America could the invader be warning the citizen of the country, hey, these invaders are really bad. You have to do something about it. Immigration and the border and mass invasion.

Is becoming the top issue of the 2024 race. Now, I have CBS News up here, a bunch of propagandists. They say border crossings down 40 percent. We warned about this. This is nonsense. Joe Biden has bribed the Mexican government to bring down the numbers artificially. That's still five, six thousand people a day. This is a talking point just for his debate.

And it's only because they're now crossing via the CBP one app. They are flying into the interior of the United States. It is all rubbish. It is complete nonsense. And we bribe the government of Mexico to make the numbers look better. But I think the American people are smarter than this. This cake is baked when it comes to this. People know what Joe Biden has done when it comes to the border. I want to play 57. I got to get to this Florida story because it's terrific. This is 57.

I think they eventually arrested this guy. I'm not sure, but this is a window. This is a guy that says, you will know my name soon. You will know my name. I believe he was from Uzbekistan or something or Kazakhstan on the terror watch list, threatening the homeland of the United States. Play cut 57. By the way, if you are smart enough, you will know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you're going to know who I am.

Wow. Very easy. The entitlement. The entitlement. No, believe me. I'm much better than that. The entitlement, guys. Wow. So this guy, Mabsoom Samadas, he led the Azerbaijan Islamic Party. And they have close ties to Hezbollah. He was jailed for 12 plus years on charges of attempts to organize terror attacks and or overthrow the government. He was released on January 19, 2023. And I think allegedly was arrested again. I can't quite remember. But...

He does get a cell phone, but not Patriot Mobile. He gets a cell phone, but not Patriot Mobile. He gets ISIS Mobile. The Biden campaign is acting weird. I read 10, 12 hours of news a day, and this story immediately hit differently. If you are running a campaign and you are asked by the media whether or not a state is a battleground state, you give the same rehearsed answer regardless of what your data is showing.

We plan to compete in every possible state. We plan to expand the map. We plan to compete in Florida and even Texas. That is your simple, workshopped answer. The Biden campaign is increasingly undisciplined. The Biden campaign comes out in an interview with Puck News with John Heilman.

The Biden campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, responded bluntly when asked if Florida was a battleground state. No. Heilman then joked that he was afraid that you were going to lie about Florida's status.

The comments seem to throw off political to throw political politics into a tailspin, with even many Democrats viewing them as contradicting an April memo when Biden campaign manager Juli Chavez, Juli Chavez Rodriguez, declared Florida, Florida winnable. Not a lot of staffers, consultants or organizers are in a position to say it, but this was such an unnecessary, demoralizing gut punch. Florida based communications consultant Kevin Kane wrote on X about the comments.

Democrats have spent months pointing to signs of change in a state that has raced away from them since Donald Trump carried it by three points in 2020. They won the mayorship in Jacksonville and a state House seat in a special election. The party got candidates to run in every forthcoming legislative race, and the Biden campaign has hired roughly two dozen staffers at state level. However, despite all of this, they are now signaling that it is not in play. And they are largely right, by the way. Florida has increasingly become...

A deep red state. Harder and harder for Democrats to be able to navigate, especially with Cuban, Venezuelan communities and Hispanic communities that are undermining Democrats at every turn and destroying the South Florida Hispanic base for the Democrats. This is something to keep your eye on. It's weird that they're advertising it. Was this an op or is this a rare moment of honesty?

That shows that Joe Biden's weakness is that he really is only going to compete in three states. Or is this an attempt to try to get him out before the debate?

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Sure. This was the social media tech government collusion case, not the regulation of social media by Texas and Florida. Those are coming, the next choice cases. This is the voluminous record, as both sides admitted, showing how Facebook, Twitter, other social media companies shadow banned, blocked, otherwise censored communication about COVID-19.

during the pandemic.

And ultimately, the court today ruled six to three that the challengers to this, people who had been affected by these platform decisions and states who had an interest in various ways, did not have standing to bring this kind of challenge. And to be clear, what the allegation was here was against the government that it was using these private companies, either through coercion, collusion, cooperation, otherwise, to

jawboning sometimes it's called, to do, to censor, to violate the First Amendment in ways that it clearly could not do if it was acting directly. Various serious charges about information suppression. And the court punted. I think it was a cop-out. That's my editorial judgment. I filed a brief in this case supporting the challengers. The court punted. It did not say, yes, the government is allowed to collude with these tech companies or what it did was or was not correct.

It simply said the challenger did not have standing. Help me understand this. So how does a case go all the way up to the Supreme Court and they take their valuable time and it gets dismissed on procedural grounds? Typically, the Supreme Court is a substantive issue, right? The technical stuff should be dealt with in the lower courts. Am I wrong?

Typically, that's the case. Although this isn't the first time, not even this term, not even this month, where the Supreme Court has decided a case on these standing grounds. They try to decide not to decide, and I guess they...

don't want to create political controversy, I think is what it comes down to for John Roberts or Brett Kavanaugh, the kind of the median justices. But you're right. The lower courts, the district court, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal found standing and found the collusion between the

the government and the tech companies to be such that they, uh, imposed an injunction. That is they, they, they said that they ordered government officials, the surgeon general and others not to meet with executives from these tech companies because it, it created a first amendment injury. Uh, but the Supreme court said, look, uh,

We're not, you know, there's a lot of smoke here, essentially, they're saying. You were blocked. You were shadow banned. That could well be, but you're not suing the tech companies, right?

And you're essentially treating, the majority says, in an opinion by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, you're treating the government and the tech companies as one. And you haven't established that you're being injured by the government rather than by the tech companies. So I have a ton of questions here. How do the American people not have standing? How can they justify that?

So help me understand. This is a cop out the easy way out. So Amy Coney Barrett wrote the majority Katanji Brown, Jackson Kagan, Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Sotomayor. So who would have standing in this case? Theoretically? Well,

Well, there was a case decided unanimously earlier this term called NRA versus BULO, where the NRA, the National Rifle Association, uh, was harmed by the New York attorney general and other officials in New York state, uh, in the executive branch in New York state, uh, pressured various banks and other financial entities not to do business with the NRA. So it has to be kind of a direct pocketbook type of harm, uh,

rather than these allegations that the government is colluding with somebody. It's that connect the dots that the court seemed to have a problem with. And it seems to be that short of that kind of direct smoking gun, where it's a government official saying, go harm that person,

I just I find this to just be so weak in so many ways. So, for example, so does Justice Alito and dissent. The dissent. I mean, obviously, Alito joined by Thomas and Gorsuch. Anything Alito and Thomas do is the right decision. And the other ones are flaky. You don't know what they're going to do. So.

So help me understand. You have a six trillion dollar annual enterprise called the federal government and they show up at Twitter and they say, we want these 10 accounts, including mine, by the way. I was shadowbound by Twitter at the behest of the government. The government wanted me to be shut up.

And I don't have standing to be able to say the government wanted this. But what is the argument that, well, they didn't they didn't directly say it. They just showed up and softly and tacitly said, hey, it would be a shame if the FTC showed up, wouldn't it, Mark Zuckerberg? It'd be a shame if you guys were called a monopoly. We know what's going on here.

That is what's, of course, lurking in the background. And there's case law. That's classic jawboning. Yes.

They wanted to really ban books, but they realized they couldn't do it. So a policeman came by the bookstore and said, it's a nice shop here. Be too bad if there was no police protection or, you know, making a very clear mafia style threat against them. The problem that the majority found was that those dots were not connected properly.

With respect to the plaintiffs here. So the, you know, it's not a question of whether Facebook or Twitter was doing things that harmed them or blocked their speech. That wasn't an issue. The majority said it was. Can you show can you connect those actions by the tech companies to government companies?

demands, coercions, or anything. So basically, just saying this is our policy, these are kinds of things that we like, that's not enough. The majority said there has to be a much closer connection of the government ordering and either threatening or offering, say, a tax break if you go along with our policy. Well, I don't know, some sort of

incite inducement like that. And the court said that there's not enough. So help me just theoretically because of the court's cop out and because of Amy Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh and Roberts, just making an inexcusable decision here going into this election, the Biden administration could now go up to Facebook and Google and demand, you got to take down the Charlie Kirk show. You got to take down Steve Van or whatever.

And there's no recourse there effectively because they can now deem something disinformation, which is a very loose term. And they can basically say, we want you to take this down, Google. Which, by the way, Google does business with the federal government. Yeah.

The problem is how smoking the gun is, if you will, to make kind of a bad metaphor. If you can show that some government official says take down the Charlie Kirk show and then your show, of course, loses money because of that, that's a direct harm that should clear the court's standing hurdle. But, of course, it will never be like that. It's more like we don't like information that talks too much about hunter-binders. We know what that is.

It's the same federal government that can audit you, raid you, subpoena you, and indict you, and they come up with a request. And so that's really where we're at is that these justices are so unwise, Amy Coney Barrett, that they think when the federal government shows up and requests something out of your multi-trillion dollar company that you take it as like a nice, polite thing. No, of course we know what it is.

The problem is, I think, is that the companies themselves are all too happy to do that because they're doing it anyway. They're doing it anyway. And so the court is saying that the companies are doing it anyway just because it aligns with what the federal government or certain officials would want.

doesn't all of a sudden make it an injury that's caused by the federal government. I think that's too clever by half, but that is what the standard is now. Again, we know what it is. The federal government, with its incredible authority, it's far too big, it's far too powerful, should not be able to wink.

or nudge or nod or say, you know, nice empire you built, Mark Zuckerberg. It'd be a darn shame if the Antitrust Commission ruled against you, which basically Zuckerberg said on Rogan's podcast, that's effectively how they talk to you when you show up. But again, that's not a smoking gun, I guess. So let me ask you, Ilya, your expertise on the Supreme Court, is there anything we said about horse trading that they conceded on this one because we're about to get

an immunity decision that is going to upset? I doubt it. I doubt it. I also don't buy into the idea that they're holding the immunity decision to come out the morning of the debate tomorrow or they're holding it to be after the debate. They get these things done when they when they can. And if they were really trying to time things, they would have released

Murthy, Murthy, this case this morning, the same time they were releasing the, the net choice cases, which is Texas and Florida trying to regulate, uh, the tech companies like public utilities. Ironically, the court's decision today that effectively you can't sue, uh, unless you have a direct, uh, you know, smoking gun, really bad language from a government official like you did in that NRA case makes stronger, uh, in my view, the state's arguments for why they need to regulate, uh,

The tech companies themselves, because in effect, to the extent that they monopolize or have extreme power over information, whether it's Twitter, whether it's Facebook, whether it's TikTok, these things seem to break down generationally.

If nobody can sue, then that means it needs to be a regulated industry. Now, that wouldn't necessarily be my preferred policy view. But if you can't sue for this government collusion, then the states need to be able to come in and address the harm caused by the private actors. Ilya, how do people follow you or support your great work?

I'm at iShapiro on Twitter. I'm at the Manhattan Institute. You can look me up there. I have a book coming out called Lawless, The Miseducation of American Elites. No cover yet, but it is available for pre-order on Amazon and everywhere fine books are sold. Very good. Ilya, great work. We'll have you back on

Oh, and also, Charlie, I'm remiss. My sub stack, Shapiro's gavel. You find personal musings. You find legal analysis, lots of stories, even pictures of my kids there. So there you go. Very good. Come back anytime. Thanks so much. Thank you.

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Okay, this is a very important story here happening in downtown Los Angeles. The Israel National News. What I saw at a terrorist rally outside a synagogue. Quote, billions of us will come and kill you. They maced a Jew and the Los Angeles police did nothing. 30 minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew.

The Los Angeles police did nothing. Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside of a synagogue did the Los Angeles Police Department finally step in, pushing back masked jihad supporters in their terror scarves. I'm reading from Israel National News. So they use colorful, understandable language. The mob has been chanting for Intifada and the destruction of Israel and moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from the Islamic terror in Iran.

Chaos and mayhem ensued. This has been somewhat well covered. However, I can't help but wonder how many Democrats, specifically Jewish Democrats, are looking at this and wondering, did we vote for this? And the answer is, you did vote for this. And I say this as someone who is resolutely pro-Israel. I love America. I love Israel. I want Israel to win the war. What will it take to be a wake-up call

For liberal Jews in America to recognize and realize that their partnership with the Democrat Party is their demise. One of the saddest elements of the horrific tragedy on October 7th was the people that were killed.

by individuals that they once hosted over for dinner. Do you know that right there on the Gaza border, there were a lot of liberal Jews that moved to the Gaza border intentionally, and they would bring over people from Gaza for dinner and say, you know, we're going to be friends. We're going to have peace. They did this for years. Do you know what the people from Gaza were doing? They were staking out the kibbutzes. They were looking at where they could kill all the Jews one day.

Jewish moderates have to realize that just because Jamal Bowman lost last night doesn't mean this problem is over. A bombshell new poll, Biden losing massive amounts of Jewish voters in New York. A new Siena College poll shows that nearly half, 46%, of Jewish voters in the state with the largest Jewish population plan to vote for Trump, compared to 52% for Biden. This is according to A new poll.

Jews are not safe in the Democrat Party, and there's going to have to be a decision because, unfortunately, many Jews in America, they believe that it is their way to advance social justice via the American Democrat Party.

There is a seriously large group on the left that hates Israel and hates them. And understand, these are secular Jews mostly. The more religious you are in your Judaism, the less liberal you are, and the more likely you are to vote Republican and be a conservative. Many of these are secular Jews. Understand that Orthodox Jews voted for Donald Trump in 2020 by an 83 to 17 margin.

So the more seriously you take your religion, the more likely you are to be a Donald Trump supporter in Jewish communities. And the same is for Christians, by the way. The more serious you take your Christianity, the more serious you take your religion, the better voting choices you make. The less Christian you are, the less religious you are, the less Jewish you are, the more likely you are to want the government to become God in your life. And the more you believe in God, you ask the question, why does government need to keep on reigning supreme over religion?

The entire nation. This is a sad story because unfortunately, so many American Jews on the left have been financing and supporting these very organizations that are now targeting synagogues. And I left Adam Schiff comes out. He says this is unacceptable in L.A. That is your base of support. Adam Schiff. These are your voters.

By the way, did Joe Biden issue a tweet saying that it's unacceptable for people going to synagogue to not be able to go? I don't think Joe Biden said anything because he's terrified of his Muslim base. Terrified. However, imagine if a group of Christians blocked Jews from going into a synagogue. It would be the number one news story. And the real story here is Karen Bass and the L.A. leadership let this mob happen. Police were not able to do their job.

It is open season against Jews in this country, and Jews are not safe in the Democrat Party. The police were there early, but they didn't intervene. They were given a very tacit stand-down order. And if Jews keep on voting for Democrats, they will continue to vote for their demise and the downfall of American Jewry. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.

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