cover of episode From the NBA to the Senate ft. Royce White

From the NBA to the Senate ft. Royce White

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The Charlie Kirk Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Charlie Kirk
Eric Burlison
Royce White
Eric Burlison: 本期节目讨论了撤销对史蒂芬·班农等人的传票和指控的决议。Burlison 认为这项决议虽然不能直接推翻指控,但可以为他们提供上诉的工具。他还批评了共和党在国会中的软弱表现,认为他们未能充分利用多数席位来对抗拜登政府的政策,这导致了美国债务的增加以及在乌克兰问题上的妥协。他认为,许多共和党议员为了自身利益而加入了所谓的“一党制”,缺乏真正为美国服务的意愿。他呼吁共和党领导层采取更强硬的立场,并对特朗普总统寄予厚望,认为特朗普的领导力能够激励共和党议员采取更果断的行动。 Charlie Kirk: Kirk 同意 Burlison 的观点,并补充说,如果共和党不能在未来的选举中取得更大的成功,美国将面临严重的财政和政治危机。他强调了削减开支和改革的必要性。

Deep Dive

Congressman Burleson discusses the potential for rescinding subpoenas and indictments related to the January 6th committee, emphasizing the need for more action from leadership.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, it's Adam the Charlie Kirk show. Can we revoke the subpoenas and the indictment of Steve Bannon? We discuss. Also, the person who exposes child abuse will go to jail.

But the child abusers do not go to jail. Welcome to America. Royce White also joins the program. He's running for Senate in Minnesota and a great American. Email us as always, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk Show. And as always, you can get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job.

Building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to

Joining us now is Congressman Burleson. Congressman, thank you for taking the time here. Representative, you're introducing a resolution to rescind subpoenas for Stephen K. Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, and Peter Navarro. So if this works and to withdraw the contempt of Congress recommendations, would that mean that their indictments would then also be reversed?

Good to see you, Charlie. Yeah, I don't know that we can directly reverse them, but we can give them every tool that they need to be able to make an appeal. And if the justice system is given direction from Congress that we consider the outcome of the January 6th

committee to be illegitimate and that all of the subpoenas that they have that they've sent from that committee are illegitimate and therefore they should resend um hopefully that but you know the justice department may may may completely ignore us but at least we're giving them uh you know meadows and and um ban and something to work with to make an appeal

Yeah. And so if we're able to rescind those, the appeal then the judge could say, well, that these have been repealed. So they're no longer standing. So let me ask you a question. If the Republicans who voted to keep Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.

previously. If Congress would have acted quicker on this before the DOJ trial went to trial, would that have mattered? Or is there any case law to show? Or is this kind of just a, we're doing a show vote and hopefully it's going to help Steve Bannon? Yeah, I really wish that we had taken this vote earlier. Look, I'm a freshman. It shouldn't take me who's

who got here months ago to find the bathrooms to actually take action and do what we all thought should be necessary to be done. And I want to see, look, I'm trying to do everything that I can from my role as a new member of Congress. But at the end of the day, I want to see more action from leadership. I want to see the speaker have a more direct role. For example, the speaker and the

Speaker and the majority leader could enter into what they call the black committee, which is a committee of themselves and the minority leader. And then they could that black committee makes sends directions for legal challenges. They could, for example, meet and and join a amicus brief meeting.

declaring that the January 6th committee was bogus and that those charges should be lifted. There's a lot of actions that can be taken. I'm just doing my part in trying to do something with what little authority that I have been given. Let's stop, Placut 103. This was from your speech at the People's Convention, Placut 103.

Only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Well sadly in Washington DC there are a lot of good men and women doing nothing. That's what they're good at. You see, and we've sucked for a long time. When we took the majority and had the opportunity to repeal Obamacare, did we do it? No!

When we just now took back the majority in the House and had the opportunity to stand up to Joe Biden and stop the increase of our debt, did we do that? When we had an opportunity to cut back or rein in spending, did we do that? No, in fact, we spent more. We spent more than Nancy Pelosi did in her budget just last year.

So why is that Congressman? Tell us more about why are Republicans so weak and largely a waste of time? Yes, sadly, Charlie, the uniparty is real.

And it's bipartisan, and that means that there's a lot of Republican members that are part of the Uniparty. And look, they enjoy being members of Congress. They like the title. They want to fall in line so that they can become the next chairman someday. And because of that, they're kissing the rings from all the lobbyists around town. And it's just – they eventually just lose who they are and become part of the Uniparty. And that is – that group –

has no desire to actually save America. In my opinion, the 18 months I've been up there have been so disappointing to see that we have, you know, we have the majority that we have, but yet we're not willing to use that majority to fight, to actually fight when it matters. You know, we had an amazing opportunity, in my opinion, with the debt ceiling crisis. We had, with that vote, we had an opportunity to leverage the Democrats'

When it came to Ukraine, we, every time we had an opportunity to leverage the Democrats and at least get some, some kind of wins, we punted. And we, I would say that this majority has been an absolute failure. And, and, and I look, I'm just,

You know, there's a reason why I'm trying to distance myself from it, because I've been fighting to try to get something done, but I'm disappointed by the outcome. You've been fighting really hard. And so you mentioned Speaker Johnson. I've been very vocal in my disappointment of his leadership. He had only a 30 percent approval rating at the Turning Point Action People's Convention, which is very, very low.

do you have faith that things will change if and when Trump becomes president next year? Yeah, I do, Charlie, because I think that courage is contagious. And if it's one thing you're seeing, a lot of these members recognize that

Unlike in 2016, they do fall in line and they support President Trump. And I think that he will have a window of opportunity to be able to make significant changes. Hopefully, we're able to make significant changes and we don't continue to disappoint the American people and we don't continue to disappoint Republicans back home. And honestly, Charlie, I think this is the last moment we have

This is the inflection point. If we don't pull up from this crash course that we're on, I don't see how we recover from a debt that's greater than the debt that we have today, 110% of gross domestic product. We've never seen these levels in the history of the United States. And I think that a lot of people are talking about this being a post-republic. And when you look at the justice system that we've got,

I don't disagree. So I think that this may be the last chance that we have to really clean things up and set things right. And I hope that the courage of President Trump rubs off on some of my colleagues. Yeah, I certainly hope so. And if we take back the presidency and the Senate and remain the majority in the House, we're going to need some serious action, not just corporate tax cuts, but

We need some serious spending cuts and serious reform. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, Charlie. Anytime. Email us, freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Christy says this.

She says, Charlie, I just downloaded your Turning Point Action app so I could sign up voters. I put a link on Facebook to encourage people to register and that goal. And my goal is 250 people. I have over 3000 Facebook friends. So fingers crossed. I'll make phones cool as well. Do you have a script we can use? Yes, I'm going to send you to the Turning Point Action team. Hey, we might have a big lunch coming with a lot of our listeners. And by the way, the Charlie Kirk show will pay for it. Might be a very big lunch of a lot of people that engage in low prop summer events.

We will happily, you're already past the book level here. I got more books to sign, by the way, for some of you out there. It's That's Right-wing revolution, how to beat the woke and save the West. And I want to read one of the aspects here, which is very important, which is overcoming the scars of 2020. I still am not healed from 2020. Are you guys? Are you guys still healed from the 2020 election?

Well, you remember what happened there. The harvested ballots pouring in, the mail-in votes, some arriving after election day itself, the non-existent signature verification, I read from right-wing revolution, the failed legal challenges. 2020 left us all shell-shocked, but the harm of the election wasn't limited to the presidential race. It also caused us to self-destruct in 2022. I continue saying here, which is at risk of sounding like Barack Obama for a moment, let me be clear. In an ideal world, American elections would take place on a single day. There would be no ballot harvesting,

Period. Absentee voting would only be for rare cases. Ballots would all be counted on election night. I believe the system is the one that would best prevent fraud and generate the most trust among members of the general public. But that is ideal. In the world we live in right now, different rules will prevail.

And we must use the rules ahead of us in order to be successful. Change your attitude in the book, Right Wing Revolution. How to beat the woke and save the West right now, That is All right, I need to tell you guys about Strong Cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you.

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Do you have a moral and legal obligation to report child abuse? If you see a child being abused and you report it, you're a hero, right? Let me introduce you to someone by the name of Dr. Ethan Heim.

Dr. Ethan Heim blew the whistle on the Texas Children's Hospital. Now, why Greg Abbott and the Republicans in Texas have not outlawed this butchery of children in Texas is really something and beyond me. Dr. Ethan Heim blew the whistle on the sex change operations that were happening in Texas. Dr. Ethan Heim has now been targeted by the federal government.

and Joe Biden. He's been indicted on four counts, alleging that Haim obtained personal information, including patient names, treatment codes, and the attending physician from the Texas Children's Hospital electric systems without authorization. He allegedly obtained this information or false pretenses with intent to cause harm to the Texas Children's Hospital. So let me get this clear. Dr. Ethan Haim

is a hero who exposed illegal child abuse taking place at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. After Texas acted to make child sex change operations illegal, the Texas Children's Hospital continued its abusive, harmful treatments anyway, and Haim blew the whistle. Why is, I don't understand why the Attorney General Ken Paxton is great. Why is he not going after the Texas Children's Hospital for breaking the law?

But he blew the whistle. And now the Biden DOJ is trying to throw him in prison for a decade. By the way, day one, Donald Trump has to pardon him and get this over with. But understand that the trans movement, the trans zealotry in the midst here of Pride Month, that if you expose the fact that children,

as young as 10 years old, are getting their breasts chopped off, are getting hysterectomies, and they're getting irreversible damaging surgery. If you expose that, you go to jail. If you do that, you're a hero. So if you're a surgeon at the Texas Children's Hospital and you put an 11-year-old under general anesthesia and you do a six-hour surgery where you sculpt off the breasts and you remove them, you're the hero. But if you're the doctor that exposes it,

You could go to jail for a decade. Dr. Ethan Haim has now been indicted for felony charges for exposing the secret and illegal transgender medicine clinic. And the business model of transgender medicine is very clear. Bring these kids in when they are the most vulnerable.

give them drugs that are irreversibly damaging and put them under the knife. Play cut 106. So Dr. Heim is facing four felony charges related to HIPAA violations after he released redacted records claiming to show a secret and illegal transgender medicine clinic for kids.

at Texas Children's Hospital. Now, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office, quote, the four-count indictment alleges Haim obtained personal information including patient names, treatment codes, and the attending physician from Texas Children's Hospital's electronic system without authorization. He allegedly obtained this information under false pretenses and with intent to cause malicious harm to Texas Children's Hospital.

So what was he blowing the whistle on? He was blowing the whistle on that doctors at Texas Children's Hospital were willing to falsify medical records and break the law to keep practicing gender-affirming care. Caught in the wave of ideological fervor, two of the hospital's prominent physicians, Richard Ogden Roberts and David Paul, cut corners and, according to the whistleblower, committed Medicaid fraud and secured funds for the hospital's child sex change operation. Now, I'm just going to Google Richard Ogden Roberts. Has he been indicted?

I don't see an indictment for him. So the people that were breaking the law that he exposed, I don't see any indictments for from the federal government or otherwise. But who gets the indictment? The indictment goes to the whistleblower. The indictment goes to the person who notices and exposes what is occurring.

at the Texas Children's Hospital. This is a shot across the bow to intimidate other doctors, other nurses. On day one, Donald Trump needs to pardon Dr. Ethan Haim. The Department of Justice is very proud to do this because the DOJ is a captured agency. The entire federal government is captured by the LGBTQI plus zealotry, by the purple haired jihadis. The entire federal government, the administrative state is captured by this belief system.

And fundamental to the LGBTQ whatever agenda is they must groom children and harm children. They cannot reproduce, so they must recruit. And if they can't recruit, they must sever, destroy. They create young people that are damaged for a lifetime. And the victim here, the person who faces a decade in prison, is the doctor who exposed it.

Child abuse is allowed to continue, but exposing child abuse lands you in federal prison under Joe Biden. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Debt, it keeps you tossing and turning at night. You can't get away from it. But the truth is the system is designed to trap you in debt. Insanely high interest credit cards and loans make it nearly impossible to pay off your debt. There's a way out of the debt trap. It's zero debt USA. You've heard me talk about pivotal debt solutions. Well, now they're zero debt USA and they have a

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That is They find every solution possible to end your debt permanently. That is One more time, check it out, Joining us now is Royce White, the Republican-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate and a really great American. Royce, welcome to the program. Royce, why don't you introduce yourself to our audience? Who are you and how did you get involved in politics?

Well, I'm just a God, family, country citizen that's concerned with the direction of our nation right now. I got in politics, you could say, back when I was 21 years old, I was drafted to the NBA and I fought them about mental health policy. Mental health as a topic and policies has become hijacked as well and warped and weaponized to include the LGBTQ and transgender agenda, which is a

Sad to see. It makes me angry and I'm actually kind of resentful towards that. But I was one of those early advocates that said, hey, mental health is a topic that we need to pay attention to. It's a part of overall health. The NBA fought me on that. This was well before they had sort of went woke in the post BLM days, which would come a couple of years later. So I fought them on mental policy. They kind of blackballed me out of the league and said, hey, we don't have to change the policy. Your lawyers aren't good enough. You don't know enough people. You haven't scored enough points.

Shut up and dribble, sir. And, you know, a few years later, they would then change the mental health policy to what I had actually written and suggested for them. And that was kind of, you know, my first initial introduction to this.

global corporate politics, the way that the system works behind the curtain, the way that the money works, the way that the elites in this country think about American citizens and human beings. And then later on, I would encounter Dr. Jordan Peterson's work and his controversial stand against the Canadian government when I was living in Canada, playing professional basketball there.

And then when I got home from Canada after two years, the George Floyd situation happened. And that was a real eye opener for me in terms of local politics here in the state of Minnesota and specifically the city of Minneapolis. I led these protests, these demonstrations after George Floyd died to the Federal Reserve, a number of demonstrations to the Federal Reserve. And I had to fight with local activist groups to try and refocus people's attention.

anybody's attention, no matter what your politics were. Refocus people's attention on institutions that really govern over them, institutions that are corrupt and institutions that we should be paying attention to as American citizens. And I got a lot of backlash for that because the police precinct is right down the street from the Federal Reserve and everybody wanted to go to the police precinct. And I said, wait a second, this building here, the Fed is unmarked, but it is the most exclusive building in the state of Minnesota. And it is one of the

the main sources of corruption. And so from there, I decided that I was going to get fully involved in politics, go all the way, not beat around the bush, just go straight up the middle and run for office and try and highlight these issues on a bigger stage. So Royce, and I don't bring this up. I actually think this is a great thing. Four years ago to this month,

you were involved in BLM Floyd protests. I'm not accusing, I think it's actually an amazing story of growth. How did you go from that four years ago to now where you are the GOP endorsed candidate? Did your views change at all, number one? And number two, or did your views remain the same or you just realized the power structures were different than how you once viewed them? Well, I...

I mean, my views didn't change. I would say that before the George Floyd situation, I was more apolitical because my fight with the NBA was more about corporate

corporate culture. The NBA is a watering hole for a global corporate community and professional sports is in general and so are all of their ancillary partners and sponsors and whatnot, Pfizer being one of them. So I was more apolitical. I was like, hey, the

the money is the problem and the money is on both sides of the aisle. It would only be after I met Steve Bannon and began to be mentored by him that I would understand just how true money being corrupt on both sides of the aisle actually is. I got a firsthand look at that when the George Floyd protests happened. Now, I was never involved with BLM. In fact, I took a lot of criticism because all the local BLM activists thought it was an outrage that I decided to organize independent demonstrations like I had to

sort of check in with them or come through this vanguard of local activism. I resented that and took offense to that one because I'm from here. And a lot of these BLM activists, a lot of these BLM chapter activists are imported to their local community from some liberal or social sciences department in some university far, far away. Here in Minnesota, it was California.

And so I don't have to check in with you guys to organize a demonstration. And I don't agree with your politics. I don't agree that we should defund the police. I don't agree that the police are the sole source of tyranny or oppression in this country. I think the rise of a police state is very dangerous, as we now see with Donald Trump and Steve Bannon. But I said the way the money works is way more important. And why do you guys not want to have any conversation about the way the money works?

So that was my involvement during the George Floyd situation. And I guess what I saw was the hypocrisy, the contradiction. I saw people trying to highlight Black Trans Lives Matter as a central focus and idea. And I thought it was very offensive. Not only was it offensive, but it was dishonest.

Because black trans people should not be the sole focus or central focus of American citizens in American politics, especially not anywhere in any realm of importance with an institution like the Fed or monetary policy.

So, again, what I discovered during the George Floyd situation is, one, how little your average American citizen knows about politics and geopolitics, but also how the power brokers and the selected leaders are intentionally trying to stifle the conversation so your average citizen doesn't see that broader picture.

So I think that's fascinating. And I agree, the Federal Reserve definitely deserves more protests than the local police station. And what we're seeing now is a populist revival that is spanning across all sorts of different types of racial groups and backgrounds. Let me first just ask one question, Royce, as someone who grew out of the Floyd protests. Again, I don't fault you for it at all. I think it's amazing growth. And I think your views remain the same. It's just

Everybody grows and I think it's terrific. So, but do you think that the left is struggling to be able to recreate some of the fervor and frenzy that we saw during the summer of 2020? That was a major source of voter registration, small dollar donations. This summer is rather, dare I say, boring compared to 2020? Yeah, well, no doubt. I mean, look, again,

The George Floyd situation is a unique moment in American history for a number of reasons. One, it was sort of the boiling point or the flashpoint of what had already began a Black Lives Matter movement after Trayvon Martin. One that many black people had skepticism about even in its inception.

Mostly because of the activists and the advocates that showed up before the cameras and stood up at the podium and talked about these issues of police brutality, but never really wanted to discuss the issue of black on black crime in the community, which is a huge issue.

And and so, you know, there was always a sort of local skepticism of Black Lives Matter as an organization. Another reason being because of the women who founded it and their agenda being so obviously skewed towards the LGBTQ. So and also with George Floyd, you got to remember.

that it was just after lockdowns and the pandemic. So there were a lot of people who were already dealing with a sort of, I'd say, a sort of secluded, uncertain, anxious, fearful time in their life.

All of us were. None of us knew what to really think of the pandemic when it first hit en masse. Some people had an inclination, but en masse, everybody was kind of uncertain. So all of that took place at, and I only bring that up and try and paint that picture because there were a lot of people, I know for a fact, that were out there in the streets.

protesting, not necessarily about police brutality or about George Floyd or about racism or about anything specific. They just had this intuition that something's not right and they felt the need to rebel and lash out against the system.

And the Marxists and the communists do a great job of absorbing the grievance of anybody who has one. That's their modus operandi, right? We'll take on anybody's grievance for the most part. Doesn't really matter much to us. As long as we can destroy America in the process, have at it, join in, join the band. And so I say that again because

They were able to absorb a lot of the momentum from a lot of things happening in the country at that time. Going forward, people have begun to see the duplicity.

And it's not just people like me, because I was always skeptical of Black Lives Matter because I grew up in the community. I know these people aren't actually from the community. But your average white liberal, I think as well, and people who voted Democrat their whole life, people who were cultural Democrats who voted Democrat just because they happen to be black and their grandmother or grandfather was a Democrat. All of these people are now starting to question the fundamental tenets of the platform.

And people like me, I think, are doing a good job of articulating what their focus should be as American citizens. Citizenship.

I mean, the whole root of this identity politics thing is that your individual identity, whether it be grievance or otherwise, should transcend or supersede your American identity. That makes no sense whatsoever. And it's just completely illogical. It would ensure that you don't have a country and that you don't have any rights guaranteed to you. So I'm not even quite sure how they think they can continue that scam, but people are waking up to it. And you can't recreate or reproduce what happened with George Floyd because every time

The mainstream media uses a situation like that to lie or push their own agenda. Large groups of people are going to start to wake up all at once and figure out that they're lying. They're not really that good at lying. That's part of the problem.

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First, two things. Tell us about your race and what you're dealing with there. And secondly, what does Donald Trump need to do to win over more black voters? Go ahead.

Well, I'm in a heavyweight title fight against Amy Klobuchar. I'm the younger, I think more genuine candidate. Amy Klobuchar is as dishonest as you could possibly imagine, especially saying that Joe Biden is mentally fit. Anybody who would argue that Joe Biden is mentally fit is dishonest on face value.

So, I mean, and there's a heavy uniparty presence here in Minnesota, just as there is all across the country. And there are many Republicans that would much rather have Amy Klobuchar be in office and keep sending money to the Ukraine rather than a young, controversial black candidate. However, there are many more Americans, many more Americans that many people try and depict as racist.

I saw somebody say the other day online, anybody who supports Donald Trump as a white supremacist, that would include me, a black candidate. And these are the sort of contradictions and illogic that are going to crumble the narrative of this Democrat Party, of this liberal movement, of this entire globalist agenda. The logic isn't there. And I think that's going to pay dividends for Donald Trump across the country with the black community. It already has begun.

Donald Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate I've seen in my lifetime be polling ahead of a Democrat presidential candidate with black men. And we plan to capitalize on that here in Minnesota in the Twin Cities in CD5 and CD4, where the population is the most dense. And black men are already saying, listen, we get it. The boogeyman of the KKK and white supremacy, we get it.

But we don't want to keep sending our money to Ukraine. And there's this whole shift of worldview that I think black men are undergoing where it's, how long do you think you're going to keep scaring us with the KKK?

I mean, you know, you get to a point where it's so obviously Iraqi white liberal women. They tell me that the cops are the KKK. They tell me the KKK are afoot. And then they tell me to give up my Second Amendment rights. So I need to call the cops when the KKK show up. It's ridiculous. It's illogical. And you're going to send my money to a Ukrainian regime that proudly flies KKK symbolism and icons.

We're not going for it anymore. We're done with the Democrats. We're done with the LGBTQ transgender stripper shows. We're done getting our antibiotics from the CCP. These things are easy enough to disseminate to black voters. And they're starting to wake up to it all at once. And the Democrats are panicking. Yeah, and so-

So I want to just finalize on that point. I believe that the LGBTQ2I plus agenda is a loser in black America. It's one of the reasons why black Americans are trending right wing. Final thoughts, Royce White, do you agree with that? 100%. 100%. There is no...

no group of black people that I ever grew up with in the neighborhood that would be okay with telling a young man that he could cut his genitals off and become a woman or to push that on him at a grade school. Many black mothers, single black mothers that they try and buy off with welfare are so upset with that agenda. And some of them don't even know about it yet. When everybody wakes up to what's going on in that school, the black voters are going to leave in mass exodus. I understand that the, uh,

the strippers for kids, the LGBT stuff. It is what we call a luxury belief. The poorer you get, the less likely you are to support the LGBTQ2I plus agenda.

The richer you are and the whiter you are, the more likely you are. Again, that's not a perfect fit. I'm successful in white and I think that stuff is nonsense. However, it is an entry point to win over black voters in a way that we never have before. They hate when white Democrats and they...

Black voters hate when white Democrats push things upon them. How can people support you, Royce White? You can go to That's our campaign website. We got a primary here in August. So if you're in Minnesota and you're a Republican voter, registered Republican voter, make sure you get out to the primary on August 13th.

We got a neocon, a Mr. If we're killing Russians, I'm in, neocon primary opponent. And then obviously the entire Minnesota old guard Republican Party is trying to back him. So we need smash mouth populism, American nationalism, and ultra mega warriors to go to the United States Senate. And I can't wait to get there and represent the American people.

I love it. Royce, you are a great American and we're behind you and we hope you have great success in Minnesota. I would love to see that political revolution continue. So, by the way, latest poll shows Trump up in Minnesota, which means you have a shot in the general election if you're able to do it. Royce, come back anytime. Thanks so much. Thanks, brother. Godspeed. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless.

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