cover of episode Democrats Declare War on Marriage (Again)

Democrats Declare War on Marriage (Again)

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The Charlie Kirk Show

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Charlie Kirk
Josh McKoon
Sage Steele
Sage Steele:民主党为了争取选票,不择手段地挑拨夫妻关系,散布分裂言论,例如攻击特朗普不与聪明或强大的女性共事。她认为,许多女性支持特朗普,这证明了民主党的论调是错误的。她还批评民主党利用性别和种族等因素来影响选民投票,这种做法令人厌倦。她认为,民主党发布的鼓励女性对丈夫隐瞒投票选择的广告是谎言且具有操纵性,反映了他们对婚姻道德和价值观的漠视。 Sage Steele还谈到了社交媒体对年轻女性政治观点的影响,以及父母在引导孩子进行批判性思考方面的责任。她强调信仰和教会在塑造价值观方面的作用,并鼓励女性勇敢地表达自己的观点。 Charlie Kirk:他谴责民主党为了赢得政治权力,在家庭内部制造矛盾,鼓励女性对丈夫隐瞒投票意向,认为这种行为在道德上令人反感。他还指出,民主党不相信核心家庭制度,试图在宏观和微观层面破坏它。他认为,民主党在政治宣传中散布谎言,试图破坏夫妻之间的信任关系,这种行为极其卑鄙。 Charlie Kirk还讨论了存在的明显的性别差距,以及如何努力缩小这种差距。他强调了赢得选举的重要性,以及这将如何影响特朗普的总统任期和未来的政治格局。他认为,特朗普需要以显著优势赢得选举,才能获得足够的政治资本,有效地推进其政策议程。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Sage Steele decide to campaign for President Trump?

She found it fulfilling and met many supportive people, learning about the behind-the-scenes of politics.

How does Sage Steele respond to Mark Cuban's comment about Trump not surrounding himself with intelligent women?

She finds it ridiculous and incorrect, having worked with many intelligent women on the Trump campaign.

Why does Sage Steele think the gender divide in voting preferences exists?

She attributes it to social media and the messages young people, especially women, receive on platforms like TikTok.

What is Sage Steele's view on the Julia Roberts ad encouraging women to vote secretly from their husbands?

She finds it sad and desperate, undermining the moral and value-based foundation of marriage.

Why is Josh McCoon confident about the early voting numbers in Georgia?

He sees a significant lead for Trump and expects strong Election Day turnout to maintain this advantage.

What does Josh McCoon identify as the key to closing the gender gap in voting?

He emphasizes the importance of parents guiding their children to make educated decisions based on facts rather than social media narratives.

Why does Josh McCoon believe the Election Day vote will tilt Republican?

He notes that many early voters did not vote in 2020, indicating that the Election Day vote is not being cannibalized.

What is the significance of the black voter turnout in Georgia according to Josh McCoon?

He observes lower black voter turnout compared to 2020, which he believes is crucial for Democratic success.

Why does Josh McCoon mention the importance of rural Georgia in the election?

Rural Georgia is showing high turnout, which is crucial for maintaining a Republican lead in the state.

What does Josh McCoon suggest about the role of faith in guiding young people's political decisions?

He believes that focusing on faith and guiding kids to make educated decisions is crucial for addressing the current political situation.

The discussion revolves around a controversial ad by the Democrats suggesting women should lie to their husbands about their voting choices, which is seen as an attempt to undermine the sanctity of marriage for political power.
  • Democrats are accused of promoting deceit in marriages to gain political power.
  • The ad suggests women should hide their voting choices from their husbands.
  • The tactic is criticized for undermining the sanctity of marriage and promoting acrimony in families.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey everybody, it is just days to election day. Become a member to support us and make sure you make plans to watch us on election night on all of our feeds. We are going to be streaming live all of the election news. It's to support us. That's, As always, you guys can email me freedom at And again, You guys get a red hat. Support the hard work we've been doing. No one has worked harder this election cycle than our team. Support us, get behind us, Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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For this hour, we have the great and legendary Sage Steele, host of The Sage Steele Show. Sage, welcome back to the program. Great to see you. Great to see you, Charlie. So, Sage, you've been on the trail campaigning for President Trump. Give us an update on that. I cannot believe you just said that and that I can't deny it. Like, how did I end up campaigning? How did I end up doing politics? This was not at all what I thought I'd be doing.

And I've loved every second of it. Honestly, I've met the coolest people. I've learned so much about the behind the scenes and most importantly, to be out and about like boots on the ground in Atlanta and Charlotte and Pennsylvania and just talking to people, people just like me and you who honestly, it sounds like a talking point, but it's not. Just love this country and are concerned for what we have seen the last four years and what could happen.

And it's just been so cool to like galvanize and to see people finding that courage to say, yes, I know we need to change and it's OK, but I'm going to vote for Donald Trump. Like there's been a lot of progress. So, Sage, you are a woman surrounding Donald Trump. According to Mark Cuban, he doesn't surround himself with very intelligent women. I've known Mark Cuban for a long time. Have you? We're both Indian.

So I interrupt. Tell us about the let's go. I play the tape. I'm so interested in this play cut. Eighty nine. Donald Trump, you never see him around strong, intelligent women ever. It's just that simple. Now. Now, Sage, of course, you cover the Mavericks for years. You know, Mark Cuban.

The floor is yours. I will say this. I saw it right away and tried to take a deep breath because I'm like, okay, don't start posting videos until you take a deep breath and think about all of this. And then I'm like, let me make sure I have the full context. I listened to Alyssa, whatever her name is, listened to Alyssa's question. There's no way to spin it. Um, except for the fact, I bet Mark would love to have a couple of words back and say things differently. And you know what? We've all been there before. Right. Um,

We did text a little bit last night, and we're still friends after what I posted. But listen, Mark mouths off a lot, and Mark is unabashed about that and about his opinion. And Mark is very smart, which is why I thought that it was so stupid that he said what he said. I mean, it's just ridiculous. And it's kind of like, okay, let's go back and fix, well, what Joe Biden meant to say. It was garbage when it

Is that what you said? And so I'm just annoyed at how divisive he was with that comment and in general how that party has been and how that campaign has been. When they lecture us the other day, lecture the right about it and let's come together more. But they're the ones that have used the terms like Hitler and Nazi and fascist and garbage from the sitting president of the United States and now saying that

the former president, potential next president, does not surround himself with smart or strong women. It's unnecessary, it's divisive, and most importantly, it's wrong. I've been working directly with all women, literally dozens and dozens of women on the Trump campaign. And they're incredible women, and they're young, or they're not so young, they're my age. But they're smart and they're strong just for saying yes to working with Donald Trump. So

Open mouth, insert foot, Mark Cuban. But you know what? Thank you. We'll take that gift because now we're going to show them and prove even further that there's a lot of strong, intelligent women who get it. And that's why we're voting for Donald Trump. And talk about that, because there is this message that you must vote for Kamala Harris just because you are a woman. Just kind of help us unpack the message you are bringing to women on the fence.

But they did that with Hillary Clinton too, right? And then a couple of weeks ago, you have Barack Obama saying you must vote for Kamala because she's black. And so they keep using these tactics. And I also think that people are just tired of being told what to do. And then when you've got DEI police everywhere and then, no, we're accepting and we're tolerant and we're inclusive of everybody. But now we're going to divide it down. And because you're a woman, then you have to vote this way.

Um, it's, it's ignorant actually. And I think that a lot of people are just tired of it. I say, keep doing it at this point because the amount of women that have come up to me and said, what do they think we're idiots?

I just kind of nod and smile because I'm like, yeah, I've been thinking that for a long time. And Charlie, you know me. And for years, I was afraid to say something. Number one, because I had to keep my job at ESPN Disney until I didn't. And then you go and then you realize that when you speak up just by me getting to talk to you and the women that are going to see it and even men who have wives and daughters, right? We've been saying it on the road with Laura Trump and Elizabeth Pipko and Lynn Patton and everybody. Courage is contagious.

And as women, that's what we want to tell other women. Even if you don't vote for Donald Trump, go with what's in your heart. Be true to that. How about that Julia Roberts ad? I mean, how? So let me take a pause here, Sage. I have to do. Thank you for that moral clarity. So the Julia Roberts ad comes out. I come out against it, not that forcefully on the Megyn Kelly show. And I say that.

Kamala Harris wants women to lie to their husbands. And the Democrats got really mad at me saying, how dare you want to control women? I said, no, I think it's bad that the Democrat Party wants to create acrimony in families and that their way to get political power is to try to have deceit and underhandedness between what I believe is a holy union in front of God.

And the Democrats lose their mind. Like, how dare you say that's a bad thing? Let's play the ad. I think it is morally repulsive. The Democrats want to see women turn against, quote unquote, their stupid husbands. Play cut 49. Your turn, honey. In the one place in America where women still have a right to choose, you can vote any way you want and no one will ever know.

Did you make the right choice? Sure did, honey. Remember, what happens in the booth stays in the booth.

Vote Harris-Waltz. Vote Common Good is responsible for the contents of this ad. I have so many thoughts, but to you, Sage. Honestly, it made me sad when I saw it. And it also made me think to myself, they are desperate. Because that's actually surprising that the Democrats would put out an ad like that, I think, in many ways. And also, it's a lie. It started off by saying the one place that women still have a right to do what they want, to say what they want. I forgot the wording.

That's ridiculous. And I just think, does their campaign believe that that many women are just going to bite on that low hanging fruit? Maybe. But for me and a mother of two young adult women, my daughters are 18 and 22. And then for my son, who's 20, to see something like that. I mean, I plan on having conversations with them about that ad. Like what stands out to you? The point is,

When you break it down like that and try to pander, that's what it is to women, almost out of guilt, whatever it might be. But then to your point,

hiding it from your spouse. How about just have a conversation? And if you end up having different opinions, go with that. But that part shouldn't surprise me, right, Charlie? Because they actually don't care about the morals and the values. That's what I have learned. Morals and values within a marriage, which is a sacrament in the Catholic faith, right? No, that's right.

I think it's sad. I think it's very sad. And it's very, very telling about their priorities and their morals and values. And that is across the board between that and abortion. It actually is pretty consistent. So maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Yeah. And I just also the way that they portray the the man is if he's just some sort of a fool and an idiot, kind of just like a happy go lucky guy. And the Democrats do not believe in the nuclear family and they've already destroyed it in the macro. And now they're trying to destroy it in the micro.

In no political situation should you want to undermine a union between a husband and a wife. And voting is really important. And you have to ask, what else is she lying to him about? Is she stealing money? Is she lying about other potential things? Because that is a lie. She's obviously saying one thing to her husband and doing a different thing. It is hard to put into words how vile that is.

The Democrat Party. I mean, it's by a Democrat super PAC. I mean, it's it's like, did you vote for the right guy? I mean, it's this is right. I'm trying to.

I'm trying to be a little softer on it for the sake of maybe the woman. I don't know. They're at the end of the day, of course, they're all super packed, they're actors, et cetera. But I do think this, that it goes back to the point of fear. And because of how they have run this election,

And frankly, how it's been going since 2015, since Donald Trump came down the golden escalators and the fear tactics, which have worked incredibly. These are the kind of things that they have been doing, right, to try to make it easier

Make it so you're afraid to say, here's why I actually do believe in Donald Trump. Here's why as a woman of color, I do think it's OK. And actually, it's the only way based on how people of color have been treated in these Democrat run cities for half of a century. So there's this clip going viral online of a dozen women being asked the following question. Do we need men now?

Most answered very quickly, no. And only one said she thought women needed a man in their lives. Only one. But when men were asked a similar question, do we need women? Most of them said yes. So why do you think that is? Because men are useless. And by the way, I want to differentiate between straight men and gay men because I think I would die without gay men. Nobody can gossip.

Like gay men, nobody can help you accessorize like gay men. Nobody can help you from from keep you from doing harm to yours to yourself like gay men. But with the exception of somebody like Steve, I think Steve is very self-sufficient. But like my husband, it takes a village of women to make sure that he's not emaciated, starving and living in his own filth. That is quite the quite the narrative.

So, again, that clip is, I think, a year old or something, but it does play into this narrative of anti-male sentiment that is certainly spreading across the country. There's a lot of cultural commentary about it. The gender divide is quite dramatic, though, Sage. We need to try to close it. Young men are heavily favoring Donald Trump. Young women are heavily favoring Kamala Harris. I wish it was closer. I wish that we voted for what is best for the country. How do we best close that gender divide in the next couple of days?

Honestly, I think the biggest reason for that is social media and the messages that are put out there on TikTok. My kids are 22, 20, and 18, and my daughter, the oldest in particular, she'll tell me what she sees because she tends to be very conservative on her own. She went on her own and started to learn and read and watch. And I encouraged her a lot to do that as a teenager. And I think it's up to the parents themselves.

to really guide our kids, our young women and say, this is what they're telling you on TikTok, on social media. And these are the facts. Not aside for yourself, because I'll say that was something my parents did really, I think, well with me is to not even tell me how they voted. I asked them and they're like, it's none of your business. Go do the research and figure out who you want to

for why you align and follow that. And I think that's actually a responsibility as parents. It's not to say, believe this, but show them the true facts, how to research them themselves, and then make an educated decision because people aren't making educated decisions. Charlie, I watch all the stuff that you do on the college campuses. My entire family does. My 75-year-old mother calls me every other day and she's like, did you see this one?

And I think that's proof that these kids aren't even necessarily like, it isn't like ill intended. They're just ignorant because they're uneducated because of how they're getting their news. So that's where we have to start. And as well as prayer.

And faith and church and things that I think, based on what you said, right, the Democrats not wanting the nuclear family to exist, not wanting us to talk about God and faith. Look what Kamala Harris said at her rally in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago when they said, yelled Jesus is Lord about abortion. You know, that's not the one off. That's real.

And so when we don't focus on faith and try to guide our kids to at least make educated decisions, we are failing them. And then that's why we are in the situation we're in. I agree with all of that. And hopefully we'll be a nation that will point back to faith and to God and eternal principles. I just want to close with this, Sage.

Out of your career, you could have not imagined being where you are today, advocating for Trump on the campaign trail. It just give us your top of mind reaction of how God has mysterious plans for all of us.

I am so glad that you asked this question. No one's asked me this yet. I talk about it with my parents every single day. It almost gets me choked up because I was so fearful when I said goodbye and stood up for myself and sued ESPN and Disney. I was so scared because I had this great life and making money and my dream job. And then you realize you can't be quiet anymore. You and I talked about this before, but I have noticed, especially in just the last few

six to eight weeks when it comes to, okay, do I put on this pink women for Trump jacket and post it, right? Do I talk to Charlie Kirk about these things? Every time I've just let it go and let God guide me,

The things that come from it are beautiful. Most importantly, the people I've met, the experiences I've been able to have, and to find even more good and love in this country than the Democrats would like for us to believe. There's so much good, and I would not be here right now, literally or figuratively in any way, if not for my faith in God and letting go and realizing that we're all going to get the hate.

But what's bigger than that is all the good that comes with it. And if we can share our faith, like it's such a blessing. And that's why I'm no longer afraid. I'm so glad that I am allowed. And I just want to encourage you, Sage. You are such an important person in this space and so wise and smart and fearless. And you inspire so many people. God bless you, Sage. Truly. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie, as well. We'll see you soon.

We have with us the chairman of the Georgia GOP, Josh McCoon. Josh, how are we doing? Give us the analysis bit by bit. You and I have been texting. What are we seeing out of the beautiful state of Georgia?

So really good numbers again today. Over 100,000 people voted as of noon. For people listening in Georgia, it's not too late if you haven't already voted. If you're in line this afternoon, you'll be allowed to stay until you vote. But we're continuing to track people.

a significant lead, 75, 80,000 vote lead, we believe for President Trump in the early and absentee voting together. If we have a significant lead at the end of the day today and normal election day turnout,

We should be in good shape. We should be on track. But the only way that's going to happen is if Republicans continue to turn out in large numbers. We've got a lot of the votes we need. A lot of people came out early and banked their votes. I'd say we're at the 10-yard line.

But it's going to take those Election Day voters to put us over the top, put us in the end zone and make sure that our 16 electoral votes go for President Trump. So let's let's go through this. Let's compare and contrast parts of the state and early voting with 2020. So first, tell us the story that was in 2020 and then what we are seeing today.

So what we saw in 2020 was very significant turnout in the black community. For a Democrat to win statewide here in Georgia, you generally need 30% of the overall vote to be black voters. And then that Democrat needs to get over 90% of that vote. Here in 2024, we're sitting on about 26%.

of the total vote are black voters. So you're not seeing places like Clayton County, Georgia, Albany, Georgia, turn out with the same enthusiasm that they turned out four years ago. By contrast, rural Georgia, really the base and bedrock of the Republican Party here in Georgia,

is turning out in incredible numbers. I believe Towns County, Georgia, up in the North Georgia mountains, is the highest turnout county in America right now. Almost 70% of all registered voters in Towns County have voted. And they're not alone. We're seeing that all over the state. 24 of the top 25 state house districts for turnout are

are held by Republicans. The top five congressional districts for turnout are held by Republicans. So what we're seeing is an enthusiasm gap that was not there in 2020. And of course, we can't just bank on that. We've got to make sure our people continue to turn out in very big numbers. So that's the big story right now is we're not seeing that heavy turnout in the Democratic leaning areas.

but very heavy turnout in rural Georgia, in exurban areas around Atlanta, Columbus, Augusta, and Macon that all trend Republican. So let me ask you, Josh, what is the number? What is the magic number that we need to hit on Election Day? So we're looking, if we end today with about 4 million, which is where I think we're going to be, we're going to be looking for an Election Day turnout in excess of a million.

That election day turnout should be more Republican than the early voting and absentee voting and should put a significant distance between President Trump and Vice President Harris if we get that turnout on election day. So what I'm looking for is that we get over a million, that we crest the

five million total vote more. I think if we do that, it's going to be a good night for us, an early night for us here in Georgia. Blake, would you like to chime in for a second? So I guess just a natural question a lot of people are asking, Josh, is

We have seen that the Election Day vote is more Republican in past elections, but a lot of that was because we weren't doing early voting. Now we are. Is there a particular reason that we are optimistic that the Election Day vote will tilt Republican as it has in the past?

That's a great question. So almost 20% of the people that have turned out in this election so far in Georgia did not vote in the 2020 election. Over 600,000 votes out of the roughly 4 million that will probably be cast by the end of the day today, probably closer to 700,000 if that trend continues. So those obviously are not voters that voted on Election Day in 2020.

So we're not cannibalizing that Election Day vote. The last time I looked, it's about eight and a half percent of the early voters are voters, Republican modeled voters that voted early this time that voted Election Day in 2020. So about 91 percent of our Election Day voters are available for Election Day, which

which is why I'm optimistic that our election day turnout is going to look very similar to how it's looked in previous election cycles. So that's great news. I think Blake touched on this, but is there no cannibalization fear, Josh? You guys have a lot left on the shelf. Is that right? That's exactly right. We have a lot left to go. We've got a lot of new voters that voted in this election. We have a lot of people that voted absentee four years ago because, of course, we were dealing with

with COVID that have transferred to early in-person voters.

So we haven't really seen that much Election Day voters moving to early voting. Some, but not significant. Nine in 10 of our Election Day voters are still available. On the Democrat side of the equation, Black female voters have turned out in very significant numbers, while Black male voters have largely been staying at home. That's what's been depressing the Black vote. So we're going into Election Day, I believe, with an energized,

population of voters who are ready to turn out. They want to turn out on election day. It's what they do. And with Democrats approaching a ceiling. So again, this is all dependent on us successfully turning the vote out. That's why I'm going to Gainesville, Georgia tomorrow, Hall County to chase votes with the turning point team. We're going to run through the tape over the next four days because we have to keep pushing our people to the polls. Again, I'm optimistic, but that optimism is fueled by

a belief that we are going to be able to successfully turn out these people and crest that 5 million voter mark on Tuesday.

So, and, and that, that, that other question people have is the lawfare in Fulton County. Stacey Abrams seems a little muted this cycle versus prior. Is that fair to say? Yeah, we're still battling with Mark Elias and the usual crowd. Um, you know, in Fulton County, only nine of the poll workers that we submitted that went through the training were hired by Fulton County. There's the hearing going on right now about that. We've got litigation going on in Cobb. Uh,

There are about 21 cases in various stages of litigation here in Georgia. So I wouldn't describe it as quiet by any means, but what I will say is we have been very aggressive. No, you've been aggressive. I'm talking about we're not getting the front page of her on magazine articles with the cape. Is that fair to say? Correct. That is very fair to say, yes. When they said, this is our superhero. Remember that, Blake? They said, she's our superhero. Yeah.

And by the way, they weren't wrong. She delivered two senators and electoral votes to Biden. I mean, she she orchestrated all that. But it was very tricky. Right, Josh? It was not it was not legitimate what she did. So there is some fear. And a question is, has the Kemp machine been activated? Even if it's not fully activated, it's helpful to have an infrastructure. And you feel better with that turnout operation than what you saw in 2020? Yeah.

Yeah, everyone's rowing in the same direction. The governor's political machinery is really focused on some close state legislative races. But again, that's turning out voters in areas that we need to turn out. And one thing that's really different this time, you know, we've got this great, you know, deployment from Turning Point, Faith and Freedom Coalition, Greater Georgia. We've got a constellation of

center right groups that are working together to make sure we get our vote out. And that's a big difference from four years ago. Yeah. And so then it's I mean, Josh, it's we don't have to overcomplicate it. It's going to be a matter of who can get human beings out to vote coming this Tuesday. Right. What are the hot spots for our audience? We need to run up the score in the rules. But we also in the excerpts of Atlanta, we need to have a good election day as well. We can't forget that. Explain as we close.

Yeah, so counties you want to look for, you know, Effingham right outside of Savannah. We want to be looking for Fulton. I'm sorry, not Fulton, but Bartow, Forsyth, Cherokee. Those counties are really important. And again, it's about getting out the vote. Paul County, where I'm going tomorrow, is a key area for us. 58% of Donald Trump's votes came north of Interstate 20, so north of Atlanta. So we're spending a lot of time...

resources, energy in that part of the state. Wait, is that, wait, hold on a second. You said how much in the entire state came north of I-20? How much? That's right. 58%. Well, I mean, that's good. But also there's a fair amount of unrealized gains in the southern part of the state. I mean, Valdosta, that's Trump country down there. Albany, Waycross, you know, those are our people, right, Josh?

Absolutely. They're 100% our people and we're working to get out the vote in those areas of the state as well. I'm going to McDonough tonight for an event.

Of course, President Trump's coming to Macon, and I believe he's coming to Macon because he wants to activate those areas in the 8th Congressional District right there in the Valdosta area in southeastern Georgia. So a lot of things are in the works that I believe are going to continue to move those voters forward. But we're seeing good turnout. We're seeing good turnout in the 1st Congressional District on the coast. We're

We're seeing good turnout in the 8th Congressional District. We just want more of it. And I believe President Trump making one more stop is really going to help us do that. It's on his schedule. Josh, excellent work. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Guys, look, if we turn out, Kerry Lake can win. If we turn out, Eric Hovde can win. Blake, can you talk about really quick? It's so easy to talk about the presidency. We might be able to sneak a couple Senate races across the finish line. Yeah, and that's so important. Not just like...

One, we just need to get the Senate, and we have good odds on that because we have free pickup in West Virginia. We're looking strong in Montana. But you never know. Sometimes things go wrong. But it's also just looking ahead. You want Trump to have a strong presidency, assuming we win. And one of the things to look ahead to is 2022. There's midterms. 2026. Or 26. Isn't that crazy to say that? Yeah, 2026.

So we're in the future, Charlie. I know. So that's a tougher Senate map for us. It's a bad map for us. It's a tough map for us. And so you have to think. We're likely to lose some senators in that map. Yep.

And so you want that give so that in the second half of a Trump term, he's still able to confirm people. You know, what if there's a Supreme Court vacancy in the second half? It was so important for us that we had a Senate majority. Yeah. In the second half of Trump's term. I mean, maybe if you get to 53, 54, you tell Thomas and Alito your time is up in a very kind way. I think they'll, you know, they'll understand. No, no, no. I'm not talking about, you know, but like I'm not saying that. I think they'll be like, hey, guys.

And you don't want to do the Ruth Bader Ginsburg thing and have a Democrat president, right? Exactly. And you get a, you know, 42, I mean, the spring chicken, that one guy, Justice Yu, you know what I'm talking about? He's amazing. Asian-American guy. He's terrific. So we're at a situation where we, Carrie Lake could win. Eric Hovde could win. Dave McCormick could win. Bernie Moreno could win. Huge gains across the board. If we get a nice big win, you get...

a spillover effect. And that's one of the big things. We don't just want Trump to win. If we can get Trump over the hump by two or three percent, one, our election night is a lot less sweaty and is a lot more fun. And two, you get

all of that spillover you make it so trump comes in with energy he comes in with a mandate he comes in with the ability to say this is the way it's going to be done whereas if he just sneaks over the line they already have the groundwork in place to start mucking everything up making it way more difficult we want a fun presidency where we accomplish things yeah and look they're gonna fight but if we have margins in the senate you lose a murkowski you lose a collins because they won't vote for you're still okay exactly and if you only get to 51 with the trump i mean i

That'll be because Collins and Murkowski won't be with you. You can have maybe a two vote majority on every committee instead of one vote. Which is huge. You get so much less room for shenanigans that are irritating. And don't forget the House. We can't name too many specific House districts, but we want to hold the House. We want to be able to pass things. If you have a majority in both. The House isn't getting as much attention. It's going to be a toughie because of redistricting. We didn't focus on redistricting the way we should have.

But Trump might have coattails that can keep us the House. For sure, for sure. Think of 2016. 2016, Democrats were looking to take the House. Democrats were looking to take the Senate. It was a very tough map for us in 2016. And instead, we actually, I think we made gains in the Senate, or at least we didn't lose. Oh, no, we did in both. We made gains in the House and the Senate. It was such an upset. And if we can deliver that upset again, we come in with momentum. And I think...

Great things could happen if we close the deal. We don't drop the ball like the guy. They had another one of those NFL players. I asked for the clip. Do we have that? I don't know if we have it, but I'm sure people saw it. The guy straight up. Come on. I thought we asked for that clip. I don't know where it is. But another guy right before the end zone dropped the ball. And this keeps happening, guys. Right running up to the line and just dropping the ball. Don't be the Chicago Bears when you take that last playoff. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.

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