When your consciousness (INNER WORLD) expands, you will undoubtedly and rather quickly notice unlimited resources available to you! You will notice new streams of support, inspiration, love and potential available because you’ve created an inner landscape that allows for it; because you have cultivated your consciousness in such a way that it prepares you energetically to receive the magical blessings of life. Is it luck? Absolutely not! It is energy meeting energy. An open and receptive inner world meets an open receptive external reality. Luck is actually a very dis-empowering word that assigns responsibility for experiences outside of us, when in fact the quality of our experiences are entirely of our making, choosing and selecting.We attract or repel people, opportunities, situations, abundance or love with our consciousness, and with the thoughts, feelings, expressions, expectations and beliefs that make up the landscape of our consciousness. No landscape is set in stone. Our inner world is always fluid and changing depending upon what we’re feeding it! So prepare to become awake and aware of brand new avenues of abundance absolutely amplifying in your life after listening to this show!