Our primary purpose for being alive is simply expanding our consciousness! There is nothing "woo-woo" about this concept/philosophy/idea. This simply means that we are alive to broaden our perspective to see, hear, feel, know and respond more clearly and realize our immense capacity to create our lives purposefully and intentionally. There is a beautiful synchronization, synthesis, melding and merging of energy with expanding awareness that is evidenced by and manifested in our day-to-day life experience. This can become more beautiful, more refined, more precious and more extraordinary over time as we consciously and purposefully decide, intend, allow for and promote the expansion and evolution of our consciousness.When we intend to allow our consciousness to reveal brand-new opportunities and options for us, they become visible in our world because we've opened that door of positive expectation. Our consciousness can be opened or closed, expanded or diminished, depending upon what we feed it, how we fuel it, and what we claim in our moment to moment experiences. Without The deliberate and intentional expansion of our consciousness, we limit our life experience by coming to doubtful, limiting conclusions about our potential. The pure, divine truth is that our potential is infinite and as limitless as is our consciousness. Join me and let's expand claim our role as consciousness expanders and step into a brand new landscape of possibility, empowerment, success and LOVE. www.CariMurphy.com/radio-show)