Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness, energy transformation and a true example of “Being the Change” we all desire for the world. She facilitates for spaciousness, consciousness, true awareness and the planet. Rikka has envisioned a dream of a new reality and is leading the way for many. She is a world-wide facilitator of Access Consciousness, a set of tools to literally transform anything in anyone’s life and is acclaimed internationally for this work and been a featured guest on numerous radio shows as well as appearing on television with Rev. Michael Beckwith.Her infinite joy, sense of compassion, and deep awareness is helping thousands breakthrough barriers of limitations. Her engaging and joy-filled style of speaking has enabled her to be the keynote speaker at many events, including a three time keynote featured speaker at the Conscious Life Expo in Denver, Colorado. Rikka is also a co-founder of the Leaders for a Conscious World International Speaker Series and was applauded for all her contribution to consciousness at the premiere event.Rikka currently lives in gorgeous Santa Barbara, California and travels around the world teaching classes and being the invitation to thousands of people to experience what a life of conscious choice can bring. Any time spent with Rikka will be sure to have as much laughter as moments of discovery. She is inspirational, enlightening, and brings a beautiful sense of new possibilities to the world. Learn more at www.rikkazimmerman.com)