Spirituality in the New Economy!For over 50 years, Hans Christian King has been sharing his extraordinary talent: the ability to communicate with the realm of Spirit. He works in partnership with his Guidance to bring through information that is relevant to your life. Hans Christian King is a very loving and kind man. He not only presents the most insightful information, but thoughtfully counsels you on the guidance that comes through. Hans has seen over 43,000 clients in private readings in the last forty years. He possesses the unique ability to communicate with the spirit realm. He works one on one with individuals in private readings, small workshops and spiritual retreats. One of his many unique gifts is his ability to let you know where you are on your soul’s path, which helps you make the clearest possible choices for your future. In addition, he delivers a lecture-demonstration style presentation entitled Messages from the Other Side – An Evening of Channeling , where he answers questions on spirituality and metaphysics and then spontaneously shares his Higher Perspectives from spirit with members of the audience. Hans can be reached at www.hansking.com).