We have the creative capacity to fuel all of our attention on focusing forward in our lives, and igniting a new highly empowered inner BRILLIANCE empire where everything is possible! We are truly master creators. This show is intended to activate the inner genius within us all!Launching a new inner brilliance empire involves realizing that we have the capacity to transform any perceived weakness into our greatest strength! We are alive in these physical bodies to hone and master those qualities with in us that we may have previously labeled in a less than positive way. We are never ever doomed to a life or lifestyle or perspective of personality that is limited! We came into this physical world as eternal spirits with the intention of refining, enhancing and expanding our energetic expression in every single way. Our attention to something only exaggerates it's expression in our lives, therefore It is wise to be discerning about the selection of our focus because without proper direction, it can exaggerate perceived flaws, perceived weaknesses, injustices or negativity in our lives. Everything we experience is rooted in our perception of it! A shift in our focus reveals a shift in our expression, which reveals a shift in the quality of our experiences and what shows up in our path. With clear conscious intention and awareness we can choose to no longer perpetuate limiting states of being, remembering that it is our birthright to expand beyond faulty ideas and perceptions of ourselves and reality, and into our innate state of brilliance!!Claiming our inner genius and activating our inner brilliance involves shifting from any warped illusory perspective we have of ourselves; shifting away from limiting patterns and into new highly empowered patterns of accurately seeing ourselves as the infinitely powerful and creative beings that we are! Join me and let's fuel the flow of brilliance in our lives)Register free for my Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series atwww.StraightTalkfortheSoul.com)