The state of our nervous system either increases the power, or limits the range, of all our thoughts and behaviors. It’s the foundation upon which every aspect of our health and wellbeing is built. As a result, our level of neurological fitness significantly influences the way we experience the world around us. So, what does it mean to be “neurologically fit”? Practically, it might mean our kids have a meltdown over breakfast and it doesn’t derail our morning. It might mean when we get tough news, and we can analyze it with perspective instead of spiraling out of control. It might be how we get out of the loop of procrastination and follow through on our goals. Being neurologically fit also refers to our ability to adapt to changes in our environment and gracefully respond to the demands of life and motherhood. You don’t want to miss this episode. No doubt, our resilience and adaptability as high-achieving moms is our superpower – and it all stems from a regulated nervous system. REGISTER FOR THE FREE MOM BRAIN MASTERCLASS) – Powerful Strategies for Anxiety, Overwhelm, & Burnout