cover of episode Sam Harris: Our Democracy Is Already Unraveling

Sam Harris: Our Democracy Is Already Unraveling

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The Bulwark Podcast

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Sam Harris
Sam Harris: 本对话主要围绕对特朗普及其支持者的分析展开,Harris 认为一些自诩为公共知识分子的科技人士并非真正的知识分子,他们缺乏批判性思维和对自身观点的持续修正能力,并以Elon Musk为例进行了批判。Harris 指出,Musk 的政治影响力很大程度上源于其对社交媒体的沉迷和不理智行为,他经常传播谎言和阴谋论,并攻击批评者。此外,Harris 还分析了部分人转向支持特朗普的原因,他认为这与左翼的道德错误和对社会机构的掌控有关,左翼极端主义对精英机构的影响力过大,导致许多问题被压制。Harris 认为,共和党已经沦为个人崇拜,这是一种对社会的道德伤害。他还分析了部分科技人士支持特朗普的原因,可能是出于对监管的担忧,特别是针对人工智能和加密货币的监管,也可能是因为他们被特朗普的言论所吸引,而没有注意到其言论中的谎言和危险性。Harris 还谈到了卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选失利,他认为这与激进的跨性别运动损害了民主党形象有关,以及卡马拉·哈里斯未能就跨性别问题给出合理的解释,导致她被塑造成了一个被激进主义者操纵的傀儡。Harris 还批评了“黑人的命也是命”运动中存在的腐败和过度激进行为,但他同时强调不能否认种族主义的存在。Harris 还谈到了两党在维护自身声誉和标准方面存在不对称性,以及特朗普的支持者们对民主的漠视。最后,Harris 呼吁人们减少对社交媒体的依赖,以避免被其负面影响所裹挟。 Tim Miller: Miller 在对话中主要起到引导和提问的作用,帮助 Harris 展开其观点,并就一些具体问题进行追问和讨论。例如,Miller 就 Harris 对左翼和右翼的批评,以及 Harris 对卡马拉·哈里斯竞选失利的分析提出了疑问和不同的看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did some tech public intellectuals enthusiastically support Trump?

They were radicalized by the moral errors and overreach of the far left, which captured institutions. The far fringe of the left had immense cultural influence, while the far fringe of the right did not, creating an asymmetry that some found galling.

What does Sam Harris identify as a key issue in the Democratic Party's failings?

Trans activism has done significant brand damage to the Democratic Party, alienating many voters. Harris argues that Kamala Harris's inability to disavow past support for certain trans policies, such as gender reassignment surgeries for incarcerated women, contributed to her loss.

How does Sam Harris view Elon Musk's influence on politics?

Harris sees Musk as a Twitter addict whose behavior is visibly deranged. He boosts conspiracy theories and makes odious online trolls more famous, while declaring war on normal people he perceives as enemies.

What does Sam Harris recommend for dealing with the current political landscape?

Harris suggests waiting to react immediately to hypothetical scenarios and focusing on what actually happens. This approach saves bandwidth and allows for more thoughtful responses when necessary.

Why does Sam Harris believe our democracy is already unraveling?

Harris argues that our democracy has been damaged by allowing Trump to lie about winning the 2020 election without penalty. This behavior has not been penalized and has been rewarded with a second term, leading to a moral injury and the Republican Party becoming a personality cult.

Sam Harris discusses why intelligent men, particularly those in tech and public intellectual circles, are drawn to support Trump despite his obvious flaws.
  • Many tech and public intellectual figures lack intellectual integrity and comprehensive worldviews.
  • Elon Musk and others show scars of being autodidacts, lacking academic and journalistic integrity.
  • These individuals often have formative experiences with Ayn Rand and science fiction, leading to idiosyncratic views.

Shownotes Transcript

Because Trump wasn't penalized for trying to steal the 2020 election, our democracy has already been damaged. And he was laying the groundwork to do it again in '24, with the assistance of MAGA's opportunistic election fraud lies. Meanwhile, David Sacks & co would never let Trump run any of their businesses, but they're all in on his Alex Jones-grade lies. Plus, was Kamala done in by not responding to the anti-trans ad? And 90% of what's wrong with Elon is his Twitter addiction.

Sam Harris joins Tim Miller.