cover of episode Jon Lovett: The Worst People Are Happy

Jon Lovett: The Worst People Are Happy

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The Bulwark Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jon Lovett
Tim Miller
Jon Lovett: 对特朗普再次当选感到担忧,认为其执政将对美国社会造成深远影响,包括对移民、LGBT群体等弱势群体的打压,以及对民主制度的破坏。他认为,特朗普及其支持者会利用移民问题制造冲突,并以此来攻击民主党。他并不支持加速主义,而是主张通过各种平台进行论证,争取胜利,并呈现出一个可行的替代方案。他认为,美国经济依赖于无证劳工,而对他们的遣返是不道德的。他同时对美国社会日益原子化感到担忧,认为这导致了人们对政治的冷漠和对特朗普威胁的缺乏了解。他呼吁人们在面对挑战时不要轻易放弃,要记住历史会记录下一切,并为美国的未来而奋斗。 Tim Miller: 对特朗普再次当选感到担忧,关注的是迫在眉睫的威胁,例如特朗普可能针对参与弹劾和起诉他的人。他认为移民问题是一个严重的危机,但对共和党来说可能是政治上的胜利。他认为特朗普政府从之前的错误中吸取教训,在移民问题上采取更隐蔽的方式。他讨论了加速主义和抵抗之间的权衡,即是否应该加速坏事发生以便让人们看到其严重性。他质疑政治行动的意义,认为人们投票只是为了寻求改变。他认为,民主党的能力有限,只能通过各种平台进行论证,争取胜利。他认为,民主党和特朗普的支持者都比较弱势,这导致了选举结果的胶着。他同时对美国社会日益原子化感到担忧,认为这导致了人们对政治的冷漠和对特朗普威胁的缺乏了解。

Deep Dive

The conversation delves into the acute fears and hypothetical threats surrounding Trump's potential actions, including targeting his enemies and the implications of his control over the Republican Party and the executive branch.
  • Trump's potential targeting of his enemies and the implications for officials and whistleblowers.
  • The politics of quasi-authoritarianism and the slow degradation of the country.
  • Concerns about the targeting of immigrants and LGBT people, and the potential deployment of troops during protests.

Shownotes Transcript

The worst people believe their worldview has been validated, while the best people are uncertain, scared, and angry. But we have to stay focused on the menace, including the threat to officials Trump may target for revenge—and the immigrants whose cheap and willing labor helped build our economy.

Jon Lovett joins Tim Miller for a special crosspost with the "Lovett or Leave It" pod.

show notes Speech by Otto Wels in March 1933) The 'Lovett or Leave It' podcast )