cover of episode James Carville: We Just Have to Win

James Carville: We Just Have to Win

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The Bulwark Podcast

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James Carville
James Carville:当前的政治环境令人沮丧和担忧,但同时也存在希望。最终的成败取决于民主党能否赢得即将到来的中期选举。如果民主党失败,后果将不堪设想。共和党正在利用各种谎言和煽动性言论来争取选民,例如关于变性囚犯和联邦紧急事务管理署(FEMA)的虚假信息。特朗普明白,如果停止散播这些极端言论,他的支持者就会失去兴趣。因此,他继续利用种族主义、性别歧视和恐惧等情绪来争取选民。民主党需要更积极主动地与选民沟通,而不是被动地回应媒体提问。他们需要更积极地反驳共和党的谎言和误导性言论,并利用各种平台与选民进行沟通。卡马拉·哈里斯应该对拜登政府的不足之处进行反思,并提出改进方案。政府需要积极主动地澄清不实信息,以免造成更大的损害。赢得选举至关重要,因为特朗普对国家构成严重威胁,而且他对灾民的苦难漠不关心。民主党需要更积极地争取男性选民的支持,并提升政治职业的形象,吸引更多优秀人才投身政治。 Tim Miller:同意Carville的观点,中期选举形势严峻,信息环境混乱。共和党利用虚假信息和煽动性言论误导选民,而民主党需要更积极主动地反驳,并与选民进行有效沟通。对卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选策略提出建议,认为她需要更积极主动,并更有效地利用各种媒体平台与选民沟通。同时,关注到飓风灾害期间社交媒体上充斥着各种不实信息,强调政府需要积极主动地澄清不实信息,以免造成更大的损害。对特朗普的健康状况和其隐瞒行为表示担忧,并认为这可以成为攻击他的一个点。

Deep Dive

James Carville and Tim Miller discuss the core messages of both sides in the upcoming election. They analyze Trump's focus on hot-button issues and question the effectiveness of such a strategy. Carville expresses concern about the increasingly crazy information ecosystem, highlighting a Republican congressman's need to debunk outlandish theories.
  • Trump's top ad focuses on taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners.
  • The information ecosystem is becoming increasingly polarized and detached from reality.
  • Carville questions the effectiveness of Trump's strategy, suggesting it caters to a specific audience while alienating others.

Shownotes Transcript

The information ecosystem is getting crazier than ever: The monster Trump created must be fed, even when the lies are too much for some MAGA members of Congress. Meanwhile, the disinfo around storm relief efforts have to be nipped in the bud, and Team Kamala needs to get their sharp elbows out for the final weeks. Plus, how a doc about Carville evolved in real time as he pressed to get Biden to drop out. 

James Carville joins Tim Miller.

*show notes * The new documentary about Carville, "Winning Is Everything, Stupid") Press release from Rep. Chuck Edwards debunking Helene response myths )