cover of episode Bill Kristol: Do Something

Bill Kristol: Do Something

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The Bulwark Podcast

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Bill Kristol
Tim Miller
Bill Kristol:卡马拉·哈里斯在民主党大会上的演讲非常成功,她巧妙地将特朗普的不靠谱和其潜在的危险性结合起来,既突出了特朗普的滑稽可笑,又强调了他可能造成的严重后果。克里斯托尔认为,特朗普的危险性不仅在于其个人行为,更在于他可能在第二个任期内采取的极端措施。他赞扬了那些勇敢地站出来反对特朗普的人,并呼吁更多的人认识到特朗普的危险性,并采取行动阻止他再次当选。 Bill Kristol还批评了那些曾经在特朗普政府任职,但现在却迟迟不愿公开支持卡马拉·哈里斯的人。他认为这些人有责任挺身而出,因为他们比其他人更了解特朗普的危险性。他认为,对卡马拉·哈里斯的支持,是阻止特朗普再次当选的必要步骤。克里斯托尔还对H.R.麦克马斯特在《大西洋月刊》上发表的文章表示失望,认为麦克马斯特对特朗普的评价与事实不符,并试图为其在特朗普政府中的行为辩护。 Tim Miller:米勒认为,民主党在大会上努力淡化特朗普的强人形象,并强调其不靠谱的本质,以削弱其影响力。他还指出,许多重量级反特朗普人士没有在民主党大会上公开支持卡马拉·哈里斯,这令人担忧。米勒分析了造成这种现象的多种原因,包括战略考量、拜登团队的准备不足以及一些人对局势的判断不够准确。他认为,那些曾在特朗普政府任职的人有特殊的责任挺身而出,公开支持卡马拉·哈里斯。米勒还对卡马拉·哈里斯在民主党大会上的演讲表示赞赏,认为她的演讲在外交政策和国家安全问题上立场强硬,这应该能够打消一些温和派保守派对她的疑虑。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯的演讲与那些认为民主党过于激进的批评相去甚远,她强调了美国例外论和对民主理想的捍卫。米勒还批评了肯尼迪Jr.对特朗普的支持,认为这突显了特朗普竞选活动的极端化倾向,并可以被用来攻击特朗普。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris' DNC speech effectively portrayed Trump as an unserious man with dangerous potential consequences if re-elected. The convention aimed to minimize Trump by mocking him, a strategy reflected in speeches by Obama, Walz, and others. This approach recognizes that Trump's unseriousness contributes to his popularity, making him appear less extreme than his actual agenda.
  • Harris' speech highlighted the contrast between Trump's unserious demeanor and the serious threat of a second term.
  • The DNC aimed to portray Trump as small and weak rather than a strongman.
  • Trump's unseriousness makes him more palatable to some voters, masking the extremity of his agenda.

Shownotes Transcript

Some of the people best suited to make the case against Trump are the jilted Cabinet members and others who worked with him—doing the right thing is never the wrong thing. Plus, McMaster's preposterous spin, appreciating the words Kamala didn't say in her speech, making Trump own RFK, Jr.'s antivax views, and the gamesmanship over the debates. Bill Kristol joins Tim Miller.

*show notes: * Adam Kinzinger on speaking at the Democratic convention) Tim on the big fish anti-Trumpers who should endorse Kamala already) Bill on the key line in Kamala's speech)