cover of episode Amanda Carpenter: Lessons from the Tea Party Era

Amanda Carpenter: Lessons from the Tea Party Era

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The Bulwark Podcast

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Amanda Carpenter
Tim Miller
Tim Miller:就当前政治局势和潜在威胁,采访了Amanda Carpenter,探讨应对策略。 Amanda Carpenter:对民主的最大威胁包括特赦、政治化调查和监管报复。她认为,虽然情况艰难,但并非不可能应对。面对潜在的政治迫害,反对派应该团结一致,因为迫害者无法同时打击所有人。美国是一个强大国家,拥有众多能够采取行动的人民,不应该低估自身力量。在最初的几个月里,反对派应该展现出不畏惧的态度。政治调查本身就是一种惩罚,旨在制造寒蝉效应。特朗普政府可能滥用军事力量进行国内执法,这是一个需要立即关注的重大威胁。移民政策问题复杂,但关注军事和执法部门的越权行为,更容易获得更多美国民众的支持。关注那些可能被卷入移民政策的合法居民,更容易引起公众共鸣。特朗普政府所谓的“内部敌人”概念涵盖范围很广,包括所有反对他们的人。在应对政治对手时,应该在遵守规范和采取强硬措施之间取得平衡。维护规范并不意味着不能表达强烈反对意见。在政治斗争中,应该充分利用规则和程序来施加压力。民主党应该学习茶党运动的策略,积极对抗特朗普政府的任命。茶党运动有效地利用了参议院的规则来阻碍立法进程。应该考虑是否应该让共和党在他们自己制造的混乱中挣扎,而不是立即采取行动。应该主动制造压力,迫使共和党为他们的行为承担政治责任。应该关注那些对民众有切实影响的具体问题,而不是那些只会引起愤怒的言论。罗伯特·肯尼迪三世在萨摩亚的经历表明,他对疫苗的立场可能对公共卫生构成威胁。罗伯特·肯尼迪三世缺乏公共卫生背景,他的任命令人担忧。许多特朗普政府的任命者缺乏必要的资格,他们的任命仅仅基于对特朗普的政治忠诚。许多政府内部人士可能低估了特朗普政府的极端性和混乱程度。对特朗普政府任命官员的威胁程度进行评估,需要考虑他们掌握的资源。对国土安全部和国防部的资源进行整合,可能会被用来执行强硬的移民政策。克里斯蒂·诺姆的任命,可能与其公开谈论枪杀宠物狗的事件有关,这暗示了她强硬的性格。特朗普政府将任命不合格的人员,其目的是为了确保这些人员服从其命令。媒体、行业和部分共和党人对特朗普政府的计划缺乏准备。特朗普政府将无视规则和法律,并期望其他人以同样的方式回应。特朗普政府计划彻底破坏规范和法律,并期望现有权力结构照常运作。对特朗普政府计划的回应,与计划本身一样令人担忧。 John Smith: ...[每位发言人至少200字]

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Amanda Carpenter concerned about the potential pardons by Trump?

She worries that pardons for January 6th rioters could undermine rule of law and signal to law enforcement that they can act extra-judicially with impunity.

What does Amanda Carpenter suggest as a strategy for Democrats to counter Trump's appointments?

She recommends adopting a Tea Party spirit, using Senate rules to slow down confirmations, demand hearings, and create public pressure to impose political costs.

Why does Amanda Carpenter find the nomination of RFK Jr. for HHS Secretary particularly alarming?

RFK Jr.'s history of anti-vaccination advocacy, including his trip to Samoa that supported anti-vaxxers, raises concerns about his ability to protect public health.

How does Amanda Carpenter view the potential for media coverage of Trump's administration?

She believes the media is not fully prepared to cover the extreme and unconventional nature of Trump's appointments and policies, which could lead to a normalization of his actions.

What is Amanda Carpenter's perspective on the norms and traditions that should be upheld during political opposition?

She argues that while norms should be respected, they should not prevent passionate and loud disagreements, especially when dealing with an administration that disregards norms itself.

Amanda Carpenter discusses the need for Democrats to take a cue from the Tea Party era and demand hearings or hold their own to oppose Trump's appointments.
  • Democrats should be loud and unified in their opposition.
  • The opposition needs to impose political costs on Trump's nominations.
  • Grinding out the confirmation process can be an effective strategy.

Shownotes Transcript

Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint ground things to a halt in the Senate quite effectively during the Obama era, and Democrats should take a cue from them for Trump's appointments: Demand hearings or hold their own. More broadly, the opposition has to be loud and make a scene, while also staying unified and focused. We are a big country with big ideas, and there are more of us than there are of them. 

Amanda Carpenter joins Tim Miller for the weekend pod.

*show notes

*Part 1 of the "Behind the Bastards" podcast on RFK, Jr.) Tim's playlist )