cover of episode Adam Kinzinger: Trump Is Q

Adam Kinzinger: Trump Is Q

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The Bulwark Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Adam Kinzinger
Tim Miller
Adam Kinzinger:特朗普是虚张声势的弱者,过去八年共和党特别是特朗普放弃了很多中间立场,包括国防和美国自豪感,而哈里斯则重新占据了这些立场。特朗普对美国的热爱只停留在过去,而哈里斯代表着对当今美国的热爱。许多前政府官员保持沉默是因为担心影响其在私营部门的赚钱能力,但那些近期在政府任职并关心国家未来的人应该在此时发声。特朗普在社交媒体上发布煽动性言论,呼吁对反对者进行军事审判,已经完全认同QAnon的阴谋论。为了维护美国的自我治理和恢复理智,应该超越政策分歧,反对特朗普。特朗普在阿灵顿国家公墓的行为是对阵亡将士的不尊重,他缺乏同理心和同情心,只考虑自己。阿灵顿事件和阿比门事件不应该被政治化利用,阿比门事件的发生是由于特朗普和蓬佩奥与塔利班达成的糟糕协议。大选结果非常胶着,令人担忧,地面战在这次选举中至关重要。美国阻止乌克兰用美国武器攻击俄罗斯境内目标的做法是荒谬的。普京正在等待美国大选结果再决定是否进行谈判。NAFO并非CIA行动。共和党对言论自由的立场是虚伪的。俄罗斯对Telegram的封锁是因为其情报和军事行动依赖该平台。 Tim Miller:特朗普的社交媒体言论煽动性极强,应该引起重视。为了维护美国的自我治理和恢复理智,应该超越政策分歧,反对特朗普。 对特朗普在阿灵顿国家公墓的行为表示谴责,认为这是对阵亡将士的不尊重。对当前民调结果表示担忧,认为大选结果非常胶着。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris's speech at the DNC convention focused on themes of patriotism and national defense, appealing to centrist voters. This strategy effectively capitalized on territory ceded by the Republican party under Trump, reclaiming traditional Democratic values.
  • Harris's speech avoided "woke" themes, focusing instead on gratitude and American exceptionalism.
  • This approach aimed to attract voters who prioritize national defense and traditional American values.
  • The speech marked a shift in the Democratic party's approach, reclaiming territory abandoned by the Republicans.

Shownotes Transcript

Policy differences pale in comparison to maintaining self-governance and restoring sanity in the country—high time for the anti-Trumpers to endorse the candidate who's not posting crap like a 17-year-old in his parents' basement. Plus, the Arlington incident, jealous Megyn Kelly, and why Russia is freaking out about the Telegram-related arrest. Adam Kinzinger joins Tim Miller.

*show notes: * Will Selber on the Arlington episode and Section 60) Tickets for The Bulwark LIVE next week in Dallas)