From next week, the bonus episodes are going to be my guest appearances on other podcast but I’ve linked up with Ben Coomber for this bonus episode.
I try and upskill with qualifications and courses several times a year; and with my current background in sports nutrition, this level 4 nutrition course jumped out when Ben mentioned it to me.
If you’re a personal trainer looking to upskill your nutritional knowledge, somebody working a full-time job that would love a nutrition business to be their ‘side hustle’ or someone looking to navigate through the world of nutrition to apply what you learn in your own life, then give today’s episode a listen.
To check out the Level 4 Nutrition Course –
The first 10 minutes is me talking about my reasons for signing up to this course, how I go about selecting courses/programs and seminars that I attend or go through and the things I’m most looking forward to about the next 12 months.
The final 30 minutes is Ben talking all about the course.
Full disclosure. I am an affiliate on this course; so not only am I signed up to do it myself (I’ll be documenting it on my business podcast), I have also linked up with Ben and his team to help promote it. Feel free to mention me (or not) when you sign up or click through the link.
To check out the Level 4 Nutrition Course –
Brian's Links
Rewire Your Mindset Seminar
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