Full interview from Adapnation Podcast Hosted by Steve Katasi Subscribe to Steve’s podcast here: https://adapnation.io/)
This podcast episode introduces you to this great force for good and explores the decisions and experiences behind Brian’s extreme endurance pursuits.
Here’s what we discuss:
1. Brian’s fitness journey - from Primary School teacher, Bodybuilder and now Extreme Endurance athlete
2. Building an Online Business - Brian’s experience and top advice when it comes to leveraging Social Media and building a digital brand
3. The Extreme Pivot - what was missing, wrong and unexplored that drove Brian to decide on extreme endurance
4. Brian’s Scary, Beautiful, Painful and wildly different Experiences - Both the self-sufficient Dessert 250km run and the Chilling 230km Arctic Circle run
5. Brian’s A-Type Personality - Brian’s need to set massive goals, regularly doing things he hates and not setting a plan B
6. Brian’s life-theme - How Mental Toughness features significantly in how Brian evaluates success and progress
7. Relatability to Everybody - How Brian’s insane actions ARE relevant and applicable to all
8. Body Dysmorphia - Brian’s shares his prior un-diagnosed body dysmorphia when modelling and competing
9. Obsession Switching has Purpose - how Brian’s behaviour has deeper meaning and connection to his value, helping others and guiding his daughter
10. Has his extreme experiences been worth it? - what has he gained, learned and developed into?
Brian's Links
Rewire Your Mindset Seminar https://briankeanefitness.com/product/rewire-your-mindset-seminar/)
Brian's Books Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/BRIANSKEANEBOOKS)