Shane is an online coach, MNU certified nutritionist and the host of the Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast. Shane specializes in female fat loss and this is his second appearance on the podcast, we did round 1 in October 2020 – episode 299 Shane Walsh on Female Fat Loss, Menstrual Cycles and Weight Gain on The Contraceptive Pill, which i highly recommend if you're female and on a fat loss journey. In today's episode, we go much broader and focus on why you need to avoid slimming clubs, the power of the weight loss mindset and why diet failure is feedback, amongst other things. Here are some of the things we talked about in today’s podcast.
How to stop tying yourself worth to the weighing scale The link between weight gain and sleep The importance of setting boundaries in your life Why you can’t give from an empty cup and changing the language we use around being selfish How to focus on your non scale wins His dark days in 2017 and how he come through them and now prioritizes his mental health And more
SHOWNOTES: Audiobook - Ebook - Shane’s Website - Shane’s Instagram: @shanewalshfitness Shane’s Podcast - Shane Walsh Fitness Podcast - Shane Walsh