Nick Velasquez is a Colombian-Canadian best-selling author known for his book, Learn, Improve, Master: How to Develop Any Skill and Excel at It. He is the founder of, a website dedicated to teaching people principles and strategies on learning, creativity, skills development, and mastery. His writing has been featured in outlets such as TIME, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Thrive Global. Nick speaks multiple languages and spends his time between Tokyo and Montréal. I really enjoyed this conversation and is definitely for anyone interested in how to learn things quicker and what books you should consider reading to potentially improve your quality of life. Here are some of the things we talked about in today’s podcast.
Deliberate practice vs repetition and why they are not the same thing The myth of ‘you either have it or you don’t’ – genetics and weight loss or building muscle Misconceptions around memory and tying emotion to your learning – the perfect deadlift example Our favorite authors and books we both recommend and love The myth of motivation and how thinking about it the wrong way hurts your progress And much more
His favourite videos
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