Jay (jtm_fit on Instagram) has an incredible story. He became addicted to drugs and alcohol at a very young age and by the time he was twenty, his life had spiralled out of control. After he hit rock bottom in 2005, he got sober and starting working out. Since then he has gone out to create the functional method training program, has been featured on Muscle and Fitness, Men Fitness and was ranked the number 1 fitness influencer by Men’s Health in 2017. I’ve been following Jay on Instagram for about a year and a half and his page is still one of my personal favourites. This is a great episode for anyone looking to find your physical limit and pushing past it. Things we talked about:
Going from being a drug addict to 2017 Men’s Health fitness influencer of the year
Jay’s daily training, eating, supplements and recovery
Being a skinny kid and not adding any muscle until age 25 (he’s now 33)
Building 380k followers on Instagram
Dealing with the negative voice in your head and using your demons as fuel for the fire!
Sponsored by Udo’s Choice
JAY'S LINKS Functional method website: https://www.thefunctionalmethod.com/) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jtm_fit/?hl=en)
Check out Brians best selling book THE FITNESS MINDSET on AUDIO BOOK) and PAPERBACK)