cover of episode #171: Don’t Let Your Excuses Today Become Your Regrets Tomorrow with Ultra Runner Tom Otton

#171: Don’t Let Your Excuses Today Become Your Regrets Tomorrow with Ultra Runner Tom Otton

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The Brian Keane Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Tom has been one of my biggest influences over the past year. After battling cancer and changing the way he saw the world; he has since gone on to become one of Dubai’s leading entrepreneurs, a successful ultra marathon runner and is constantly pushing the boundaries on his physical and mental limitations. Alongside our mutual friend Marcus Smith (Episode 141), Tom’s advice and support is one of the main reasons I was able to finish the 250km run through the Sahara Desert in April.


We talk everything from the mindset developed through running and nutrition for half or full marathons to the difference between real and perceived problems and the importance of the right romantic relationship for long-term success. I got so much from this interview. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it.



How obsession can be a positive thing. Short-term micro imbalance for long-term macro imbalance Battling cancer and changing the way you see the world Training and nutrition for his first ever marathon How the excuses you make today become regrets you have later His main tips for running an endurance event (half marathon, full marathon and ultras) The difference between a real problem and perceived problems.





Tom’s Instagram)

Tom’s TedX talk)

Tom’s business website)