cover of episode 424. I Generated $20,000 From 4 Webinars: Here’s My Blueprint With Emily Houltram [The Sales Engine Series]

424. I Generated $20,000 From 4 Webinars: Here’s My Blueprint With Emily Houltram [The Sales Engine Series]

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the bossbabe podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Emily Houltram
Natalie Ellis
Natalie Ellis: 本期节目邀请了婴儿睡眠顾问 Emily Houltram 分享她的创业故事,她通过 Freedom Fast Track 课程高效执行,取得了显著的商业成果,体现了改变现实、创造不同生活的可能性。 Emily Houltram: 我通过快速转化疗法(RTT)催眠疗程,明确了成功的目标,最终实现了成为Boss Babe播客嘉宾的愿望。即使最初的尝试失败,只要坚信目标,并持续采取行动,最终也能实现目标。我的职业生涯经历,从迪拜的市场营销工作到英国的自由职业者,为我创业奠定了基础。即使资金有限,也能通过积极主动地寻找机会,实现职业目标,例如在迪拜找到工作。从稳定的工作转为自由职业者是一个冒险的决定,需要充分的准备和自信。疫情期间的失业反而促使我专注于发展自己的婴儿睡眠咨询业务。在怀孕期间,我开始研究婴儿睡眠,并制定了一套有效的睡眠计划。我意识到,人们更倾向于从专业人士那里寻求婴儿睡眠方面的建议,这让我看到了创业机会。疫情期间,人们居家时间增加,消费习惯改变,为我的婴儿睡眠咨询业务提供了有利的市场环境。我利用之前的市场营销经验,提升了自身业务的品牌形象和市场推广效果。我强调高质量图片的重要性,即使预算有限,也能通过巧妙的策略获得理想的视觉效果。我从一开始就使用了 Google 广告,并利用客户评价来提升业务知名度。我逐步扩大业务规模,从最初的兼职到雇佣团队成员,最终专注于业务发展。我有意地将时间投入到自己擅长的领域,并外包其他任务,从而提高效率和工作满意度。我认识到,持续的WhatsApp沟通会消耗我的精力,因此决定将部分任务外包给团队成员。加入Freedom Fast Track课程是为了提升业务的可预测性和稳定性,减少财务上的不确定性。通过Freedom Fast Track课程,我学习了自动化流程,并获得了技术支持,从而高效地建立了新的销售漏斗。通过多次网络研讨会,我的销售额显著提升,其中一次网络研讨会在第一小时内就实现了6500美元的收入。Freedom Fast Track课程帮助我识别并改进销售漏斗中的问题,从而提高转化率。我认为Freedom Fast Track课程的投资回报率很高,并在短短三个月内就获得了显著的回报。我分享了平衡工作和家庭生活的经验,强调了托儿服务的重要性以及自我时间对身心健康的影响。我分享了创办播客的经历,强调了直觉和行动的重要性。 Natalie Ellis: Emily 的故事强调了持续学习和适应的重要性,以及将个人热情转化为成功事业的可能性。

Deep Dive

Emily shares a story about manifesting her appearance on the BossBabe podcast through hypnotherapy and how she pitched the podcast a year prior. She discusses the importance of belief and taking practical steps towards achieving goals.
  • Emily manifested being on the BossBabe podcast through hypnotherapy.
  • She pitched the podcast a year prior but didn't hear back.
  • Emily believes in combining "woo-woo" with practical steps to achieve goals.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome back to the Boss Babe podcast. So today's episode I actually got to record in person when I was back in the UK with one of our amazing clients, Emily Holtram, who is the founder of The Sleep Chief. So I will not get into too much of her story because she's going to share all of it. But what I do want to share is she was an incredible client that went through Freedom Fast Track and she was one of those women that just

executes. Now she had a toddler at home and many, many of the reasons so many of us do as to why we cannot progress, the way that she executed with excellence all the way through this program really, really showed up in the results that she has. I love her story so much. It really is such an amazing example of being able to completely change your reality and create a

completely different life for yourself and for your family based on going out there, taking a risk, taking a leap, doing what you can to learn the fastest way to success, avoid the mistakes that many people have made. And it was a really, really inspiring conversation. So I know this one's going to really get you thinking and get you excited about what's next. And if any of you are interested in joining this upcoming cohort of Freedom Fast Track, I've put the link in the description below. You can click

that and come join us. So with that let's dive in and enjoy this episode. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you. What a dream. What a dream come true. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so excited. Wait do you have a funny story about this? Okay I need to tell you this story before we start. So like at the start of last year I was had fully kind of decided that I was ready to grow my business, ready to scale, had a great team in place, like the business had been growing like year on year and

But I also, alongside that, I had this kind of tricky family situation going on that I could just feel was just zapping my energy. And I had the opportunity to have this rapid transformational therapy, hypnotherapy session. And in it, she, like the whole purpose of it was really so that I could like learn to compartmentalize like what was going on with my family because it was a situation that I couldn't resolve. It was gonna be ongoing.

and really dial in my energy and be able to focus my energy on growing the business. So in it, she really got me to be super specific about what success looks like, what does growing your business look like, like revenue, team, reach, what does that look like for you? And so part of what I asked, or part of what I was saying I wanted was I wanted to be a guest on podcast.

and she was like, "Be specific, be specific." And so I was like, "I wanna be a guest on the Boss Babe podcast." And after the session, they give you this recording that you listen to for three weeks.

And you're supposed to listen to it before bed. And so it's like really like rewiring your brain and going in more and more. And I listened to it religiously for three weeks. And in that recording, it says, you are going to be invited on the Boss Babe podcast. This gives me chills. Do you have it? And that was 13 months ago. Yeah. Oh my goodness, I need to hear this. Let me play it. Okay. You can see yourself as a really successful CEO.

You can see yourself being invited to podcasts, to Boss Babe. You can see yourself... That is wild. Well, not wild because we all know that woo-woo works, but I feel like...

- When it works, you're like, "Holy crap, it actually worked." You know what I mean? - Yeah, so when we, on the course, when you said, I think at the start of the Freedom Fast Track course, you said, like, "Somebody on the course is gonna get the opportunity to come on the podcast." And when I heard it, I was like, "That is mine. That is mine." - Oh my goodness. - But you might not know this, like, pretty much after that hypnotherapy session,

Like I'm about shooting my shot, right? I would shoot my shot. So I pitched the Boss Babe podcast like a year ago. Wow. I wrote an email and I was like, here's how I can bring value to your audience. Never heard back. No shade, no shade. But like it just goes to show, you know, like just because one way fails, like who could have imagined like a year later, like I'm getting invited on a podcast. I love that. And same, like whenever...

I like have a goal to be on a certain podcast or whatever. If I don't get on the first time, I'm like, okay, well, I'm still getting on. Like it's going to happen somehow when I just like, when you have that belief, I feel like it,

I feel like that belief draws it to you like you get on that frequency but also I think you then take the steps you know you need to take like it's both the woo-woo and then also the practical right and marrying that together is I love this oh my goodness well I am honored to have you here this and the fact that we get to do this in person this is the second time I've seen you now in less than a week I know I'm here for it so good I'm here for it um how are you feeling after Friday

So I came away from our VIP day on Friday, like just brimming with ideas and I'm an action girl. So I'm already like putting things into place already and already like even seeing results. Oh my God, I'm so excited. Yeah. When you texted me that day being like, my brain is mush. I'm like, yep, that's what happens. But when you, I feel like when you

wake up the next day when whenever you've had like an intense kind of strategy day brain on day you wake up the next day and your brain's integrated everything it's like okay now I'm ready to go yeah totally and like the that's when actually having a child is like it forces you to slow down because your natural instinct or my natural instinct is like

I just want to put my head down and do all of it right now. But the reality is like, I have to do it in the time that I've got. And so the next morning, I woke up like super early before my son. I just started like, in that one hour that I had before he woke up and started doing stuff already. Oh my goodness, I love it. Well, I'm so excited to tell your story to everyone listening, because I know they're going to leave feeling so inspired. So

So before we get into what your business currently is, can you take me back to like your early career? What did your early career look like? Yeah. So after I finished university in Leeds, I had this desire to live somewhere in the sun, live, you know, work in the sun somewhere. So I started my career in Dubai.

worked in marketing and PR there started in PR and then went into marketing and I've

I did the marketing for high-end restaurants and bars, like luxury restaurants and bars. So like the Ivy, for example, I launched that in the Middle East. And then just kind of like naturally niched into that sector. So I spent the rest, like the next 10, 11 years working in marketing for restaurants and bars.

first in Dubai and then back in the UK, in Manchester, in London. And then London was where I finished working for a company and went freelance working for myself. And that was when I got pregnant with my son. So I was freelance for the year before I had my son and then started my business. So I'd already got that kind of like urge to work for myself. And honestly, looking back,

I could never stick it out at any company. After a year or 18 months, two years, I was always itchy to leave. Whether it was the company, whether it was the lack of opportunity for growth, whether it was my boss, there was always something that, looking back, I'm like, you were the thing. It was you. Yeah.

you were the problem like genuinely um and you know like I I guess I needed to get all of that experience that I got from throughout my career in order to give me that confidence that I could start a business like I have now um but yeah I think looking back I was always designed to be an entrepreneur and so going back to graduating from uni and going to work in Dubai

For anyone that maybe is in that stage of their life and they're listening, thinking, well, how do you just get a job in Dubai? Like, is it you go and look on job sites and you just find a job in Dubai? Like, what was that process like? Okay, so I was living in Leeds in a student house, no money. I was working as a, like, immediately after I graduated, I was working as a receptionist in the gym.

And I had just got it in my head that I was going to live and work in Dubai. I went out there on holiday my final year with one of my best friends and her father lives there. So he really showed us like the expat kind of lifestyle there. We both kind of fell in love with it.

and then my friend and I were going to go together. She got a boyfriend. She was like, I'm sorry, I'm out. And so I was like, you know what? I'm going to just go on my own anyway. Um, had no money to fly out, had really like no money to like house myself. I sent my CV and approached about 50 companies and one of them wrote back and said yes. And that,

that they would fly me out and house me. And that was the first company I worked for. - And how was the visa process, easy? - So they, yeah, as long as you're working for a company, like they will sort out your visa. I think now, I mean, that was like,

like 20 years, no, 15 years ago now. So Dubai has changed so much in that time and it's much more open to freelancers and like digital nomads now than it was back then. It was very much like you work for a company. But yeah, I just blanket sent my CV out and I just didn't care about the rejection. I was just like, oh well, oh well. You know, just like,

that was what I wanted to do. I wanted to be there and it was such a good thing. It was such a fun place to live and work in my twenties. - Yeah, and when I think back to like my own kind of career path,

I am so grateful that I left the UK, not because I don't like the UK, I love it, but I'm so grateful that I left and experienced working in different countries because when you are that far away from anything that you're so used to, forces you to be so resourceful, it forces you to push yourself out your comfort zone and I think that kind of experience is so invaluable. So for anyone that is listening who is in the earlier stages of their career, if that opportunity

feels exciting to you I just think go for it like you cannot replace that with anything else getting that far away from home getting the chance to really be independent and to take opportunities to meet people that you would never normally meet I think is a game changer and I'm gonna guess really sent you on such an amazing path in your career it sounds like you got to

I mean, launching the Ivy in Dubai, that's such a huge opportunity that probably as a graduate you wouldn't have gotten here. - Yeah, yeah, I think that's it. I think I had a choice after university that really it was, I studied PR at university and the majority of my classmates, it was either go to London and start your career there or for me, I was like, well, I'm 10 a penny in London,

in Dubai, there was hardly any graduates there. There was much more people kind of mid-20s and older. So I was more of a novelty there. Yeah, totally. Love this. Okay, so then fast forwarding a bit to you going freelance. What was that process like? Did you already have a bunch of clients lined up or was this you taking this huge risk and thinking, oh God, people could choose not to work with me. I might have no paycheck. Like, what did it look like?

- It was definitely a risk because I didn't have clients lined up. My husband and I had big conversations about it. I remember one was with a couples counselor present because my husband, David, he works as a pilot. So in terms of risk, they're taught to be completely risk averse.

So any kind of risk is...

harder for him to compute them for me. I'm much more of an optimist, like jump and the bridge will appear. So I was confident that I would be able to find clients. Like I had really good names on my CV at that point. And I felt confident that the work would come and it did. But I really had to win him over to say, look,

like we can do this like you I've got to you've got to give me your trust um and and I will deliver and not leave you like high and dry to pay for everything um but yeah I mean thank god I had that like safety net in him as well to be able to to do things like that

And what did that look like? So you were doing that for a year and then you had your son, is that right? Or you got pregnant with your son? Yeah, so I was working in London before that and we had started trying to get pregnant. And I mean, all in all, it was six months, but I was so ready, you know, for a good year before that. So...

every month feels like eternity um when you've been ready for so long like I needed to give my husband a bit of time because he was like I'm not quite there yet okay I'll give you a year and then we can you know get on with it but it wasn't happening when I was working in London like I was in quite a stressful job I wasn't that happy in my in my job that I was in and you know really rushing about from from pillar to post a lot of anxiety as well in that in that

role and as soon as I went freelance like the month afterwards I fell pregnant and I was just like look this is like my body has relaxed my brain has relaxed into this and I really think that that like allowed me to get pregnant yeah there's definitely something to that there's definitely something to your body feeling actually safe to get pregnant

Was that stressful though? Because I mean, I don't fully know how maternity leave works in the UK. In the US, it honestly feels like it's non-existent, but that's a whole different podcast. But was there a difference in the maternity leave you would get from working with a company versus working for yourself? And was that stressful? Yes, yes, there is a big difference. And the maternity allowance, it's called when you are self-employed

is terrible oh is it yeah so probably at least you get one probably akin to the states yeah I don't know if you even get that in America like nothing I don't think so not if yourself if you work for yourself could be wrong but I don't know that you do yeah so I guess better than nothing right um but um

Yeah, so we had savings. My husband was working and had money coming in, so financially we could do it.

However, my son was born March 2020, right at the start of lockdown. And my clients were in the hospitality industry, which basically shut down. So pretty soon after I had my son, I realized there really isn't any work to go back to when the restaurants and bars are closed. I tried a few different avenues and

there was really nothing at that time so in a way looking back it was like the stars aligned for me to try something new with really like less risk because i didn't really have a choice yeah so tell me about that because this the idea for the business that you have now that started way before your son was born right it started when you were pregnant yeah okay tell us about that

So yeah, so taking you right back to like winter 2019, which was when I was like heavily pregnant and having lots of late night conversations with my husband about what we were, what we were feeling about having a baby, like what we were scared about, what we're excited about.

we had a beautiful life before we had my son. Not that we don't now, but we had like a super like chilled, serene, like no stress. - Well rested. - Right. Like everything's kind of like ticking along nicely. And I don't know whether you can relate, but we were both a little bit like, are we crazy for throwing a grenade?

into this like beautiful life that we've created for ourselves and when we were talking and having these conversations like the thing that kept coming up was the sleep deprivation and like feeling like are we just going to be sleep deprived for months and years on end you know like as I said my husband works as a pilot and it's like it's not an option for him to go to work

tired because it's so dangerous. So there's certain jobs that you can go to work a bit tired and maybe muddle through and there's some that you just can't. So I remember having conversations with him where he would be like, okay, if it is bad, if the sleep is really bad, I'll have to sleep in the spare room whenever I have work and I'm needy. I was like, no, stay close. So I kind of got it into my head that there would be

a way of making sleep good. Like there would be a way of doing things right from the beginning, like right quote unquote, 'cause there's no right way, but there would be a way that I could do things from the beginning that would help my son to be a really, really good sleeper. And so I just set about on this, like a little bit of a nutty professor, mad mission when I was pregnant and started reading.

I started listening to podcasts. I had like, you know, color, post-its stuck in all these books. Like I really did like go on this mad mission. And I remember saying to David, like, do you want to read this book? Do you want to listen? And him being like, you're good. Like I trust you though. Good luck. And yeah, so I put together this like plan on Excel book

And after my son was born, I was like, "Are you happy to just go with what I've created?" And David was like, "Yes." And we just started putting this kind of gentle routine in place from four weeks old, which for some is like super, super early. For us, we're routine people. We like that structure. So it just worked for us.

And just gradually his sleep started to get better and better and much more predictable and consistent. He was doing long naps. We were getting our evenings back from sort of two and a half months. He was doing eight hours through the night consistently. So really two months in, we were getting eight hours sleep every night.

And then from four and a half months, started sleeping 12 hours through the night. And that was it. After that, it was every night he was sleeping through the night. There wasn't like regression, regression. It really, really was consistent. And I just realized, I understand this. I really, really felt I understood baby sleep and the moms around me. I could feel that it was something that was feeling overwhelming

And it was something that was like really flummoxing people. And the other interesting thing I noticed was that when I would try to give even friends some advice, it was like there was this wall up of that's nice for your baby, mine is different.

And I was like, this is interesting because even like my friends that trust me don't feel like they can take advice on this unless it's from a professional. So kind of my ears pricked up a little bit in terms of, okay, there's a business here because it's something I can do if I need to get a qualification that makes people feel like they're in safe hands.

let's do it. I have the time. So I did a qualification.

during my son's naptimes, after bedtime. And then I remember I was going to like one baby, mum and baby sleep, not sleep, mum and baby class at the time. And one of the mums in there, Katie, she shared with me after the class, she was like, I'm just about to start working with a sleep consultant. Like things are really tough. And I was like, can you just give me one more week and then I'll have qualified and you can be my first consultant.

like test a client. I did it for her for like, I think 30 pounds for a consultation and two weeks of me supporting them every day.

And I was like, if I'm bad, just give me feedback. If I'm good, give me a Google review. And it went well and she passed me on to her friend. So I worked with her, it got better. And then a mom down the street, I worked with her as my kind of third tester client and it worked again and quicker. And after that third client,

I was like, I'm ready. And I pushed my website live and the business just really flew from the start. Like it was now looking back, I think a really good time for a business like mine to start.

Obviously you have to have some, like you have to be good at your job as well. But I think people were at home, they were depressed, the weather was rubbish. They had a bit more money as well because they weren't going on holiday, they weren't going out. So I think it was a perfect opportunity for my business, like the momentum to start behind a new business like mine.

Oh, so many things that you've said that I love. I mean, the first thing is, I mean, being in PR for restaurants and bars, like one of the worst jobs you could be in for COVID, right? But to take that and turn it into,

a business that actually is probably one of the best businesses you could be starting during COVID. I mean, that is such an example of not just letting the economy or external circumstances dictate what your reality is going to be. And I just want to highlight that because I know, you know, things are hard right now, you know, no matter which country you live in, there's shit going on everywhere. It feels like the economy is up and down. There's a lot going on.

And hearing that, I think it's just very empowering to hear actually, you know what, I can change what my circumstances and there is a way through this. So I love that. Secondly, also love that you are talking about this. I remember, um,

And we'll not talk about this too long because I know there's not tons listening that this is relevant for. But I do want to share it for anyone that is. I remember, I didn't do any of the baby reading before Noemi was born. Like none. Which is so interesting because I'm such a reader. I was so focused on my business and thinking, okay. Because I was leaving to take some time off for Matt's leave. I'd never taken time off. And I think I was just so...

conscious of what would happen to the business that I give that all my energy. Steven and I maybe did like one hour of a newborn class at the hospital asked us to do and that was almost it. And then, you know, brought Noemi home. We're like, what the heck are we doing?

And I had no idea that even babies could go on schedules. Like when I say I knew nothing, like I truly knew nothing. I didn't know anything. That surprises me so much. Yeah, I didn't know a thing about a thing. Like I was so just in like, let's see how it goes. Like I just didn't think about it.

And so those first kind of, I had a pretty rough C-section. So those first few weeks, I feel I didn't really move off the sofa and I just had no energy on my chest the whole time. But then when I was getting to about the six week mark, I noticed I was, I was struggling. And because I couldn't, and I don't know if all babies are like this. I only have one baby, so I cannot say, but she would fall asleep on me for all of her naps. And anytime I put her down, she would cry. She would wake up instantly and she would cry.

So she'd be on me constantly. And even when she was awake, I couldn't put her down because she'd cry. And so getting in the shower was impossible. I didn't have any support. Stephen was back to work. So it was just me and Noemi. And it would be like 2 p.m. And I'd finally be able to put her down very gently in her little travel crib in the bathroom, hop in for the quickest shower, hop out.

And at one point I just thought this has to be a different way because I am literally just, I'm spending my whole, all day, every day holding my baby, which is beautiful. And I still need to shower, wash my hair, make lunch. Like Stephen would come down being like, have you eaten yet? Nope, she didn't let me. So, and I found wearing the baby carrier still really challenging because my recovery was really tough. And I remember reading this one book on schedules and it changed my entire life. And it was just mind blowing how,

you know, just learning about this stuff that is actually a different way and there was a different way to do it. So I love that you, I mean, I wish I'd done that research beforehand, but I love that you recognised it. And what I love about what you do is, you know, I feel like I did go down a bit of a rabbit hole because once I'm in a rabbit hole, I'm in.

but and I didn't really know it was a thing to get like a consultant on a call to be like how do I do this I love that you went down the rabbit hole of consuming all the content so that a mum could call you and probably within an hour you can tell her what to do and she's already stopped for time she doesn't need to go look at all the books I just feel like

the problem you're solving is so necessary and I love the way that you're doing it as well like a lot of women don't and I'm saying women I should say parents but we all know mothers take on majority of the load so that's another conversation but okay let's say parents let's be let's say the right way a lot of parents don't want to sit and do a lot of like in-depth courses they kind of want to get on a call and say well my baby does this my baby does that how can I get that info so I love that I think it's such a perfect problem solve

Another thing I want to go into is when you said that you launched your website and kind of your business just started flying right away. Tell me about that. Tell me who you got it in front of and how that happened. Because I know for some people, they think they press publish on their website and all of a sudden the sales come flying in and they're like, wait, no one's coming in. So how did you...

get that working for you yeah okay so a couple of things firstly on the on the the mum slash parents thing definitely um the majority of my followers and client base is the mamas but we insist on the other partner being on the call because actually um quite often the other partner can be super super useful in sleep training particularly if

Mum is feeling particularly anxious around sleep. Sometimes dad is kind of flatlining through life. You know how it is. - Yep.

So actually that can be so helpful around sleep because they're just more chilled with it. And if you're feeling anxious, your baby picks up on that. So just one thing on the mum/dad conversation. But yeah, so obviously with my background in marketing, I had an advantage with starting my business because

I knew how to launch a restaurant, I knew how to do the marketing for a bar, a really high-end, lovely restaurant and bar. I could apply the same to myself. So for example, in the weeks that I was about to publish my website, I had a full photo shoot done

things like that maybe you wouldn't consider if you're a sleep consultant, that you might just get a stock image of a baby and put that on your website. I knew the power of having great photography. I really spent time thinking about what I wanted to look like in the photos. I'm not gonna be in a blazer and suited and booted when my ideal client is not in that space. So I really thought about

outfits that were casual but still looked polished so that they're kind of gonna trust me, not feel intimidated by me, but also she looks like she's got her shit together because I did. And so I wanted that to come across as well. - Can I put a pin in this? - Yeah. - One second, just highlight, 'cause obviously I got a chance to review your funnel in depth in FFT. One picture in particular that you did

It's in your web, trying to think, it's in your webinar. And I think it's when you're talking about the sleep consult and it's a picture of you, which looks like you're on Zoom and you're holding a cup of tea or coffee, hairs up and you're in this really nice sweater. It's like a beige sweater. Okay, cool. My memory's still in the world.

I just want to put a pin in what you said and highlight it because that image is so freaking powerful. And it just demonstrated to me, I mean, the whole way through, I kept saying to you, you clearly know your client, you clearly know your client. But that image to me demonstrated you really know your client because my guess is the people that are joining these Zoom calls with you are so sleep deprived. They don't

They don't want to think about dressing up for a fancy Zoom call. And the way you positioned it was, let's have a cuppa. Let's have a chat. Like...

that is so when you're saying you understand the power of photography it's those details and I just want people listening to really hear that when you're thinking about launching something or putting something together that level of detail that you went into like was that intentional yeah tell me about that yeah I mean just from from doing marketing for restaurants and bars you know we would do uh photo shoots for the restaurant for the food for the chefs

three four times a year and and pay for big shoots um so I knew that in order to have content as well I was about to launch my Instagram so what am I going to put on there just Canva carousel after carousel no like people want to buy into people I knew that I knew that they want to look into your eyes and say are you my kind of person like do you do you look like my kind of vibe um

And so, yeah, I mean, I didn't spend a lot. I got my friend with an iPhone and a really good eye to do the photography and she nailed it. And, you know, to this day, like most of my photography is done on an iPhone. So you don't have to have a ton of budget. But I knew that I wanted to have like a bank of money.

images that I can you know put on my at the time it was much more images on on Instagram than it is reels now um but I knew I needed that bank of photography that's going to work like across the website on on Instagram that I can put in a newsletter um so that's where my background in in marketing really helped um the other thing that I I did from the get-go was uh paid

ads I did Google advertising from the start I didn't do Instagram or Facebook for quite some time because I was just growing my

my organic following there, but I had had good success with Google Ads in the past, so I used that from the beginning. It really delivered for a time, and then it gets expensive after a while. So it's not something that I still use now, but it really got my business going at the start. And word of mouth. I got every client as much as I could to do a Google Ad.

And really, you know, that helps when you're advertising. Sorry, not a Google ad, a Google review. So I was advertising on Google, but also having those reviews popping up.

it's so good so good so how long have you been in business for so this is like coming into my fourth year oh yes yeah okay and so talk to me about the progression so you launched your website that was kind of the beginning of it you started with some google ads you were getting these reviews how has it progressed over these four years yeah so i think within

So firstly, when I started, I was like, I'm gonna do two days a week. I was saying to David, don't put pressure on me to go back to work. Like, I just wanna do two days and see how it goes. And as soon as I started, I was like, can I do three days? And I was like, I think I wanna do four days. And then I was like, I'm just gonna do four and a half. And I've stayed there. But I just, I loved it. You know, I...

Before I had my son, I had a good career, but I didn't have that drive in me. It was like I needed to, it's like I had a baby taken out of me and this fire put in my belly for my business. It just lit me up in a different way. But yeah, so within a year, I had more business than I could handle alone. So yeah,

I hired my first team member and then a year later expanded the team. A year later I added a PA. So that's pretty much where we are now. I have two sleep consultants.

who do the majority of the consultations. I have a VA who helps me and someone helps me a bit with social media. And my role really is to focus on growing the business. So I'm working with Instagram influencers, I'm doing content, I'm doing my email newsletter,

and I've recently launched a podcast. So that's kind of where my role is sitting now, rather than doing all the consultations. And that has allowed the business to grow by nearly 80% in the last year. - It's amazing, yeah. And even looking at your numbers, I got the chance to do a deep dive on Friday. I mean, just seeing your progressive growth has been, it's phenomenal to see what you've built in such a predictable, scalable business.

which is so nice to see, especially launching out of COVID. 'Cause I've seen also a lot of businesses launch in that timeframe where it has been a perfect time to launch a business and they had this huge explosion, but then the business just declining and declining. Whereas for you, you've really gone from strength to strength to strength.

which says a lot about the foundations that you've built in the business. I do want to talk about that too, because I just think it's so inspiring for a lot of business owners listening who maybe haven't hit that predictability yet. So I'm curious. So you're working, you went up to about four and a half days. And was that including doing sleep consults in the beginning? Yeah.

Now you're not doing the sleep consults, but you're still doing the four and a half days. I mean, it varies from day to day depending on, you know, workout.

- Doing all the things. - I manicure all the life admin as well. But yeah, I tend to not do much on Fridays. Works with my business because they don't seem to want to do much on a Friday either, my client base. But yeah, so Monday to Thursday are my main working days.

I like highlighting that because definitely you've created a lot more freedom for yourself by being able to delegate out. And at the same time, it's not like you just completely stepped away from the business and the business is running itself. And I always think that's an important thing to highlight because with this business, I feel like you either could have gone a couple of different paths. You could have stayed being the one doing the sleep consults and you could have brought in people to do your social, your newsletter, your marketing, all of that stuff.

Or you go the other way where you bring in someone to do your consults and you actually go and do the other stuff.

And I think that's the case with a lot of business. Yes, you're having more freedom this way, but it's that intentional decision-making that I think is really important for business owners because when you're running a business, it's going to require you no matter what kind of role you do, but it's where you want to spend your time. And did you think about that intentionally? Like, okay, where do I want to spend my time in this business? Yes, definitely. I knew from the start that I wanted to have passive income alongside business.

the consultation. So, um, pretty early on I created, um, my sleep program kind of library, uh, which are like downloadable guides, um, really the low ticket, uh, option, um, for people that didn't necessarily need to have a one-to-one consultation that they can just buy something off the shelf and go away, um, and read and implement independently. Um, so yeah,

yeah, I created those really, really early on. I knew I wanted to have a business where I could go on holiday or I could go to the gym and still be making sales or, you know, wake up in the morning and still have sales coming in. And when I was doing the consultations all myself, I really did like pause to look at what do I like and what don't I like.

the thing that I found drained me the most was being on WhatsApp every day with clients.

even though that part is so valuable for the family, you know, a lot of the parents that work with us opt for that support because the first few days of sleep training can be really tough and having somebody to cheerlead you through and to help you tweak things as you go along is, is so valuable. But for me on the other end of that, I felt my energy drain from it. Um, so I knew I wanted to eventually outsource that. Um, and, um,

I worked with a coach and we had a session where I said to her, look, I really wanna grow my business. I know I have a scalable business, but I can't work out how to get from here to there. And she was really blunt. She was like, you need to stop doing consultations.

And at the time I was like, but they want me. They want me. What will they do if they can't have me? And she was like, they don't care. They just want to have the results. And honestly, it was like so true. It was such good advice. Because as soon as I came off doing consultations, the only people that cared

were the people that had worked with me previously that were coming back with their second babies and they just wanted that continuity. Otherwise, they were really happy to work with my team because it's the same method. I've 100% trained my team in my method, so that's what they're looking for. So that was...

super solid advice and just allowed me to step into the CEO role more but I think like in answer to your question what I really what I know I want from my business and what makes me the happiest is a varied week

I don't want to be doing the same thing every day. And that was when I was doing the consultations. That was, it was to say me for me, I like it when I'm doing, you know, one day I'm doing content. The next day I'm doing a podcast. The next day I'm working with an influencer. I really like that variety in the week and not having, you know, always set appointments every day. Like my, I feel like that's what lights me up and gives me that feeling of freedom.

Oh my God, there's so much gold in this. I love that advice of they don't care if it's you. Yeah. Because I also, that's why I was highlighting, you know, you could have done the consults yourself.

and outsource the other stuff or you could have done it the other way around. And I think it's important to highlight that because we almost always have the choice. And I know there's probably a lot of coaches and consultants, service providers listening to this podcast thinking, I can't step away from that part of my business. And, you know, they might be doing all the coaching, but also the social media, the email, the funnel, all of that.

And they cannot seem to figure that out. And it's really a choice. You know, you can train people up in your methods and have someone else deliver. There's always a way of making it work for you. And I just think that's really, really worth highlighting because.

building a business that you love is going to be something that's very intentional and I think at every point you have to check in with yourself of what is it that I want to keep doing what is it that's going to energize me and fuel me because you know four years is a long time to be in business and if you were constantly doing the shit that you hated like maybe you would have given up by now yeah and so I think it's just so important to highlight that I think that

you can feel when you're on the right path, when you're not burning out every few months. And I think when I was doing all of the things and including the things that were draining me and that weren't lighting me up, that was when I would be burnt out every few months and like, oh, this business is business. Whereas now, like I don't really get that anymore.

um but yeah I think from from the start I knew that me doing all of the consultations even though like not to blow my own trumpet but I can do it like so so well like I I know you know I can help any family um and I still get to work with some families and and working with influence as well which I still get to like dip in but I knew that also I suppose as well like

It's the advantage that I have maybe over some of my competitors is that I have that background in marketing. Why outsource that when that's my expertise? I love this so much. And especially on the burnout piece, because I feel like burnout isn't because you're working too much. Burnout is often because you're not doing enough of what actually energizes you. And so you're constantly depleting the tank and it's not being filled up again.

And I think when you are doing the stuff in your business that actually gives you energy and energizes you, you have that fuel. But like driving a car in an empty tank at some point, it's going to, you know, break down if you don't fill it up again. That's the way I always think about burnout. Like I can clear my calendar, but if I'm still working day to day on the stuff that I really dislike, I'm going to feel burned out.

I love that we're talking about this. So what you decided to join FFT was March. You joined in March. What did you decide to, what was the reason you want to join it? And where was your business at, at that point? So my business was growing year on year. And yeah, from, from last year to this year, really good growth. Um, you know, every year hasn't been like,

that kind of level of growth. We definitely had a really slow, like 2022, I think was a slow year for us, but still zooming out, you know, the business was growing year on year, but from month to month, it was a roller coaster. And I,

was just like tired of not having predictability in my business. You know, like I think from your side, you were like, you've got such a predictable, scalable business, which is so nice to hear. But from month to month, it would be like one month's great. And then the next month I'm paying my team, but I can't pay myself. And I had a couple of months like that. You know, I'd have great months and then I'd have like,

well what's happening like I couldn't you know and then you and then you're in my head I was like to the economy is it this is it that and you're playing that kind of game and so I think what really spoke to me when you started talking about the freedom fast track course was the predictability piece and having the machine underneath my business that would mean I mean like when you were talking about

"Oh, once you've got this sorted, "then you can pull that lever." I'm like, "Pull levers? "Come again? "I need this. "I need this." Yeah, because also I'm like, "Why would you not have the lever cranked the whole time?"

But yeah, so that was like what really spoke to me. I was like, I want that machine that is going to reduce the up and down-ness from month to month of my business and make me feel like, yeah, more secure with what I had.

That makes sense. So I know you mean like when I'm saying when I'm looking at it saying it's predictable, probably for someone looking at it on paper, it might be but then not understanding for you as a business owner, probably the last week of the month, you're scrambling to bring in those sales to make money and things like that. Yeah. And like, for example, David would say to me,

do you know how much you're going to pay yourself this month? And it would be the week before the end of the month. And I would be like, no idea. Right. No idea. And that feels stressful, even for me as like somebody that's

riskier but for him it's like super stressful um so yeah I was I was really I was really feeling fed up that even though I've got this business which is clearly working and I always zoom out yeah I can see the numbers are all like going in the right direction I really wanted to have that predictability from month to month that was that was the big draw for me yeah and I love that you're talking about it too and just normalizing how

That can be the case in so many businesses where you are scrambling every month to hit the goal, to pay people out, to pay yourself. And like I talk a lot about the nervous system.

And that is so hard on the nervous system because it constantly feels like your security is jeopardized. And when you feel like that, I mean, we started the podcast off talking about woo-woo stuff and like retraining your brain. But when you feel like that and your nervous system is like in shambles, it's very hard to like attract people.

and be in a great vibration and all the woo-woo things, that's foundational work. So I love pairing the woo-woo with actually the practical. Like, okay, let's get a funnel. Let's get this. We can do both.

So I love that you're talking about it and normalizing it because I also know most entrepreneurs listening to this podcast are probably nodding along being like, yeah, that was me. Oh, that is me. That's exactly where I'm at. And I just want to normalize how common that is and also how freaking hard it is. It can, that can, even if you're bringing in money,

every month and you're hitting your numbers at the end of the month you know maybe you had to just scramble like crazy even hitting your numbers sometimes can make you just want to leave your business because you're like I don't know how much longer I can stay on this hamster wheel

so i just yeah i very grateful that you're willing to share that so then joining fft your goal was like building a sales sales engine in there yeah i i had a before i started the course i already had um a funnel running in my business it wasn't delivering like i wanted it to and it was also a funnel which um sold my low ticket

item in the business my sleep programs so I really wanted to build a funnel specifically to push my consultations to sell my consultations and so that my team were you know as busy as they wanted to be all the time as well and what kind of insights or breakthroughs did you have during FFT that supported your business so I was like a sponge in that course I was like

Natalie has done the work. I'm going to pay attention. And I'm an action taker. So really after each class, I'm taking furious notes and then I'm going away and doing it. I understood automations. I had some of the tech already in place, but I needed support with that as well. So I got the help of a little tech wizard.

to really help me with the advanced side of the setting up funnels because I knew I could muddle through that, but I also knew I wanted to keep the pace of this course and have something really great at the end of it. And also I was realistic, you know, I'm like,

I'm building essentially an ATM if this works. So do I think I can do everything myself? No, I think I'll just get some support with the harder bits. So for example, I wasn't using ActiveCampaign before, I'd never used WebinarJam. So these softwares that I was unfamiliar with, that was where I got support to really get set up on those platforms quickly.

And so, you know, after each session, I would do so much work on the work that we were being given. And then alongside that, I would have my freelance tech guy being like, you need to do this, this, this, this, and this. And so I have my homework from both sides. And for a good, I would say like three, four weeks, I got up an hour earlier and worked on it while everybody else was asleep every day.

so that I could finish the funnel when the deadline was due. Oh, I just want to highlight that because I also know what you're saying is true. Like on every single call, paying attention, asking questions, like implementing submissions. And I think this is the case for any course that you take. If you're really serious about it, you have to put the work in. You have to be willing to show up. And I just love the level of dedication that you brought to it because

Seeing you come in, I mean, I know we chatted a lot in the DMs even before you joined Fast Track, so I kind of had an idea of how you worked. But I think it was like after the second or third call, because we always debrief with my team afterwards.

Like we just knew your results weren't going to be phenomenal. And, you know, even when people are filling their onboarding forms, you can tell by the level of detail that they give us and the level of way that they're thinking about their commitment level to the program. It's like, yeah, I believe in what I'm teaching. I really, really do. And at the same time,

i have to give credit to anyone that's taking it it's on them to turn this into massive success or not like that's really dependent on them and the way you just showed up was so inspiring for other people i think in the program too because you really were like i'm i'm gonna get my money's worth from this like i am gonna get my roi and i just want to highlight that and say that's the way to take a course

that's the way to do it is to really really show up and be committed to it and yeah I mean as mums we probably do need to get up an hour yeah but you know only way right now totally but for a couple months it's doable exactly like and you know the calls were a little on the late side for you as well being in the UK but for a couple of months like okay it's doable I can make it work

So coming out of the other side of it, what has it looked like for your business? Like, have you seen things shift? Yeah. So, so when did we finish up about May? I think. Yeah. Um, so I did, so what I created, the funnel that I created was a webinar funnel. So I

I would be doing a webinar and then my audience would get a series of emails afterwards giving them an offer and pushing them to buy our consultation. So before I did the course, I didn't have anything set up. So I didn't have the webinar content, I didn't have the slides, I didn't have the software, and I didn't have the 15 or so emails that needed to be written.

to go to my attendees before and after the webinar. So there was a ton of work there to be done. But yeah, once that was done, I did my first two webinars back to back in May. So I did them like one one day and then one the following day. And then since then I've done two other webinars, one in June and one in July.

I was super, super good at getting people to the initial webinars. I really like leaned on all of the influences that I have worked with in the past and that I've helped with their babies. And I was like, can you put this on your Instagram and spread the word? And so I had a ton of people show up to my first webinar, which now I'm like, why did you do that when you were so crap?

So yeah, I wasn't like, now I'm like getting better and I'm getting more confident. And so I'm now like, you live and learn, right? So a lot of people came to watch me not stumble through, but not be as polished as I am now. Listen, you converted. Yeah, so speaking of numbers, so I had like 450 show up to my first webinar. And in the first hour afterwards, I got two sales, which if we do the maths on the conversion rate,

It's pretty bad. - It's workable. - And not, you know, just to like be completely transparent. Like I felt a bit deflated after that, after that webinar because me being me, I'm like, okay, so the industry average is 10%. Let's go nail that 10%, she says with a 0.5% - Well, the industry average isn't 10%, but what I want you to get is 10%. - Okay, so 10% is good. - 10% is great.

because we're not just trying to graduate some average joe yeah so when we say 10 that's because i know you can get there yeah so that's the bench benchmark that we want but it doesn't mean like that's industry average so i think i had just internalized that as you should get 10 right off the bat i'd spend that money already in my head um but

But yeah, so I had like 450 on like day one, converted to, the next day I had like 220, let's say, converted to. So I was like, okay, I'm still converting way less than I want, but ratio wise, I'm getting better. But it's, you know, it's so funny because like the natural instinct when you do something and you're not great at it is like,

okay tried that wasn't great at it put it to bed don't do it again don't put yourself out there again and I got some like just like shady comments in the chat are like not not

it was basically like oh she's just selling like that kind of a comment as well so that i wasn't expecting and so afterwards as well i was like huh didn't get the sales i wanted and people didn't like it that much so i had a bit of that going on afterwards but the thing with the webinar is like the only way to get better at it is to keep doing it like that is the only way and so you just have to

like push yourself to do it again. And so I did it again in June, tweaked the offer,

tweaked a little bit of the content and I was just naturally getting better at it. So the one in June I converted seven in the first hour so I was like okay we are getting somewhere we can see progress here from month to month and then the next one I did I made a couple of small tweaks again tweaked the downsell offer which

hadn't really sold anything, even though I thought it was just a stellar offer, like my audience did not agree. And so yeah, the latest webinar that I did converted 13 in the first hour. - Amazing. - And that was a 5,000 pound day, so six and a half thousand dollars, which is the highest revenue day that we've ever had as a business.

And so, yeah, and these are just sales in the first hour. There's off the back of, you know, over the next few days after each webinar, there's sales coming through, bookings coming through. But this is like specifically from the offer that we give at the end of the webinar. But yeah, all in, it's like over $20,000 since starting the first webinar in revenue, specifically from doing this.

the webinars. So yeah. Almost 10x investment, right? Yeah. And I did, when you were talking about going back and tweaking, do you feel like FFT helped you to identify what to tweak, what to look for? Yeah. I mean, if there's an offer which isn't working,

and there's no sales coming through or there's really limited sales you know it could be it could be your delivery but it could be also that it's just not compelling enough for them to move quickly and so I'm also like a bit of a fuck it let's try let's just try something else and see because ultimately if I get the volume um even if it's less than I wanted to sell it at it's

it's going to be worthwhile you know the the downsell offer for example like last month or or in june um i thought i had nailed it i was like great 99 pounds they're getting steel no one bought it or like two people bought it i was like all right drop 20 pounds

eight people bought it. So it's like fine, you know, just there's definitely an element of like experimenting and seeing. The other thing that I did was I watched back the recording and really paid attention to what people were asking in the chat, the questions that people were asking that I didn't get to, you know, throughout the webinar.

I was like, if they're asking it, somebody else is going to be thinking it as well. So then I would, the next time, weave that answer into what I was saying during the webinar so that hopefully I'm answering those questions before they get to the end of the webinar.

So good. And when you say tweaked your offer, I just want to clarify for people, you didn't, thing is you didn't change your product. Your product is a sleep console, people call, but it's the, it's the packaging. It's how are we messaging it? How are we packaging it up with bonuses? How are we pricing it? How are we positioning it? Like there's so many, like I just think in a lot of things that you've shared that,

so many people would have given up after the first webinar and said the webinar funnel doesn't work for me I've heard it all it doesn't work for me it doesn't work my kind of business doesn't work my price point I'm not good at it like all the excuses you didn't also I think if your offer needs a little bit of tweaking and working to convert the level you want you could have very easily said people

people don't want this. It's not good enough. It isn't right. I need to scrap it completely. I'm going to do a course instead of consults. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. You didn't. You knew that your offer worked and you knew that your offer is solving a problem. It's just, okay, how do I now package it in a way that communicates this with people? And that's the real magic in all of this. It's yes, knowing what to tweak is important. Knowing the outline of the funnel, all of that's really important. And I don't want to discount that. But what's going to get you from

like having that knowledge to actually having success is what you've done is being willing to test, being willing to implement, being like a lifelong learner. Like I'm constantly, I put something out there and it bombs. I'm like, wait, I thought I was past this stage. I thought I would get it. And then you realize, wait, no, I'm always learning and I'm growing and evolving with my ideal clients and the markets and all the things.

You really have to put your ego to one side. You have to. Because the natural instinct after those first, definitely the first one was crawl under a rock and don't come out. Yeah, genuinely. I was like, I came downstairs afterwards and I sat next to David and I was like, huh, like that didn't feel great.

but it was like brand new tech i mean i like it was the first time i'd been on webinar jam and i'm like

you know, just figuring out where is the chat? Where is my slides? Where is the offer? Like, of course, I'm not going to be as polished as, you know, when I'm watching your webinar, and I'm like, taking notes and trying to be like, Okay, this is what she's doing how this is how she's doing. Of course, I'm not going to be there. And actually, like someone on your team who did a debrief with me was exactly like, you're comparing yourself to someone who's been doing this for like years and years, like give yourself a break.

And yeah, that's so true. And I think if I could give a tip, I would say, don't worry about getting many people to your first webinar. Use it as practice and like have a couple under your belt. And then like if after that, if you can get numbers in.

I honestly might even put this recording inside of FFT because that's one thing I didn't think to say was have less people to your first webinar. And I actually think that's really good advice. Cool. Should have said that. But yeah, I mean, listen, having that many people there is always great because you're really testing it in real time and you're getting that solid data. But like you said, none of us are going to be great the first time doing it. But there's so many people who, you know, I started doing webinars. God, now it was...

was it eight years ago? It's been a while. Been doing it a while. And the first ones, I mean, it was terrible. It didn't come naturally to me at all.

And I was like, I don't understand how this is going to work, whatever. But at the same time, other people were starting to do it at the same time as me. And I saw them drop off, drop like flies because it wasn't working for them. And they went and chose a different kind of funnel or a different kind of marketing strategy. And for me, I just thought, you know what? It's not about a webinar. And we teach all different kinds of funnels in FFT. You always have a choice. But for me, it was never about a webinar is the absolute best way to do this. So I have to learn it. It was

The webinar is one way of doing this. And regardless of which way I go, I have to pick one way and get good at it. So I might as well stick with this thing that I've tried.

And just try and make it work. And that's the thing. It's like. Are you willing to stick with something. And master it. Or. Are you just going to keep hopping. From course to course to course. From challenge funnel. To webinar funnel. To freebie funnel. To. You know. All the different things. You're going to keep hopping from Instagram. To X. To TikTok. To YouTube. To podcast. Or. Are you going to.

say you know what instagram isn't working for me right now but it's going to be working for me 12 months from now you know what webinars i'm working for me right now but they're going to be working six months from now are you willing to do that and i think that's exactly what you did and that's exactly why you've had success with it yeah and i feel like i'm i'm just getting started but i think just getting that evidence of getting better at something that

you're not naturally good at that's a great feeling as well you know money aside is just like the feeling because you know as adults we're not learning new things all the time right we're not putting doing courses and then putting them into into action all the time so to have something where you can tangibly see you have got better between that date and that date you have got better and more people believe you and more people will buy from you like that was also a really really good feeling

100%. And I also just think as well, in fact, I believe it, I don't just think it. I really believe that learning the skill of marketing is one of the most valuable skills you can have as an entrepreneur. And so it's like testing this is going to pay dividends five years from now. Somebody commented in the last webinar, if your career as a sleep consultant fails, then you've got a job in sales. Yeah.

and i was like i don't need that energy around here but thanks like i'm definitely getting better at this but here's the thing though because you were really good at marketing before you started your sleep business and that skill transferred and now you're getting even better at it and that skill is going to transfer no matter what we do as entrepreneurs if we cannot sell we don't have a business yeah i think like for

from my side I feel like I'm really good at the marketing but the sales actually selling like that I feel like is something that I'm definitely still developing um but you're right like the better you are at that like the more your business is gonna fly totally and you're gonna feel so much more comfortable I'm sure if you ever decided to create another offer or you want to start scaling your lower ticket you know how to do it

It's not like, oh, I really want to start this new thing, but how am I going to sell it? Or how am I going to scale that? Like you said, there's levers you can pull. You know exactly what you're doing next time. And it's like, okay, I just follow rinse and repeat. Whenever I launch a new product now, I'm like, okay, I know exactly how I'm going to sell it. I'm going to need to tweak and I'm going to need to test. It's not going to be perfect right out the gate. But I know that if I spend the time creating something, I can sell it. It's not going to be a waste of time. Yeah.

i'm excited for you what would you say to someone that is sitting on the fence about joining fft's next round i am somebody that like loves a tangible roi like if i can and that's hard sometimes with courses you can't immediately see like i've paid three thousand dollars but it's brought me x amount of business but literally within three months you know i can see that the three thousand i spent has translated to twenty thousand dollars like

I think the proof is there. But also, you know, the course is to learn how to build a machine under your business that's going to generate you money predictably.

you don't get that by doing no work. Like, you have to also appreciate that like, if it was that easy, everybody would be doing it. So the course is amazing. The content is, I mean, exactly what I needed to get my funnel off the ground. But I worked freaking hard.

We were also moving house at the same time. So yeah, those two things together, I did get a bit burnt out during the course because I was running around like a headless chicken. But yeah.

But I also was like, if I'm literally building, hopefully something that is going to translate to being something of an ATM in my business, then it's not going to be done overnight with, you know, giving it an hour here, an hour there. It's going to take quite a bit of work. And I was really willing to put that work in. And I trusted you. I was like, I've been listening to your podcast for over a year. I have been consuming your content. I was like, this chick is my chick.

She knows what she's doing. I trust her. I'm going to lean into everything that she's telling me to do and I'm going to take action. And that's what I would say. If you're ready for that predictability in your business and you want that something that you can rely on to generate income, generate bookings business each month, like that the course is for you.

I love it. Well, thank you for that. Pivoting slightly off of the FFT topic. Let's talk about the beautiful harmony that is being a mother and a business owner. How are we doing with the harmony? We're gonna call it harmony because balance is is a pipe dream. So my my son is four years old now. And I feel like we have a really, really good balance

I said it. It's there in your future. I'm here for it. We do have a good balance now, but we rely heavily on childcare. My son is in nursery Monday to Friday. He's starting school in September. And my husband does a lot in terms of like

work in the house. So, you know, we're a good team. We're really good, kind of 50 50. My work's busy, then he's there more on the on the childcare and the house side of things and vice versa. But But yeah, we wouldn't be able to do what we do without childcare. And also, I feel like

I just wouldn't be like the mom that I wanted to be, that I want to be without that. I need the time to pour into myself. I need that time to refill my cup, to be able to work out, to be able to work on my business, to be able to see my friends. I live in a house with a husband

a boy and a boy dog, there's a lot of male energy there. - That's a lot of testosterone. - There's a lot of willies in my house. I need my girlfriends. So like I need that time away and then I can come back and be that patient, loving, fun mom. My hat is so off to parents that can do it full time without childcare. Like, how are you doing this?

For me, I need the childcare, but we have got that balance now. And when I was in the thick of it when he was younger and I would say to other parents, like, "Tell me it gets easier."

and they'd be like, you know, there's just new challenges. Once you get older, it's just new. And I'd be like, hell, like, give me a break. It's bullshit. As they get older, for me, from three upwards, things just got easier. That definitely. And four, I'm not saying it's a breeze, but it's a lot easier. When you can reason with them, suddenly it becomes a lot easier. But no, this was like part of what, um,

led me to start my podcast earlier this year, which is called Just You Wait, because anyone that's pregnant or that's had a baby, you will get a lot of the just you waits before you have a baby. You know, the just you wait, you're never going to sleep again, just you wait, like you and your husband are never going to have sex again, those kind of just you waits. And, you know, I really wanted to like,

really have a podcast which was the antithesis of that that you can still have a rich and full life a beautiful life after babies and yes it's going to take some work thank you therapy um and it's going to take you know some help in the form of child care or or inform in in other forms but it's still you know possible and I wanted to really like

Show that to people and to and to and to demonstrate that for my son as well that you can still have this This rich full life, you know, whatever stage of life you're at. Can I tell you a funny story about the podcast as well? Yeah, so

I had never really had it on my heart to do a podcast. You know, I'd really thought about it from a business perspective, like, would this be like a really good feeder into my business? But it just hadn't like appealed to me that much. I actually thought doing a baby sleep podcast would get a bit boring, like a bit samey after a while.

But I like around May time this year, I was lying in bed like sleeping and I just had this like dream slash idea of like literally the voice like you should do a podcast with Liv.

who was an influencer that I had collaborated with I'd done a pregnancy consultation for her you should do a podcast with Liv and it should be like new mum old mum like she's the she's just about to have a baby she's going through it in real time you're the like old mum old mum the experienced mum um who's kind of been through it and who's like a few years in and like what a like interesting back and forth that would be where

where one of you's just got that perspective of like, oh, I went through that or that was tough for us or don't worry, you'll breeze it. Anyway, I didn't really know this influencer Liv Humby. I didn't really know her very well. We'd worked together. I thought we had definitely got a good vibe and we'd had a couple of DMs. So I was like, that's weird. Anyway, the next night,

I woke up at 5:00 AM exact same thought, like you should do a podcast with Liv. And so I was like, this is really weird. Like it was such a clear idea as well. And so I sent her a DM and I was like, this is gonna sound really weird, but I keep waking up in the night with this idea for a podcast. Have you ever thought about doing a podcast? And she wrote back like straight away and she was like,

It's been on my vision board for two years and I'm looking at it right now.

there's a photo with two microphones and I never knew who the other microphone belongs to and she's like yes let's like tell me everything what are you thinking and within 10 days of that conversation we recorded our first episode and the first episode is like the day we met like one hour after meeting we were mic'd up you shot your shot

I love that though I love for just putting it out there like not being afraid of that rejection or being like you know what even if she says no like I can handle it but why not gonna kill me yeah why not put yourself out there I love that it just like it really has taught me this year to like trust my intuition so much like it gave me it's given me like

confidence and almost like proof in my own intuition because it was so weird you know that it was just like you in a dream almost and I always wonder where does it come from yeah I mean I I don't feel like I've ever really had one like like that but yeah the the podcast launched in June and actually when it launched I was in Greece on holiday

And within two days, it was number one on the parenting chart. And I was like floating around Greece like, what is this life? What is going on? It was just like so, so cool. And like it has been just like the easiest, funnest project. And yeah, just like the whole goal of it is to really just show people

people that you can still show parents that you can still live a good life you can still have um you know a good relationship with your partner you can still look after yourself mentally and physically and I think like that's really like what I want my business to be about you know yes we're about the good sleep but we're more about the good life that the good sleep brings

I love that so much. So it's called Just You Wait. Just You Wait. Search for it on Apple Podcasts or anywhere that you listen. And where can everyone find you? And then what's your site if they want to go book a consult for their babies? So the forward slash boss babe. Okay. For anyone that wants to sign up for the next webinar, whether that is if you're a mama who is so ready for that good sleep,

Or if you are just an entrepreneur wanting to see a funnel in action. Just a little lurker, you want to see how the funnel goes. Yeah, a funnel hacker, just come on over and you can register there for the next session.

for the next webinar, the for anyone that wants a consultation and come say hi on Instagram. I'm sleepchiefuk. Amazing. Well, this was incredible. Everyone should go do that. Whether you are looking to book a consult or not, go and deconstruct the funnel that's freaking working and has generated 20K. Like, isn't that mind blowing?

already already yeah i we need to have you back on in a year and hear where your where your um business and podcast is i'm excited well thank you for being here this was amazing my pleasure thank you so much