cover of episode Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System with JJ Carrell

Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System with JJ Carrell

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JJ Carrell
@JJ Carrell : 我认为这是对我们共和国的头号威胁。因此,我很感谢您给我时间公开谈论此事。在我24年的边境巡逻生涯中,我亲眼目睹了美国移民系统的蓄意破坏。我们的使命很简单,那就是确保边境安全,保护美国的国家主权。但在现任政府下,这一使命已被彻底破坏。过去四年里,边境已经名存实亡,变成了人们随意穿行的土地。在拜登政府执政期间,已有超过3000万非法移民涌入美国,其中许多人参与了严重的犯罪活动,例如贩毒、人口贩卖和性侵犯。政府不仅没有阻止非法移民,反而积极地将他们释放到美国各地,为他们提供住房、食物和医疗保健,这使得他们成为了廉价劳动力,并对美国的社会福利系统造成了巨大的负担。此外,政府还允许这些非法移民投票,这进一步威胁到了美国的民主制度。我坚信,美国政府正在蓄意破坏美国的移民系统,这是一种对国家安全的严重威胁。 @Cedric Youngleman : 作为节目的主持人,我致力于揭露真相,并为听众提供重要的信息。JJ Carrell的经历和观点为我们理解美国移民系统面临的严峻挑战提供了宝贵的视角。通过他的讲述,我们看到了边境巡逻人员面临的危险和挑战,以及政府政策的失败如何导致了严重的社会问题,例如犯罪率上升、人口贩卖和儿童失踪。我们需要认真思考如何解决这个问题,并保护美国的国家安全和主权。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the mission of the U.S. Border Patrol according to JJ Carrell?

The mission of the U.S. Border Patrol is to secure the border, protect the homeland of the United States, and ensure America retains its sovereignty. Without borders, the nation becomes just a piece of land people walk through, which is what has happened in recent years.

How has immigration changed under the Biden administration, according to JJ Carrell?

Under the Biden administration, immigration has shifted dramatically. Previously, 95-96% of border crossers were Mexican, but now 70% are from other nations, with 180 out of 195 countries represented in Border Patrol arrest data. Additionally, the administration has released nearly all arrested illegal aliens, a practice that was illegal under previous administrations.

What is the Darien Gap, and why is it significant in the context of immigration?

The Darien Gap is the southernmost point of Panama, acting as a bottleneck for illegal immigration. Millions of people, including women and children, pass through it, with 60-80% of women and children being raped or sexually assaulted during the journey. The U.S. government has established regional processing centers in foreign countries to facilitate the transfer of these individuals into America.

What is the impact of illegal immigration on U.S. communities, according to JJ Carrell?

Illegal immigration has led to increased crime, social decay, and economic strain in U.S. communities. For example, small towns like Whitewater, Wisconsin, and Springfield, Ohio, have seen spikes in crime and population due to the influx of illegal aliens. Schools and social services are overwhelmed, and cities are becoming saturated, leading to the redistribution of immigrants to rural areas.

What does JJ Carrell say about the U.S. government's handling of immigration?

JJ Carrell accuses the U.S. government, particularly under the Biden administration, of treason for intentionally dismantling the immigration system. He cites the release of 12 million illegal aliens, the facilitation of illegal immigration through foreign processing centers, and the creation of a 'slave class' of labor as evidence of deliberate actions to undermine American sovereignty.

What is the significance of the Coastal Border Enforcement Team (CBET) created by JJ Carrell?

The Coastal Border Enforcement Team (CBET), created by JJ Carrell, was the most successful landside and maritime narcotic and human smuggling unit in the Border Patrol. During his tenure, CBET arrested and seized numerous Sinaloa cartel narcotic loads, and one of his agents testified against El Chapo, leading to his conviction.

This chapter delves into the alarming state of the American immigration system, exploring claims of intentional destruction and the perspectives of a 24-year veteran of the US Border Patrol, JJ Carrell. The discussion covers the sharp increase in illegal crossings, the release of illegal aliens, and the alleged corruption and grift within both political parties.
  • Claims of intentional destruction of the American immigration system
  • Significant increase in illegal border crossings under the current administration
  • Allegations of corruption and grift involving both Democrats and Republicans
  • The release of millions of illegal aliens into the US

Shownotes Transcript

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JJ Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a twenty-four year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge. Carrell brings a different view on immigration and on what is now transpiring in this forgotten and unknown place known as the border. 

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