I get this question a lot, “Bill, I know how important you say mindset is to my sales results but what are some coherent tips that I can use right now to change my mindset so that I can 2X my business?”
In this episode I go through three shifts that you probably have not heard me talk about before but that I think can help you relaunch your sales results.
If you're interested in being notified about our upcoming High Achiever's program, go to https://resources.billcaskey.com/high-achievers) to get on the waitlist!
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THE 2X ACADEMY: LIVE Virtual Training for B2B sellers. http://the2xacademy.com)
THE 2X GROUP: Small group coaching for B2B sellers. (10/grp). New groups forming soon. http://the2xgroup.com)
WORLD CLASS SALES LEADER: Small group coaching for managers. Apply here http://worldclasssalesleader.com)
TALK TO BILL If you want to speak with Bill about your sales team, here is his calendar for a 30 min chat. https://calendly.com/bcaskey/information-call-20-mins)