cover of episode Day 314 (Luke 22, John 13) - Year 6

Day 314 (Luke 22, John 13) - Year 6

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Tardy Couple
Tardy Couple: 本集回顾了约翰福音中关于耶稣最后晚餐的记载,以及耶稣被捕和受审的过程。重点讲述了耶稣为门徒洗脚的象征意义,代表着耶稣洗净我们的罪。同时,本集也探讨了犹大背叛耶稣的原因,以及撒旦如何影响人的罪性。耶稣在客西马尼园的祷告,展现了祂完全顺服父神的旨意,即使祂的人性经历了极大的痛苦和试探。最后,本集还提到了彼得三次否认耶稣,以及耶稣被捕后所经历的非法审判。 通过对这些事件的解读,本集强调了耶稣对门徒的爱,以及祂为救赎人类所付出的牺牲。耶稣的受难并非偶然,而是神预定计划的一部分,祂将敌人的恶意转化为对子民的益处。同时,本集也提醒我们,要信靠神,即使面对试炼和背叛,也要坚持信仰,并学习耶稣的顺服和牺牲精神。 此外,本集还探讨了关于耶稣吩咐门徒带剑的多种解读,以及客西马尼园(橄榄榨油机)的象征意义,预表着通过耶稣的受苦,我们得到圣灵,如同橄榄油一样宝贵。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jesus wash the disciples' feet?

Jesus used the act of foot washing as an object lesson in humility and to symbolize how he washes away our sins.

What does Satan entering into Judas symbolize?

Satan entering into Judas symbolizes the engagement of Judas's sin nature, resonating with Satan's plan to betray Jesus.

How did Jesus respond to the betrayal by Judas?

Jesus trusted the Father's plan and did not take matters into his own hands, demonstrating submission to God's will even in the face of betrayal.

What is the significance of Jesus' new command to love one another?

Jesus raised the stakes by commanding his disciples to love each other by laying down their lives, a willingness to sacrifice deeply for fellow believers.

Why did Jesus instruct his disciples to get swords?

The instruction to get swords has multiple interpretations: as spiritual readiness, physical defense against attackers, or to provide legal cause for Jesus' arrest by the ruling powers.

How did Jesus demonstrate submission to God's will in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Jesus prayed to the Father, acknowledging His power to remove the cup of suffering but ultimately submitting to the Father's will, showing both divine and human submission.

What is the significance of the garden of Gethsemane being an olive press?

The garden's name, meaning 'olive press,' symbolizes the crushing of Jesus, through which believers receive the Holy Spirit, the most valuable resource.

Jesus uses the act of washing the disciples' feet to teach humility and symbolize the way he washes away our sins, even for Judas.
  • Jesus washes the disciples' feet to teach humility.
  • The act symbolizes Jesus washing away our sins.
  • Judas is already determined to betray Jesus.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm tardy couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

Today's reading is really similar to yesterday's reading week, evered the first step yesterday. So today will recap the last half. John's account of the last separate includes a detail, no other gospel talk about where jesus washes the discipline's feet.

This is the job of a sermon, or a slave to wash the filthy first century sandal wearing feat. Peter knows how humbling this is, so he tries to refuse IT. But jesus is using this as an object.

Lesson in humility is one of the primary points. So jesus says, IT. Anyway, the other main point of the foot washing is to symbolize the way he washes away our sins, which makes IT so ironic that he does IT even or judice.

But he clarifies this point for us by telling us inverse in that judice is not clean. John tells us that state has already put IT into dude, his heart to betray jesus. This idea of sitting, putting something into someone's heart is terrifying, right? I've heard tim keller compared this to the strings of a grand piano.

If you open the back and seeing a note, the string of that note will vibrate. You can play the piano without even touching IT, just by communicating with IT in the way that resonates. He says that's what sighting does to our flesh.

He sings to our streams in a way that engages our sin nature. If we know our weak spots, we can be on guard against this. But judice wasn't.

He resonated with satan's plan, and he made the agreement with the officials. And hear at dinner is where john says satan entered into judice. Judice IT comes to temptation.

still. Jesus trust the father's plan. He doesn't take matters into his own hands. He doesn't put jesus in a cocoa while he has the chance.

He knows that evil must play out its role, but that what the enemy means for evil guy uses for the good of his people, trusting guard, freeze us up to love and even serve our enemies. Jesus serves even the one he knows will betray him mere hours later. Then he gives them a new command to love each other like he has loved them.

IT doesn't feel new, though. God has always been telling his people to love him and love others. How was this new jesus raises the stakes by making IT a willingness to lay down your life for your brothers and sisters in the faith.

And given what he's about to say, the timing couldn't be more ironic. IT turns out that judas isn't the only to have relationship at the table in Matthew account, jesus says they will all turn their backs on him that night. Jesus says Peter specifically will have an even bigger role in this.

He won't just turn away from jesus. He'll alright deny him three times. He says sam demanded to test Peter to put him through the ringer.

The word demanding is kind of misleading here. IT implies the intensity of the request, but IT really means a tortured kind of begging, saying, can't make demands on jesus. He doesn't have that kind of power.

Jesus knows the testing will be good, repeated in order to equip him for all that god has ahead of him. So jesus, come, Peter, by saying, saying is after you. But i've prayed for your faith to be strengthened through this.

Cheese's knows that sometimes trials produce things in us that we wlink able to access otherwise. And because god has big things in store for Peter in the early church, his character has to be developed to rise to that level thin. She's springs of the time.

We sent them out two by two and told them not to take anything with them. We read about this in loop n, he says, remember how you had everything you needed. Hopefully you learn to trust that I know what's gona happen and that I know what you need for what's ahead.

Then he gives them some strange new instructions. He tells them to get a sod. Does this mean they're finally gna overthrow room? Do they finally get to drop at the bad guys? No, that still isn't the plan.

There are three primary perspectives on what jesus s are saying here when he talks about getting swords. Some say, this is jesus talking about spiritual reading ess, so when the disciples pull out their actual authorities dismissive habit. Others say jesus is giving them the opportunity to physically defend themselves against attack ackers, even if they can go on the opens.

And others say this is jesus arranging things for his arrest, not for his disabled to defend him against being arrested, but because if the ruling powers are going to have legal cause to arrest him, they need to have proof that his followers are interaction. S and two sord should do the job. After dinner, jesus and his disables go out to the garden of guest symmetry, which is at the bottom of the mount of olives.

He goes there to pray, and he asked them to pray to jesus asked the father for what he wants and acknowledges that the father has the power to do IT. But he yields to the father's will. He says, father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me.

Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done. Jesus is fully god and fully man. It's not his divine that wants to avoid the cross. IT is humanity.

The will of his divine is perfectly aligned to the will of the father, but his humanity knows temptation and overcomes IT by submitting to the will of the father. So his humanity submitted to his divinity, just like our humanity, must submit to his divinity. He's demonstrating for us what submission looks like, but also sympathising with us in our own struggles.

In the midst of this, jesus is so troubled and thorough that he sweat blood. By the way, this is an actual rare physical condition called humidity roses. Probably mispronounced that, but it's a real thing.

Didn't an Angel appears in? Strengthened him. What does this look like? Strengthened him physically? Probably not.

This probably means the Angel s spoke truth to him. Our hearts are strengthened by truth. Meanwhile, the disables keep falling asleep.

He invites them into his pain, even knowing their moments away from turning their backs on him. And even though they currently keep disappointing him, then across the valley he seize the authorities. Approaching IT comes as no surprise.

Not only does he know this will happen, he's been talking about IT for so long, but also they would have been Carrying torches to light their way as they march from the city, through the valley and over to the garden of get simmons. He can see them coming as they come to arrest jesus, one of the disable, who will find out later, as Peter thinks, oh, it's sort time. Now, this is why we needed these, right? He attacks and cuts off a soldiers ear.

Then jesus says no more of this and puts the man's ear back on his head. Can you imagine in john's account of this story, in join eighteen, the soldiers say they're looking for jesus of nazis. And when he says, I am he, they fall to the ground.

There's no indication that this was voluntary. They weren't there to worship him. This seems like an involuntary response to the revelation of his deity.

Philippians, too, tells us that someday every nee will bow at the name of jesus. And this seems to be just a four shadow of that day. They take cheese's after the house of the high crest, and Peter follows behind.

He's hanging out in the court yard, probably waiting to see what happens when a series of people associate him with jesus. And one by one, he denies IT three times. Then the rooster rows, when that happens, cheese turns in, catches his eye.

And I cannot imagine how crushed they both must have felt. Peter leaves in weeks. Jesus was right. Even he headed in him to betray jesus.

It's probably good that Peter goes when he does, because then the people holding jesus in custody blind fold him and start beating and marking him. He hasn't even had a trial yet. He undergo six trials in a period of about eight hours.

Three of them are religious trials before the jews. Three of them are civil trials before the romans, and most of them are performed illegally. We've link to a short article about these trials in the show notes.

What was your guard shot today? Mine was in the garden of gift Simony the word get Simon, I means olive press. And it's where olives are crushed to produce their most valuable resource oil.

We've talked before about her oil in scripture represents guard this spirit. So how bidding is IT, that an oil press is where the crushing of jesus begins. And it's through this process that we receive the thing he says is most valuable to us.

The holy spirit, the very presence of god who has come to dwel in his kids forever, will read more about this tomorrow. So stay tuned. But as for now, i'm grateful the spirit dwells in me, and I knew and that he never leaves us because he, where the joy is. Pay bible readers, if you are looking for .

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especially on the go to get started now, go to dwell bible dot com forward, flash new, or click the link in the shown notes. If you wanted in as a Christmas card, we would love that. We'd love to see your faces and pray for you by name.

And thank god for bringing you alongside us in this. So send in our way our mAiling addresses on the conduct page of our website, the bible recapped up com, and will also posted for you in today is show notes.