cover of episode Day 311 (Matthew 24) - Year 6

Day 311 (Matthew 24) - Year 6

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本集解读马太福音24章,重点区分经文中关于神旨意(信息)和信徒行动(指令)的部分。作者认为,理解经文的关键在于分辨哪些是神将要做的事情,哪些是我们应该做的事情。虽然两者有时会有重叠,但清晰地区分有助于更好地理解。针对耶稣关于自己再来的预言,作者指出,虽然经文中描述了诸多事件,但细节尚不明确,我们不应过度关注具体时间和细节,而应专注于耶稣再来的盼望和救赎的临近。作者鼓励信徒持开放的心态看待不同解读,避免对预言进行过度解读或妄加猜测。同时,作者强调,信徒应该警醒等候,不要被世俗所迷惑,并在混乱中勇敢地分享福音,将焦点放在对耶稣的信靠和对救赎的盼望上,而不是对末日预言的恐惧和猜测。 Tara-Leigh Cobble: 在解读耶稣关于末世预言的经文中,作者特别强调了“这世代”一词的不同解读,认为其既可以指整个人类,也可以指神的子民,两者最终都指向同一个终点。作者认为,耶稣的目的是鼓励信徒,即使面对可怕的事件,神的国度也会继续前进,福音也会继续传扬,最终耶稣会再来。作者鼓励信徒在不确定中保持对耶稣的信靠,以开放的心态面对一切,因为真正的喜乐在于耶稣。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to distinguish between information and instruction in biblical passages?

Distinguishing between information and instruction helps clarify whether Jesus is describing events or giving commands, aiding comprehension and application.

What does Jesus reveal about the future in Matthew 24?

Jesus discusses the destruction of the temple, various trials, and his eventual return, including celestial phenomena and the gathering of his elect.

How should believers interpret the phrase 'this generation will not pass away until all these things take place'?

Most scholars interpret 'this generation' as either humanity or the lineage of disciples, emphasizing the enduring nature of God's family and the advancing gospel.

What is the main takeaway for believers regarding the end times?

Believers should focus on the nearness of their redemption rather than trying to predict specific dates or events, maintaining trust and peace in Jesus.

Why should believers avoid trying to pinpoint the exact timing of Jesus' return?

Jesus explicitly states that no one knows the day or hour, and such efforts can lead to misplaced focus and fear, distracting from the gospel's spread.

What is the significance of the phrase 'straighten up and raise your heads' in Luke 21:28?

It serves as a call to not cower in fear but to recognize and rejoice in the nearness of redemption, encouraging a posture of hope and readiness.

How does knowing Jesus influence a believer's approach to life's uncertainties?

Knowing Jesus fosters trust, enabling believers to live with open hands, trusting in their eternal inheritance and finding joy in Christ regardless of circumstances.

Jesus discusses the destruction of the temple, future trials, and his return, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between information and instruction.
  • Jesus talks about the temple's destruction and future trials.
  • He discusses his return and the gathering of his elect.
  • Distinguishing between information and instruction helps understand the passage.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm trolly couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

Today's reading has a lot in common with yesterday's reading. We recap the first step yesterday, so today will zoom in on the second half. I mentioned this yesterday, but IT bears repeating.

One of the things that helps me through passages like these is to look at what parts are information and what parts are instruction to figure out which is which you can ask for yourself questions. Like, is jesus telling me something god is going to do, or something that disables response to do, or something I am supposed to do? If you telling us what god is doing, or what the disciples were supposed to do, its information.

If he's telling us what we are supposed to do, its instruction. But just a heads up, sometimes there is a clear or implied overlap of information instruction. This is the final, we give his life.

And jesus is talking to his inner circle, plus Andrew, on the mound of olets, just outside the gate of jewish m. He tells them about how the temple will be destroyed in jerusalem, mothball to rome. He told them about lots of trials and struggles.

Cylinder, and so far, IT seems like he's kind of working in chronic gc order. Thanks, jesus. As a reminder, one of the names for the masia is son of man.

So when jesus dives into this topic, he's talking about his return to earth after his death, resurrection and ascension, the heaven. So while it's possible that everything up to that point has already happened, this is something we're still waiting for. He pulls back the curtain a bit on what will happen, but they're still a glare on the window.

So we can't really expect to see things clearly just yet. We may have ideas we may have, but none of us know the full details on all of this. There are a few major perspectives on this and have tried reading the passage through the various lenses of those different opinions.

And I can truly see how each perspective has a strings. This is one of the many places where it's wise to hold things with an open hand, because, as always, we don't scream our scripture whispers, and we don't whisper where script reams. So now that we've got that out of the way, what's gna happen? She's says that when he returns, there will be some strange astronomical phenomenon.

Maybe what I mean is, will the actual stars really fall, or is this just another time? Jesus, speaking of things in spirit, al terms, not physical terms, maybe this refers to king's and kingdoms, or to the spiritual forces of evil, like saying, who many believe is called the daystar in I A A fourteen, twelve, your guess is as good as mine, and more boats still guessing. Then jesus will send his Angels to gather his elect from the four corners of the earth, as well as the four corners of heaven.

And we ll all be united together with him through eternal life, emerging of heaven and earth. Looks account of this in chapter twenty one, says, people will even think with thee when all this is happening. But do you know who doesn't need the smelling sult god kids? The so called end times are the beginning times for believers.

This is what we're moving toward. When jesus talks about all these terrible things in look twenty one twenty eight, he says, when these things begin to take place and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near, it's tempting to read his words about the future and focus on the hard parts. Some people are so consumed by the hard parts that they try to determine when it's going to happen, which is a dangerous path to walk.

Maybe those efforts are rooted in pure joy, in excitement, but if they're rooted in any kind of fear or control, they'll cause us to miss the point. Jews is trying to make care. Our redemption is drawing near.

This is good news. Lots of people have made fools of themselves to the centuries by trying to name the dates of his return, or by saying certain world leaders are the one's propose de and scripture to do specific things. But in those dates past, in those people die, and here we still are.

Meanwhile, IT makes a mockery of our faith to outsider who we are looking in. Jesus says, no one knows the day or the hour. So I tried to resist the urge to be of blood noodles and mark of the b spat.

Because IT tends to put my focus on the wrong thing. Here's what cheese's said I should think about instead, straight up and raise your heads for you. Redemption is drawing near, by the way, the phrase straighten up isn't a call to get your act together.

It's his way of saying we don't have to cower in fear. This reminder is one of the clearest things he says in this whole passage. Then he says something that is not clear.

He says, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. So is he lying? Because these guys have definitely passed away. Here are two things worth noting.

First, jesus is definitely not referring to these guys specifically because he tells a few of them how they'll die, and he makes IT clear that that will happen before his return. Second, like we've already said, jesus confirms that he doesn't know when he'll be returning. Only the father knows, so he can't be telling them IT will be within their lifetime.

So what are you talking about them? Most scholars believe the phrase this generation refers to either humanity itself or to the line of dissidence of god's family. But it's kind of inconsequent, which IT is because god's family will last as long as humanity lasts.

So they both have the same end point. This seems to be yet another time where jesus is aiming to encourage his followers with reminders that despite all the terrible things that are going to happen, despite the way most of them will be modeled, his kingdom will keep advancing into the future. What their building is eternal, the gospel isn't gonna die or be killed off, is going to keep reaching the people's in the nations, and then he will return.

And this is where my god chat comes in for today, along with, don't be afraid. Another thing jesus makes abundantly clear in this passage is that his followers should stay, wait amid the style, the haf information he gives. This is one of the commands he gives.

He never says, try to figure out what i'm coming back. He never says, see if you can piece this all together like a big puzzle. What he says very clearly is, stay awake.

Don't be load to sleep by the world. And when things get crazy, don't be afraid and share the gospel no matter what. When we know him, IT becomes easier to trust him.

And when we trust him, we can have the kind of peace only he can bring. Even amid its uncertainty. We can walk out the values of his outside down kingdom where we aren't trying to grab l. We can get or make sure our earthly future is secure, but instead we can trust that he's granted us an eternal inheritance ance knowing jesus helps us live with open hands no matter what happens, because he is where the joy is.

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