cover of episode Day 310 (Mark 13) - Year 6

Day 310 (Mark 13) - Year 6

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The Bible Recap

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本集经文解读了马太福音中关于圣殿毁灭和末日预言的章节。首先,讲解了如何区分经文中关于神将要做的事情(信息)、门徒应该做的事情(信息)以及我们应该做的事情(指令)。然后,详细分析了耶稣关于圣殿即将被毁的预言,以及这一预言与约翰福音中耶稣将自己的身体比作圣殿的预言之间的区别。接着,讨论了门徒关于末日何时到来以及征兆是什么的提问,耶稣的回答侧重于征兆,但没有直接给出时间,并指出许多可怕的事情只是“生产阵痛”的开始。关于“践踏圣所的憎恶”,学者们有不同的解读,有人认为是指罗马征服耶路撒冷,也有人认为是指末日来临之前的事件。针对这些预言,Tara-Leigh Cobble 提出,无论“践踏圣所的憎恶”是否已经发生,耶稣的教导都是对我们的劝诫,要勇敢地传福音,不要被世上的舒适所迷惑。最后,她强调了神对祂所拣选之人的保守,即使面对艰难,他们也会得到神的永恒保护,并鼓励听众积极参与传福音的事工。 Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本集还介绍了Dwell圣经App和D-Group,前者提供了一种方便快捷的方式来与圣经保持联系,后者则是一个国际性的圣经学习小组网络,提供更深入的圣经学习。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Jesus predict the destruction of the temple?

Jesus predicts the temple's destruction as judgment on Israel for rejecting him. God uses Rome as a tool to bring this judgment, similar to how he used other nations in the Old Testament.

What is the significance of the 'abomination of desolation'?

The 'abomination of desolation' is a term that scholars believe refers to a person or event. Some interpret it as Rome taking over Jerusalem and destroying the temple, while others see it as a future event in the final days before the end of the world.

What role do believers have in the midst of difficult times according to Jesus?

Believers are called to focus on sharing the gospel of Jesus. Jesus emphasizes that the gospel must be proclaimed throughout the world, and believers play a crucial role in this mission.

How does Jesus reassure his disciples about the endurance of the church?

Jesus reassures his disciples by reminding them that the church will last and outlast all trials. He emphasizes that nothing can snatch the elect away from God's hand, reinforcing the idea that the church is unstoppable.

What is the purpose of D-Group in relation to The Bible Recap?

D-Group complements The Bible Recap by providing deeper study of specific parts of the Bible. While The Bible Recap reads the whole Bible annually, D-Group focuses on in-depth study for twelve weeks, meeting in homes, churches, and online.

Jesús predice la destrucción del templo, un evento que se cumplió con la invasión romana menos de 40 años después. Este evento es un juicio sobre Israel por rechazar a Jesús, y también se relaciona con la profecía de Jesús sobre su propio cuerpo como un templo que sería destruido y resucitado.
  • Jesús predijo la destrucción del templo.
  • El templo fue destruido por los romanos en el año 70 d.C.
  • La destrucción del templo fue un juicio sobre Israel por rechazar a Jesús.
  • Jesús comparó su cuerpo con el templo, que sería destruido y resucitado.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm tardy couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

Today's reading has a lot income of the tomorrows reading, so today we will zoom in on the first step and tomorrow will break up the last half. One of the things that helps me through these passages is to look at the context first. Who is this message for? Some of that is up for a debate.

Second, what in this text is information and what in this text is instruction? As we read the math is account of this tomorrow. Aim to use those lines is for the context.

You can ask ourself things like, is jesus telling me something god is going to do, or something the disciples response to do, or something I am supposed to do? If he's telling us what god is going to do, it's information. If he's telling us what the disciples resist to do, it's still just information as far as we are concerned.

But if he's telling us something we are supposed to do, it's instruction. Let's jump in. Jesus has been teaching in the temple, and as they on way out the door, one of his disciples is like, isn't this place the best? And she's just, just rains all over his parade by saying, yeah, these buildings are awesome.

Enjoy them by again, because they are about to be rebel. This is, the temple is a huge complex built with massive stones, the largest of which waste five hundred and seventy tons. That's more than one billion pounds for just this one stone.

We see this stone when we do the western wall tunnel tours in jerusalem, and its enormous. If you were with us in the old testament, you probably remember what a chAllenge IT was to get this temple rebuilt, but how god provided the funds for supplies and protection for the workers. He made IT all happen.

And now jesus says, dad's going to make IT earn happen. Jesus says the temple will be destroyed less than forty years after he propositioned this. Rome fulfills that propac's.

The jews will mount an ongoing revolt, and rome will retaliate by raising the temple, just like jesus said. We also read about this in lug eighteen, where jesus wept over jerusalem. In that passage, we saw that the temple's destruction is judgement on israel for rejecting jesus.

So which is IT, why is the temple destroyed? Is that the revolt the use? Or is IT israel's rejection of jesus? Yes, god uses rome as a tool in his hand to bring judgment on israel.

We saw god do this lots of times in the old testament. That is one of the first time we see this idea in the goals. By the way, we read a similar sounding propac's earlier in john to where jesus compared his body to the temple.

In that passage, he said, destroy this temple, and I will raise IT again in three days. That prophetic refers to his body, and john clarifies that point in the verses that follow. So it's a different situation, but it's easy to confuse these two profit since they both refer to simple destruction of one kind or another.

After they leave the temple, they crossed the valley and walk up to the mound of olives jesus with some of his inner circle, and they start asking them questions about when all this stuff is going to go down and what the signs will be that is about to happen. We discussed this briefly yesterday, but the bears repeating, first, he spends more time on the part of their question that deals with the signs but never gives them a straight answer about the time that's important to note. In fact, he tells them inverse s seven and thirteen that when a lot of terrible things happen, they are going to assume it's the end, but it's not.

He says, these are just the beginning of the birth pains. Second, a lot of the instructions, chooses, gives them, seem to be for these specific people at this specific time. Then he goes on to talk about something called the abomination of deceleration.

Most scholars believe this is a person, not a thing, but who or what is IT and when will that happen? Scholars are divided on this something. He refers to rome taking over jerusalem years later, when the temple is destroyed and the jews have to fleet jerusalem and persecution.

Others think IT pertains to something still at to come in the final days before god, you, heaven and earth. If you're in the camp of this arready happened, then this text probably doesn't alarm you. You probably believe these warnings or instructions are given to the disciples.

And here is what she's assess to them. He says people will pretend to be him, and they shouldn't believe those people. He says they'll be wars and rumors, but they shouldn't be afraid. He says they'll have to enter the kings, but god will give them words. He says they'll be hated in, beaten, but ultimately saved.

But if you're in the camp of this is still yet to come, and you find that scary, then here are a few things I want to point you in this text that will hopefully give you some peace, because this means those instructions apply to you. Jesus says not to fear the end in first seven. He says, do not be alarmed.

Inverse levan. He says, do not be anxious. Bad things will happen, but you have a kingdom assignment in the midst of IT.

All your priority is to talk about the good news of jesus. After all, like we talked about yesterday, he is the one who does the preserving. Jesus also says to stay awake. And Steve focused on the main thing, don't be loved to sleep by the comforts in the ways of the world.

Matthews account of this in twenty four fourteen says, this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a test mony to all nations, and then the end will come. So every time there's an either hurray e or mass shooting or tragedy, and you pray, calm law, jesus, remember that god has given you a role to play in that our cry come lore, jesus meets its match in our call. Go share jesus.

This may sound cheesy, your old school, or just awkward to you. But what this boils down to is talking about who you love, just like you do with everything else you love. Our relationship of god is personal, but it's never supposed to be private.

Because the thing is, jesus says the gospel must go everywhere. And we are the ones who have IT to share in the conversation jesus is having with his disables. He promises that guards elect those people god has chosen to be in.

His family will endure hard times, but that help protect them from eternal harm. And that was my god shot today, gad's eternal protection of his kids. Jesus says it's impossible to lead the elected away from the faith because remember, nothing can snatch you out of his hand.

But he gets painfully honest about IT when he says, if anything could lead the electricity, IT would be this thing and describing, but it's not possible. Jesus reminds the disciples again of the same thing. He told him a cesari, ethiopia, the gates of hill, that the church will last.

He said IT in a place where he was encouraging them to storm the gates of hell. And he's saying IT again in reference to the time when IT may feel like hell itself. Restoring them before they encountered is he wants to reinforce his encouragement to them.

He says you'll see our position in even death. But this thing i'm building, you're a part of IT. It's going to outlast all this.

So before enduring and after the trials, take heart, i've got this. I'm so glad we're a part of an unstoppable kingdom, but i'm even more glad that he is our king. He is where the joy is.

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T B, R. We read the whole bible every year. And in d group, we zoom in on specific parts of the bible for twelve weeks of deeper study. D group is an international network, and IT meets in homes and churches around the world. And we have online d groups to our website, has everything you need to know about degree, what d groups currently exist, how to join or start A D group, the schedule of our future studies, and even how your church can partner with us. Check IT out at my degree dot org or click the link in the shower notes.