cover of episode Day 309 (Matthew 23, Luke 20-21) - Year 6

Day 309 (Matthew 23, Luke 20-21) - Year 6

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Terry Couple
Terry Couple: 本集主要围绕马太福音23章和路加福音20-21章展开,Terry Couple 首先解释了马太福音23章中耶稣对法利赛人的七个“祸哉”的警告,指出法利赛人的虚伪和不义,他们注重外在的仪式和律法,却忽略了内心的谦卑和对神的敬畏。耶稣谴责他们佩戴经文盒和宽大的衣袖是为了炫耀,而非出于对神的敬畏,并告诫门徒不要以世俗的头衔和权力为荣,而是要关注内心的谦卑和神的旨意。他还预言自己将成为下一个被杀害的先知,延续了从亚伯到撒迦利亚的先知殉道传统。 Terry Couple 接着解释了路加福音中耶稣对门徒关于战争和迫害的警告,指出这些警告是针对特定时间和人群的,但其中一些原则也适用于所有信徒。他解释了“一根头发也不掉”指的是永生,而非字面意义上的头发不损,并强调了忍耐和对神的信靠的重要性。他还告诫门徒要警惕沉迷于任何事物,包括酒精和世俗的忧虑,而要专注于永恒的事物。最后,他鼓励门徒不要害怕苦难,因为最终的胜利属于神,并强调了耶稣与门徒同在,以及永生的应许。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Jesus criticize the Pharisees in Matthew 23?

Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, prioritizing external displays of righteousness over genuine heart transformation, and for leading others into false religious practices.

What is the significance of the phylactery and fringes mentioned by Jesus?

The phylactery and fringes were religious symbols meant to remind wearers of their commitment to God. Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for using these symbols to seek human admiration rather than to honor God.

What does Jesus mean when he says, 'Call no man on earth your father'?

Jesus is cautioning against seeking human authorities who aspire to be revered like God, emphasizing the importance of recognizing God as the ultimate source of spiritual authority.

How does Jesus view the relationship between humans and angels?

Jesus teaches that humans, being made in God's image, will judge angels, highlighting the unique status and responsibility of humans in God's creation.

What specific warning does Jesus give to his disciples about the future?

Jesus warns his disciples about impending wars and persecution, instructing them to endure and remain faithful, knowing that their ultimate fate is eternal life with God.

How does Jesus advise his followers to handle fear and distractions?

Jesus advises his followers to live intentionally, avoiding excessive indulgence in anything that could weigh down their hearts or distract them from focusing on eternal matters.

Jesus addresses the Pharisees with seven woes, highlighting their hypocrisy and misuse of religious symbols.
  • Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and misuse of religious symbols.
  • He acknowledges the value of obedience to the truth even if preached by hypocrites.
  • Jesus condemns the Pharisees for using religious symbols to show off rather than to remember their belonging to God.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm Terry couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

Today, jesus covers a lot of ground with the faeries that may seem familiar. It's possible that Matthew has collected all jesus saying to the ferries and put them all in one convenient, violent cabinet labeled chapter twenty three. But it's also possible that cheese is is just giving them a big once and for all summary of everything he's been communicating to them over the past few years.

His words to them are full of woo seven words, to be exact. They are number one. Wo to those who don't enter the kingdom and who buy their lives prevent others from entering to number two, way to those who make converts to false religions, taking them from one lie to another.

Number three, woe to the blind guide to value the symbol over the source and the creation over the creator. Number four, one to those who neglect the way to your things, who tied religiously while oreskes others. Number five, one, to those who try to look righteous, whether greedy and selfish.

Number six, woe to those who work hard to seem perfect on the outside when they're full of cynon death. And number seven, woe to those who repeat the sins of their fathers, killing the profits. There are a few things worth pointing out in these words.

First, I think it's interesting that inverse three, jesus tells the crowds to follow the commands of describes in the ferries, but not their actions. He doesn't wholesale condemn their practices. They are teaching the hebrew scriptures after all.

So as long as they interpret the books of mosses accurately, the people should obey what they say. The foundation tional problem with the therapies is that their hearts are off. And because of that, they're adding a lot of safety guards laws to try to prove themselves.

So jesus doesn't throw the baby out with the bath water. He knows that obedience to the truth is a good thing, even if the truth is preached by hypocrites. Second inverse five, jesus says they make their philotas brought in their fringes long until a few years ago would have had no idea what this met because it's not part of our culture.

A fillery is a small leather box that some people strapped their forehead in their left ARM as a way of literally applying the command from due orono y eleven eighteen, where god tells the israel lights. You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul. And you should bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as front leeds between your eyes.

So they take scripture, put IT in the little leader box and bind the box to their forehead in their left ARM. And the fridge is a reference to the four tackled ends of a prayer. Shaw, in numbers fifteen, god commands the israel tes to wear this as a reminder to them that they belong to your way.

Jesus definitely isn't condemning the act of wearing a prayer. L, in fact, we know that he war won himself, because that's what scripture is referencing in math nine twenty, when IT says the sick woman touched the fringe of his government, what he's condemning is the motivation of using these things to show off. He says the ferries make their filter tory's wider and their fringes longer, to be seen by others instead of god's original intent, which was to remember they belong to him.

They taken something that's about him and made IT about themselves. By the way, if you want to see what a pilatre and french look like, comed israel with me, they're everywhere into rusalem. Or I suppose you could just look at the pictures we've linked in the shower notes, whatever.

Third, in verse nine, when jesus says, call no man on earth your father, do you think he's saying we shouldn't call our dad father? So is IT OK if we call him dad instead? Is that a looper? And we can have instructions, res, or teachers either that ounds crazy.

What jesus is communicating here has very little to do with language, actually, IT has more to do with perspective and intent. This whole section is about the sense of the theories, right? So what are their sins associated with these titles? They aspire to them in order to feel awesome about themselves, to be showed, to be in power.

So by telling people not to seek out those people cheeses is actually directing them away from not only beating the proud of the therapies, but also becoming like them forth in the final world. Jesus points to the fact that the ferries are like their ancestors, killing the profits. Jesus references able in zakaria.

And that's probably because apple was the first person murdered in the old estimate, and lots of scholars say its possible saari was the last. So jesus s seems to be in capillary all the old estimate murder in this, knowing full well that he is next in line. In luke, we encounter some things we covered yesterday and some things will cover tomorrow.

However, there's one thing from yesterday's reading that I want to touch on in today's account. Luke, twenty thirty six, says that gud's kids will become equal to Angels when they die. The original word here means, like Angels, the text isn't saying we will become Angels.

They're a totally different created being. And unlike humans, they're not made in the image of god. What this first is saying is that we'll become like them in this, since that we won't be able to die after the resurrection.

We y'll be in model like the Angels. As far as equality with angles goes, we don't want equality with them. Frequently, in six, three says that we will judge the Angel someday.

I know people have to say things that funerals like, I guess god needed another Angel, but actually that's a downe grade. If you think about IT, humans are guard's image. Bears and Angels are god's into dimensional messengers who serve him primarily and his kids.

Second, darling, here's something else important to note. In twenty one ten thu nineteen, or jesus is warning his disciples about wars and persecution. He's talking to them about actual wars they all encounter soon.

He says they'll be brought before kings and rulers. He's talking about judea and jerusalem specifically. These instructions are very specific to them and their timeline. There are certainly aspects of this that apply to all of us as we wait for his return. But a lot of this is directed toward their specific lifetime's.

People are certainly still murdered all the time around the world, but this warning was for a specific people at a specific time, they're still truth. We can Carry with us from this passage though, for instance, in verse sixteen, he says, some of you, they will put to death. But the verse teen says, not a hair on your head will perish.

How is this possible? They die, but their hair survives. No, he's pointing to eternal life. That's how they can die, but not perish. And first nineteen says endurance is what Marks the believer, not in dance as in survival, but endurance as in the faith.

Despite our trials, if we read this and think that is up to us to maintain our perseverance, this sounds really chAllenging, especially not knowing what specific trials are ahead. But remember that he is already told us that no one can snatch aside of his hand. Remember that he promises to finish what he started in us.

Perseverance is his doing, not ours. We display and demonstrate the preserving. He does. First thirty four also really got my eye.

IT says, watch ourselves, list your hearts, be weigh down with discipline and drinkin' and the cares of this life. And that day came upon you suddenly like a trap. I had to look at what discipline meant in this context.

It's basically another word for drinkin'. So he's repeating himself here, which tells us this is important. The word means drunken specifically, but IT also means too much of anything in general.

So jesus is telling them to live intentionally, don't get caught up in too much of anything, least of all alcohol or IT will weigh our hearts down and don't let our attentions and affections fall on fleeting things. The cares of this life, because the things that matter are eternal. This is similar to something we've heard him say a few other times.

The good and the bad both have a way of taking our eyes off of him. He doesn't want us to get mired in tears or distractions. And that actually connects to my good shop for today.

In twenty one nine, jesus says, when you hear of wars and two miles do not be terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end will not be at once. He says not to be terrified of these things. He knows that sounds scary, but he also knows how IT ends.

So he's the only person who can say this with any kind of authority. He doesn't say things won't be scary or hard. He just promises that we don't go through those things alone.

And on the other side of IT, we will live with him eternally. Whatever darkness comes our way is no threat to his light. He's where the joy is. The bible .

recap for kids comes out on november twelve. We've writing tp off for kids to help the kids in your life read, understand and love. God's word IT follows the same three hundred and sixty five day reading plan and you're doing and IT includes daily recaps and a daily god shot plus bonus content each week designed to help kids remember what theyve learned. If you pre order from Baker bookcase by november eleven, you'll get a free downloadable set of fifty scripture memory flash cards so preorder today. Do Baker book cast stop com or click the link in the show notes.