cover of episode Day 067 (Numbers 31-32) - Year 7

Day 067 (Numbers 31-32) - Year 7

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The Bible Recap

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Tara Lee Cobble
我回顾了《民数记》21-26章,重点讲述了以色列人与米甸人的战争,以及随后发生的土地分配。这场战争源于以色列人与米甸女子通奸,导致瘟疫爆发,24000人丧生。摩西在神旨意下率领以色列人消灭米甸人,但只留下处女,以避免再次发生偶像崇拜。这反映了神对以色列人忠诚的严肃态度,以及对诱惑的零容忍。 我们还讨论了约旦河东岸的土地分配,流便和迦得支派以及玛拿西半支派选择留在那里,这引发了关于这块土地是否属于应许之地的讨论。这部分内容涉及到对神应许的信心,以及对未来挑战的勇气。 最后,我分享了我个人的反思,即神对我们忠诚的看重,以及我们应该如何对待诱惑,如同摩西对待米甸女子一样,坚决清除可能导致我们背叛神的诱惑,以保持对神的忠诚。这部分内容强调了个人灵修的重要性,以及对神恩典的信靠。

Deep Dive

God commands Moses to take vengeance on the Midianites, leading to a battle where the Israelites kill all Midianite men, including Balaam. Moses orders the death of non-virgin women to prevent further idolatry.
  • Moses' final task was to lead the Israelites in avenging themselves against the Midianites.
  • The Israelites killed all Midianite men and took women and children captive.
  • Moses ordered the death of non-virgin women to prevent a recurrence of idolatry.
  • Balaam, who advised against Israel, was killed during the battle.
  • The plunder was divided among the Israelites, with specific portions allocated to warriors, civilians, priests, and God.

Shownotes Transcript

- Numbers 21 - Numbers 25 - Numbers 26 - Map: Land Allotment for the 12 Tribes - Printable Reading Plan (Step 1, Print Users)- The Chosen: Season 5 Sneak PeekNote: We provide links to specific resources_; this is not an endorsement of the entire website, author, organization, etc. Their views may not represent our own._SHOW NOTES:
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