The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz walks you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes,


Total: 1206

In today's readings, Fr. Mike points out how the loss of David's son overshadows everything

Today, we hear about the downfall of Absalom, and how David reacts to the news of his death. In Chro

Fr. Mike explains the events of today's readings, breaking down Hushai's advice to Absalom,

Fr. Mike talks about the horrible things that can happen when we turn away from God and stop asking

Fr. Mike focuses on trust today, specifically trusting God in difficult times. Like David, we need t

Fr. Mike reflects on the story of David and Absalom, and points out the lack of forgiveness and repe

Fr. Mike preaches hope for the future of those with wounded hearts as we read the stories of Tamar,

Fr. Mike touches on the sins of David, and how we can see ourselves in these fallen characters in sc

Fr. Mike breaks down David's tragic downfall as he commits adultery with Bathsheba and kills her

As we continue to read about how King David expands his kingdom, Fr. Mike points out the mighty men

Fr. Mike draws our attention to David's kindness towards the house of Saul, including Jonathan&#

Fr. Mike emphasizes how King David's victories in battle are part of his calling to establish Is

Fr. Mike highlights the moment God makes a covenant with David, promising him an everlasting dynasty

Today we read about the moment David is made king over all Israel. Fr. Mike reveals that as David be

Fr. Mike highlights the importance of David's reaction to the death of Ish-bosheth, Saul's s

In today's readings, we hear about the death of Abner, and Fr. Mike points out how David publicl

Fr. Mike talks about how revenge and violence can become a cycle that doesn't end until someone

Today we begin two new books as we read 2 Samuel 1, 1 Chronicles 1, and Psalm 13. Fr. Mike shows us

In the last chapters of 1 Samuel, Fr. Mike focuses on David's wisdom in battle through his praye

Fr. Mike reflects on King Saul's despair in the face of trial, and how he seeks other means of c