cover of episode Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament (2024)

Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament (2024)

logo of podcast The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

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Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike Schmitz: 马加比家族捍卫圣殿的动机是维护圣殿的纯洁和上帝的荣耀,而非仅仅是保护家人。他们最大的恐惧是圣殿被亵渎,这体现了他们对信仰的坚定和对上帝的忠诚。这段经文详细描述了马加比家族的战斗,以及他们为了保卫圣殿和圣城所付出的努力。他们的勇气和决心源于对上帝的信赖和对信仰的坚守。 Fr. Mike Schmitz: 《所罗门智慧书》的结尾强调了上帝持续不断地帮助他的子民,即使在他们经历苦难和死亡的时候。上帝的帮助并非总是体现在显赫的胜利中,而是在他们每一次的困境中,上帝都从未放弃过他们。这段经文描述了上帝如何带领他的子民走出奴役,走向自由,以及他们在旅途中所经历的奇迹和考验。上帝的帮助是持续的、全面的,即使在最黑暗的时刻,他仍然与他的子民同在。 Fr. Mike Schmitz: 上帝既公正又慈悲,教导我们要爱我们的敌人,为恨我们的人行善。这并非易事,需要我们不断地努力和祈祷,才能做到真正的爱与宽恕。这段经文呼吁我们学习上帝的爱,去爱那些伤害我们的人,以爱来回应恨,以善来回应恶。 Fr. Mike Schmitz: 马加比家族的战斗动机是捍卫圣殿及其纯洁,维护上帝的荣耀,这预示着耶稣的教导:要将上帝置于一切之上。马加比家族的信仰和行动为我们树立了榜样,提醒我们信仰的重要性以及为信仰而奋斗的勇气。 Fr. Mike Schmitz: 《所罗门智慧书》的结尾强调了上帝即使在苦难中也从未放弃过他的子民,这应鼓励我们相信上帝即使在我们破碎中也与我们同在。即使我们经历痛苦和悲伤,上帝仍然与我们同在,他的爱和帮助从未离开过我们。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the primary motivation for the Maccabees in their fight to defend the temple?

The Maccabees were primarily motivated to defend the temple and maintain its purity to uphold God’s honor.

How did God manifest His help for the Israelites during their journey?

God manifested His help through various wonders, such as the cloud overshadowing the camp, dry land emerging from water, and the transformation of animals, ensuring the Israelites' safety and journey.

What was the significance of the golden scepter given to Judas in the vision?

The golden scepter symbolized divine authority and a gift from God to strike down adversaries, reinforcing Judas's confidence and the people's resolve.

How did the Maccabees prepare for battle against their enemies?

The Maccabees prepared for battle by trusting in God's help, encouraging each other with past victories, and arming themselves with brave words and inspiration rather than just physical weapons.

What lesson does the proverb teach about dealing with enemies?

The proverb teaches to treat enemies with kindness, such as feeding them if they are hungry or thirsty, as this can turn their hearts and be rewarded by God.

Why did the enemies of the Israelites change their minds and pursue them after allowing them to depart?

The enemies pursued the Israelites because they regretted letting them go and wanted to capture them again, driven by their own foolish decisions and the punishment they deserved.

What does the conclusion of the Wisdom of Solomon highlight about God's relationship with His people?

The conclusion highlights that God has always been present and glorified His people, helping them at all times and in all places, even through their struggles and sufferings.

How did the elements behave differently during the Israelites' journey, according to the Wisdom of Solomon?

The elements changed their usual behavior, such as land animals becoming water creatures and fire retaining its power in water, to protect and guide the Israelites.

What does Fr. Mike emphasize as the most important aspect of worship for the Maccabees?

Fr. Mike emphasizes that for the Maccabees, the purity and defense of the temple were more important than even their loved ones, reflecting their deep commitment to God's honor.

How does Fr. Mike interpret the line 'Their greatest and first fear was for the consecrate sanctuary'?

Fr. Mike interprets this line as highlighting the Maccabees' priority to defend the temple, which was more important to them than their own families and personal safety.

This chapter details the Maccabees' efforts to defend the temple and maintain its purity, focusing on their battle against Nicanor and the significance of their victory.
  • Nicanor plans to attack the Jews on the day of rest.
  • Judas Maccabeus prepares his men for battle, emphasizing trust in God's help.
  • Judas receives a vision of a man who loves the brethren and praises God, encouraging his men.
  • The Jews defeat Nicanor's army, killing over 35,000 men, and display Nicanor's head and arm as a sign of God's victory.

Shownotes Transcript


How many is father the matches? And you're listening to the bible in a year podcast where we encountered god voice and live life to the lens of scripture. The bible in a year podcast right to ascension using the great adventure bibel title and will read all the way from genesis to revelation, discovering how the story observation and pulls now weve IT in that story.

Today, IT is a three hundred and twelve. We are reading the final chapter of marketers, the final chapter of the wish Solomon, and the book of proverb chater twenty five verses twenty one to twenty three. As always, the bible translation on reading from is the revised standard version.

Second category i'm using the great adventure arrive from a sense. If you want download your own bible in the year reading plan, you can visit a sensor pressure such bible in the year. If you had done so, you would realize that today, as I said yesterday, and maybe even the day before today, take three twelve IT is the final day in the old testament.

We are still going to hang out with problems, of course, every single day. But my gosh, this is that you guys you will be able to say, basically you ve read the entire all the testament by the end of today within the next twenty ish, how very long we have together minutes ah that's congratulations. You would know that if you have downloaded the bible in the year timeline that keep talking the model the time anyways, you also subscribe to this podcast and receive daily episodes and daily updates.

As I said, IT is day three hundred and twelve reading second book of the makeba chapter fifteen, the book of wisdom Solomon on chapter nineteen, and probably after twenty five hours is twenty one through twenty three. The second book of the macabre chapter fifteen, nicky's arrogance. When nick nor heard that juice and his men were in the region of samaria, he made plans to attack them with complete safety on the day of rest.

And when the jews, who are compelled to follow him said, do not destroy so savaged ebara sly, but show respect for the day which he who sees all things has honored and healed above other days. The twice occurred, rich asked if they were a sovereign heaven who had commended the keeping of the sabic day, and when they declared, IT is the living lord himself, the sovereign heaven who ordered us to the seventh day, he replied, and I am a sovereign earth, and I command you to take up arms and finished the king's business. Nevertheless, he did not succeed in Carrying out his abdominal design.

Judice prepares at the jews for battle. This nick, or in his other posters, lace and arrogance, had determined to erect a public monument of Victory over judice and his men. But cabeus did not seize to trust with all confidence that he would get help from the lord, and he exhorted his men not to fear the attack of the gentiles, but to keep in mind the former times when help had come to them from heaven, and now to look for the Victory which the almighty would give them, encouraging them from the law and the profits, and reminding them also of the struggles they had won, he made them the more eager.

And when he had aroused their courage, he gave his orders at the same time pointing out the perfect ty of the gentiles and their violation of boats. He armed each of them not so much with confidence and shield ld and spears as with the inspiration of brave words. And he cheer them all by relating a dream, a sort of vision which was worthy of belief. What he saw was this, or I S, who had been hyper est, a noble and good man of modest bearing and gentle manner, one who spoke fittingly and had had been trained from childhood and all that belongs to excEllence was praying without stretch hands for the whole body of the jews. Then likewise, a man appeared distinguished by his grey hair in dignity and of marvelous majesty and authority, and to nice spoke, saying, this is a man who loves the brethren and praise much for the people and the holy city geria the profit of god.

Jermaine stretched out his right hand and gave to judice a golden sod, and as he gave IT, he addressed him thus, take this holy sd, a gift from god with which you will strike down your adversary, encouraged by the words of judice, so novel and so effective, and arousing beller and awaking manliness in the souls of the Young, they determined not to Carry on a campaign, but to attack bravely and to decide the matter by fighting hand to hand with all courage. Because the city and the sanctuary and the temple were in danger, they are concerned for wives and children and also for brethren and relatives lay upon them less heavily. Their greatest and first fear was for the concreted singular.

And those who had to remain in the city were in no little distress, being anxious over the encounter in the open country, the defeat and death of nick or when all we're now looking forward to the coming decision. And the enemy was already close at hand, with their army drawn up for battle, the elephant strategically stationed and the cover deployed on the flanks. Ncb is perceiving the hosts that were before him and the very supply of arms and the savaging of the elephants stretched out his hands toward heaven and called upon the lord who works wonders for he knew that he is not buy arms, but as the lord decides that he gains the Victory for those who deserve IT and he called upon him in these words, o lord, you sent your Angel in the time of his chia, king of judea, and he slew fully one hundred and eighty five thousand and the camp of the neck rib.

So now, o sovranty of the heavens, send a good Angel to Carry terror and trembling before us by the might of your ARM made those blast femmes who come against your holy people be struck down with these words he ended his prayer. Nick nor and his men advanced trumpets and battle songs, and judice and his men met the enemy in battle with vocation to god and prayers, so fighting with their hands and praying to god in their hearts. They laid low, no less than thirty five thousand men, and we're greatly gladden by god's manifestation.

When the action was over, and they were returning with joy, they recognize nick nor lying dead in full armour. Then they were shouting and tumut, and they blessed the sovereign lord in the language of their fathers and the man who was ever embody and sold the defender of his fellow citizens. The man who maintained his youthful goodwill toward his country men ordered them to cut off nick on his head and ARM and Carry them to.

And when he arrived there, and I called this in together and station, the priest before the altar he sent for those were in the citadel, he showed them the bioko kin's head and that profane man's ARM, which had been boastfully stretched out against the holy house of the ali. And he cut out the tune of the ungodly dly nikon or and said that he would give IT peace meal to the birds and hang up these rewards of his fully opposite the sAnitary. And they are looking to heaven blessed sed the lord who had manifested himself saying, bless IT is he who has kept his own place underfunded? And he hang nick ono's head from the citadel, a clear and conspicious sign to everyone of the help of the lord.

And they all decreed by public vote, never to let this day go unobserved, but to celebrate the thirteenth day of this wealth month, which is called a dar in the syrian language, the day before mortis day, the compilers epilogue e this then is how matters turned out with nick or, and from that time, the city has been in the possession of the hebrews. So I too will hear, end of my story, if IT is well told into the point that is what I myself desired. If IT is poorly done in mediocre, that was the best I could do for just as IT is harmful to drink wine alone, or again, to drink water alone, while wine mixed with water is sweet and delicious and enhances one's enjoyment.

So also, the style of the story delights the years of those who read the work. And here will be the end. The wisdom of Solomon chapter nineteen gods continuing help for his people, but the ungodly were assailed to the end by people less anger for god, new in advance, even their future actions that though they themselves had permitted your people to depart and hastily sent them fourth, they would change their minds and pursue them for while they were still busy at morning. And we're lamenting at the graves of their dead, they reached another foolish decision and pursued as fugitives those whom they had begged and compelled to the part for the fate they deserved, drew them on to this end and made them forget what had happened in order that they might fill up the punishment which their torments still lacked, and that your people might experience an incredible journey, but they themselves might meet a strange death for the whole creation, in its nature was passionate and knew complying with your commands that your children might be kept unharmed.

The cloud was seen overshadowing the camp and dry land emerging where water head stood before an unhindered way out of the red sea and a grassy plane out of the raging waves were those protected by your hand passed through as one nation after gazing on marvellous wonders, for they ranged like horses and leaped like lames, praising new old lord who delivered them, for they still recalled the events of their soldiers n how, instead of producing animals, the earth brought forth nats, and instead of fish, the river spewed out vast numbers of frogs. Afterward, they saw also a new kind of birds. When desire LED them to ask for luxury ious food for to give them relief coils came up from the sea.

Punishments did not come upon the winners without prior signs in the violence of thunder, for they justly suffer because of their wicked acts, for they practice a more bitter hatred of strangers. Others had refused to receive strangers when they came to them, but these made slaves of guests who are their benefactors and do not, so only but punishment of some sort will come upon. The former for their hostile reception of the strangers, but the latter, after receiving them with festive celebrations afflicted with terrible sufferings.

Those who who had already shared the same rights, they were stricken also with loss of sight, just as were those at the door of the righteous man, when surrounded by yawning darkness, each tried to find the way through his own door. For the elements changed. Places with one another is on a halp.

The notes vary the nature of rythm. While each note remains the same, this may be clearly inferred from the site of what took place for land. Animals were transformed into water creatures and creatures that swim moved over to the land. Fire, even in water, retained its Normal power, and water forgot its fire quenching nature.

Flames, on the contrary, failed to consume the flesh of partial creatures that walked among them, nor did they melt the Christal line, easily melt IT kind of heavily food for in everything, old lord, you have exhaust and glorified your people, and you have not neglected to help them at all times and in all places. The book, a proverb chapter twenty five versus twenty one to twenty three, if your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will keep coals of fire on his head, and the lord will reward you. The north wind brings fourth rain and the backbitings tune angry looks.

Father, have to give you praise and gore. Thank you so much. Thank you for not only for your justice, but also for your mercy and how you teach us and to love our enemies and do good for those who hate us.

Thank you for that. Help us to be able to do IT, help us even love our neighbors, help us even love our friends. Well, because, but when IT comes to love, it's what remained for, and it's something we're struggle to do to help us, help us to stay in every day.

And jesus, named praying a men, the name of the father of the sun, of the holy spirit. Am, okay, we are. You guys stay three hundred and twelve. This is amazing. We've just concluded the acec book, mack abies, tomorrow you have tufa.

Of course, whenever we have a new time period or a messy ecc fulfilment, we've had a tufa where, jeff, I get a chance to talk and introduce the gospel of luke, and then, you know, the whole era of the church coming up very soon. So that's coming tomorrow. Get ready.

Prepare yourself for that. But also I also I want to highlight what a gift IT is to have. Jeff, Kevin doesn't IT.

I'm just man. I well, I can go on and on. I can gush. I'm not gonna anymore. But I let's go back to second map ies.

The last chapter and second map, ies, there's a line here that highlights the fact of what drives, drives, drive, drove, what really motivated the mcbee s right? Rarely motivated. Those were fighting.

Here is due as mcb us, who is encouraging the people to fight again, not relying on their own swords or spears, not relying ing on their own strength, their ARM, but relying upon the help that came from the lord. But also, what is IT for? What is IT for? And this is a chapter of fifteen, first eighteen.

IT said this, they are concerned for wives and children, and also for brethren and relatives lay upon them less heavily. Their greatest and first fear was for the consecutive sanusian. There's something about this that just highlights what is the motivation.

Of course, they love their wives and their children. They love their relatives and brethren, obviously, but that wait upon them less heavily than for the conservative sancy. The thing was to defend the temple. The thing was to people to keep the place of worship of god pure.

I just think about this, what would our lives be like if that was our passion, if that was our pursuit, was lord for your honor, for the hour of your name? Not that we would go over the violence, but I just mean that we would defend, that we would keep our worship pure, that we would, when he comes to offering the sacrifice of the mass, to be able to say, lord, that's the most important thing. More important than, like mentioned the other day, more important than hockey, more important than the idols of my lives, but even more important than the people I love is your temple.

More important than the people I love is the ukridge. You know, this is the four shadow I think of how jesus says, do is a cycle. He says, if you want to be my a cycle, going to let me more than anything else. And that's where we're heading tomorrow. Tomorrow are beginning the gospel look.

And just what does that look like to follow jesus? Does jesus look like an invitation for tomorrow? And as we read to the gospel of saint, look is, is that just to watch jesus to listen to how how we act and listen to how he lives, which is such a gift?

Chapter nineteen, the wisdom solar is obviously the conclusion, in some ways, to the story of existence. That means not really, because we know that there is all these wilderness wanderings, but we have the red sea. We have the people of egypt who change their mind when they told the hebrews to leave, and then they went in pursuit of them, and how god continued to fight for his people and continued to bring them from this place of slavery to a place of freedom.

And I love this, this last line for everything. Or lord, you have exhaust and glorified your people, and you have not neglected to help them at all times and in all places. And when we know the story, though, you guys, we know the story, we know that the story is not pretty like mention yesterday.

The story is not always beautiful and not always clean and neat, and yet we can still affirm you did not neglect to help them at all times in all places, even if there was trouble, even if they were suffering, even when there was death. You did not neglect to help them at all times in all places. That's what god does rust to help us have that I got.

We just pray that you help us to have eyes to see this, that you are present even in the miss of our brokenness. That's pray for each other, you guys, because, hi, I said this all the time, but I know that in this community, there are people right now. This is the worst day of their life.

If that's you, you are not alone. You are not alone, prying for you. Brother and sisters, i'm paying for you.

Please pray for me. Money is brother mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. Get less.