cover of episode Day 281: Good and Evil (2024)

Day 281: Good and Evil (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike Schmitz: 本集节目解读了尼希米记第13章和玛拉基书,重点关注了以色列人在重建家园后对上帝诫命的背离。尼希米归来后发现圣殿被亵渎,许多人与外邦人通婚,违背了上帝的旨意。他采取措施纠正这些错误,恢复圣殿的秩序和以色列人的信仰。玛拉基书则谴责了祭司的腐败和以色列人对上帝的背叛,他们以污秽的祭物献祭,亵渎了上帝的圣名,并对上帝的恩典和爱产生质疑。先知呼吁以色列人悔改,忠于上帝和婚姻的约定,预言了以利亚的再来和上帝的审判日。节目中还探讨了现代社会中‘道德主义治疗性泛神论’的现象,指出许多人对上帝之爱的误解,认为上帝容忍邪恶,并只在需要时寻求上帝的帮助。节目最后强调了对上帝忠诚的重要性,以及对耶稣基督再来和最终审判的准备。

Deep Dive

Upon his return to Jerusalem, Nehemiah discovered the Israelites' unfaithfulness, including intermarriage and neglecting temple worship. He took decisive action, purifying the temple, enforcing Sabbath observance, and condemning intermarriage, citing King Solomon's example.
  • Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to find a decline in faithfulness and violations of Mosaic law.
  • He cleansed the temple, restored proper tithing practices, and enforced Sabbath observance.
  • Nehemiah condemned intermarriage with foreign women, highlighting the negative impact even on King Solomon.

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike summarizes the final moments of the book of Nehemiah, when Nehemiah returns to find the people of Israel being unfaithful to God’s commandments and marrying foreign wives. Fr. Mike connects this to our lives, as we too often confuse God’s unending love for us to mean that he always wants what we want.Today’s readings are Nehemiah 13, Malachi 1-4, and Proverbs 21: 25-28.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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