cover of episode Day 277: Such a Time as This (2024)

Day 277: Such a Time as This (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
施密茨神父在节目中深入探讨了尼希米记、以斯帖记和箴言书章节的经文。他首先分析了尼希米记中以斯拉的祷告,指出以斯拉回顾了上帝对以色列人的恩典以及以色列人自身的罪过,强调了上帝的信实与人类的过失。这部分经文突出了对上帝恩典的感恩以及对自身罪恶的认罪悔改的重要性。神父指出,生活中所有美好的事物都源于上帝,而灾难的发生则源于人类自身的过错。 随后,神父讲解了以斯帖记中摩尔德凯劝说以斯帖皇后以及摩尔德凯和以斯帖的祷告。摩尔德凯劝说以斯帖即使身处王宫,犹太人仍然面临危险,并鼓励她为同胞挺身而出,暗示她可能正是为此而被上帝安排在这个位置。摩尔德凯的祷告表达了他对上帝的信赖,并祈求上帝拯救以色列人免受灭顶之灾,强调了他行为并非出于骄傲,而是为了维护上帝的荣耀。以斯帖的祷告则展现了她内心的挣扎和对王宫生活的厌恶,但她并没有因此而变得怨恨或软弱,反而更加坚定地信赖上帝,并祈求上帝拯救她的子民。 最后,神父解读了箴言书中关于与好争吵的女子同住的痛苦以及惩罚嘲笑者能使单纯者变得聪明的经文,并以此引出对家庭关系和人际关系的思考。 总而言之,施密茨神父通过对这三卷书经文的解读,强调了上帝的恩典、人类的罪过以及在关键时刻做出正确抉择的重要性。他鼓励听众在生活中时刻反省自身,感恩上帝的恩典,并勇敢地承担责任,为信仰和正义而努力。

Deep Dive

Ezra's prayer recounts God's constant faithfulness and provision for Israel, juxtaposed with Israel's repeated disobedience and rebellion. It highlights God's mercy despite their failings, emphasizing the origin of both blessings and hardships.
  • Ezra recounts Israel's history, highlighting God's blessings and their unfaithfulness.
  • He acknowledges God as the source of all good and their choices as the source of hardship.
  • The prayer emphasizes God's mercy and willingness to forgive despite repeated offenses.

Shownotes Transcript

Today's readings remind us that all good things come from God, and he calls us to specific places and times for a reason. In the book of Esther, Fr. Mike points out that Esther was perfectly positioned to fulfill God's will. We too, can examine our lives and realize that there are places God has brought us, "for such a time as this". The readings are Nehemiah 9, Esther 4 and 14, and Proverbs 21:9-12.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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