cover of episode Day 276: Haman's Plan (2024)

Day 276: Haman's Plan (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Father Mike Schmitz
A Catholic priest, speaker, author, and podcaster known for his social media presence and impactful ministries in the Diocese of Duluth.
Father Mike Schmitz: 本期播客解读尼希米记第8章,讲述了以斯拉朗读摩西律法,百姓因其内容而感动落泪,体现了上帝律法的智慧、公正和慈悲,以及上帝与以色列人之间的盟约关系。百姓的哭泣源于他们对自身未能遵从上帝律法的悔恨,以及对与上帝盟约关系的重新认识。 Father Mike Schmitz: 以斯帖记第3章和第13章讲述了哈曼由于默德该不向他下拜而怀恨在心,并借此机会向亚哈随鲁王建议消灭犹太人,国王最终同意了他的建议。亚哈随鲁王的这一决定体现了他的残暴和不公正,预示着以斯帖将面临巨大挑战,也凸显了犹太人面临的生存危机。哈曼的阴谋和亚哈随鲁王的暴行与上帝律法的公义和慈爱形成鲜明对比。 Father Mike Schmitz: 箴言21:5-8 阐述了勤奋与轻率的对比,勤奋的计划带来富足,而轻率则导致贫困。这与尼希米记中百姓对上帝律法的回应形成呼应,强调了遵从上帝旨意的重要性。遵从上帝的律法,才能获得真正的平安和富足。

Deep Dive

Upon their return from exile, the Israelites gathered to hear Ezra read the Law of Moses. The people were deeply moved, weeping as they heard the words, realizing the depth of their covenant with God. Ezra and the Levites taught the people, reminding them of the joy of the Lord and celebrating the Feast of Booths.
  • Ezra read the Law of Moses to the Israelites in the seventh month.
  • The people wept upon hearing the Law, realizing the depth of their covenant with God.
  • The Israelites celebrated the Feast of Booths with great rejoicing.

Shownotes Transcript

As Fr. Mike reads from Nehemiah today, we hear about how the hearts of the people of Israel were moved as Ezra reads the book of the law of Moses to them. In our reading of Esther, we have the beginning of the crisis that will unfold throughout the book as Haman, backed by the king, seeks to destroy the Jews. Today’s readings are Nehemiah 8, Esther 3 and 13, and Proverbs 21:5-8.

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Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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