cover of episode Day 265: Sins of Omission (2024)

Day 265: Sins of Omission (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

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Fr. Mike Schmitz
Fr. Mike Schmitz: 本集节目探讨了疏忽之罪(sins of omission), 指出其在决定谁能上天堂,谁能下地狱方面的重要性。他强调,天堂与地狱的区分不在于是否做了恶事,而在于是否做了上帝呼召我们去做的好事。施洗约翰的例子说明了即使是那些看似虔诚的人,也可能因为没有尽到上帝赋予的责任而遭受惩罚。施主慈悲的行为,例如喂饱饥饿的人、解渴、收留陌生人、为赤身裸体的人提供衣物、探望病人和囚犯,是通往天堂的关键。疏忽这些善行,即疏忽之罪,是导致下地狱的原因。他引用了圣经中关于智慧处女和愚拙处女、以及才干的比喻,解释了准备的重要性以及与上帝建立关系的重要性。他指出,这些比喻并非普遍适用,而是强调了个人与上帝建立关系的重要性,以及在生活中实践信仰的重要性。他进一步阐述了圣雅各伯书中关于“没有行为的信心是死的”的观点,强调了信仰与行为的统一性。最后,他以他母亲的例子说明,即使没有远赴异地行善,也可以在日常生活中通过爱护家人来实践基督的教诲。 Fr. Mike Schmitz: 在谈到耶稣受难的开端时,他强调了客西马尼园中耶稣祈祷的意义。耶稣的祈祷体现了诚实和信任两种核心要素。他诚实地向父神倾诉内心的痛苦,同时也表达了对父神旨意的信任,即使这旨意意味着巨大的痛苦和牺牲。这种诚实和信任应该成为我们祈祷的榜样,我们应该坦诚地向神表达内心的真实感受,无论这些感受是痛苦、恐惧还是困惑。同时,我们也应该学习耶稣对父神旨意的完全顺服,即使这旨意与我们的愿望相悖。他鼓励听众不仅要为自身祈祷,也要为彼此祈祷,因为在信仰的旅程中,彼此的代祷至关重要。

Deep Dive

Sins of omission, the failure to do good, play a significant role in determining salvation. Jesus emphasizes caring for the sick, imprisoned, hungry, and thirsty, highlighting the importance of corporal works of mercy. These actions distinguish those who enter heaven from those who don't.
  • Sins of omission are failures to do good.
  • Corporal works of mercy are crucial for salvation.
  • The distinction between those who go to heaven and those who go to hell lies in whether they performed good deeds or not.

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike explains sins of omission, and how these are some of the biggest deciding factors of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell: whether or not we did good works God called us to. He also reminds us that not all of the New Testament parables are universally relevant, recalling the parable of the talents and the parable of the wise and foolish maidens. Today's readings are Matthew 25-26 and Proverbs 19:21-24.

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Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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